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ISBN: 978-2-87457-012-4

Poétique des ténèbres. De l’indo-européen au latin

= Article =
A. CHRISTOL, « Poétique des ténèbres. De l’indo-européen au latin », dans A. BLANC et E. DUPRAZ (éd.), Procédés synchroniques de la langue poétique en grec et en latin (Langues et cultures anciennes 9), Bruxelles, 2007, p. 53-58.
Latins have lost the oral epic tradition, as kept by Homer and Mahābhārata. The present paper tries to trace out latin formulas which could belong to such a tradition : Indo-European poetry conceived the succession of days and nights as two veils, one being bright, the other dark, which were drawn alternatively over the earth. Latin poetry uses noctem/ tenebras/ auroram (in/ob)-tendere or (in/ob)ducere, but it is not easy to distinguish inherited formulas and borrowings from Greek epic poetry. More surprising is the use of ruere (nox ruit, sol ruit) ; in such a phraseology; ruere could represent an i.-e. root *Hrew- “is red” (hitt. harwanaizzi “the first light of dawn appears”), further confused with ruere “to rush”.