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14,50 €
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ISBN: 978-2-87457-012-4

Séquences dactyliques dans la prose d’Hérodote. Hexamètres, homérismes, formules

= Article =
K. MANSOUR, « Séquences dactyliques dans la prose d’Hérodote. Hexamètres, homérismes, formules », dans A. BLANC et E. DUPRAZ (éd.), Procédés synchroniques de la langue poétique en grec et en latin (Langues et cultures anciennes 9), Bruxelles, 2007, p. 151-162.
This paper focuses on some of the numerous dactylic sequences which occur in Herodotus’ prose, styled as homêrikôtatos by Ps.-Longinus; this study will conform to the appraisal given on Herodotus’ language by the rhetor Hermogenes. First, a selection of dactylic sequences will be questioned as to their stylistic and thematic motivation; and we shall identify some likely hexameters. We shall then proceed to examine Herodotus’ use of homeric literal phrases or phrases of homeric inspiration. Finally, we wil try to identify dactylic recurrent sequences which may be considered as formulae, in order for the present contribution to shed light on Herodotus’ homerism.