Delphes avant le sanctuaire d'Apollon

by Marjolaine Carles. —  Book in French. At the origins of the worship of Apollo at Delphi, the problem of continuity or rupture arises between the Mycenaean and the Greek world. How can religious practices and beliefs of a bygone era be restored on a site without any trace of writing? (Details)

42,00 €
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Éric RAIMOND. — Through a philological study and a new translation of the Hiero’s mythological chronicle (TAM II.174), I focuss on the epiphany of stone images of Artemis in Pinara and Apollo in Lopta…
Mary R. BACHVAROVA. — The deity Appaluwa is added to the discussion of the origin of the Greek god Apollo alongside the Wilusan city god Appaliuna…
14,50 €
Éric RAIMOND. — Paper about Apollo’s origins through Theonym’s etymology, reflection on first possible appearences in Hittite and Linear B, how he looks like in Ilias and Traditions close to his birth place…
14,50 €
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by Éric RAIMOND. — The personnality of Goddess Leto is quite unknown, despite she is the sixth spouse of Zeus and one of the main victims of Hera…
14,50 €
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by Adolfo ZAVARONI. — The Author compares representations concerning tridactyl gods and gods with a wheel which were found in different places of Europe…
14,50 €
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by Éric RAIMOND. — The number Nine is well-attested in many ancient myths…
14,50 €
Lumière sur les loups d’Apollon
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The origin of the name of the deity Apollo is still a matter of debate. The name is attributed to Greek, Anatolian or a substrate language of the Aegean area. Whatever the position one takes on this question, it has consequences far beyond the linguistic debate: it concerns the constitution of the Greek religious belief by inherited or by loan elements. In this article it is decisively taken part for the Greek origin of the deity, which is further linked to elements of Indo-European culture. In spite of some astonishing facts which could be in favor of an Anatolian (or substrate) origin, such an origin is refused. These facts belong already to a further development of the nature of the deity. The whole question is linked to the history of the movements of Indo-European men-groups to unknown regions, notably to the Greek presence in Western Anatolia which is older than generally asumed. In this perspective, Apollo can be considered as a kind of ‘frontier god’ who get’s ‘civilized’ in parallel to the institutional development of the political units venerating him.
14,50 €
Les sanctuaires lyciens de Tlôs et de Patara
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This paper is dealing with some different problems about Lycian sanctuaries of Tlus and Patara. We have examined numismatic and epigraphic material of both cities, in order to give some new reflexions and hypothesis. The problem of an eventual cultual organization of cities of “Tremilis”, whom chief-city would have been Tlus, has been considered mainly from the so-called Sacred Law, Panyassis’ Legend of Tremilids and Panthera coins minted at Tlus. The Panthera typus has been linked to Belleropho’s legend and possible second Storm-God of the “tloean amphictiony”. The problem of the identification of the masculine head on coinage from Tlus and Patara, which could be either of Apollo or Hermes, has also been envisaged. The expression of “Maliyean Patara” in the Inscribed Pillar of Xanthus and the importance of Athenian coinage in the latest city let us wonder if Maliya’s occurrences in Lycian epigraphy really concerned the Asianic Goddess in every cases or referred to Athena. But, we also wondered if particular representations of Athena on Patarean coins designed the Greek Goddess or referred to Maliya instead.
14,50 €
La divinité du mont Argée
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Classical coins from Caesarea (Kayseri) in Cappadocia and gems depict the Argaeus mountain in relation with a solar deity and horse. Commentators often hesitated to give a name to this deity : Helios-Apollon, Zeus-Sarapis ? According to texts from Kanesh, compared with classical and iconographical sources, the Argaeus-deity could be Pirwa, god of the mountain and protector of horses, the sanctuary of which was a kind of baetyl.
14,50 €
Les douze grands dieux de l’Énéide
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By the time when Vergil wrote the Aeneid, the number and identification of the Olympian Gods had long been determined. The Gods were twelve in number, collectively known as “dodekatheoi”, and their names, in Latin, were: Apollo, Ceres, Diana, Iuno, Iuppiter, Mars, Mercurius, Minerva, Neptunus, Venus, Vesta and Vulcanus. Yet it may be safely assumed that no order or, as it were, logical sequence, was ever imposed for the group as a whole, so that any artist or writer in Antiquity remained free to represent or describe them in the order of his choice. This article focuses on the question of the Twelve Olympians in the Aeneid. It puts forward a method whose purpose is to examine whether each book of the poem may be said to be dominated by one particular Olympian god. This investigation comes as a complement of previous studies already published about the literary architecture of the Aeneid.
14,50 €
Mythologie de fondation dans quelques îles et sur les rivages de la mer Égée
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Drawing a parallel between Apollo and Telipinu as founders brings to light the numerous analogies between the foundation processes in ancient Greece and Anatolia. Such analogies, which can hardly be put down to a common Indo-European origin, lead us to wonder whether Anatolia did not play a prominent part in the building up of the Apollo-centered foundation process in ancient Greece.
14,50 €
Dieux-rois du sud-ouest anatolien, de Kos et de Karpathos : le roi kaunien et arğğazuméen
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Drawing a parallel between Apollo and Telipinu as founders brings to light the numerous analogies between the foundation processes in ancient Greece and Anatolia. Such analogies, which can hardly be put down to a common Indo-European origin, lead us to wonder whether Anatolia did not play a prominent part in the building up of the Apollo-centered foundation process in ancient Greece.
14,50 €