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ISBN: 978-2-87457-060-5

Les constructions narratives chez Tite-Live. L’exemple des leges agrariae dans la première décade de l’"Ab Urbe condita"

= Article =

N. MEUNIER, « Les constructions narratives chez Tite-Live. L’exemple des leges agrariae dans la première décade de l’Ab Urbe condita », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
This paper deals with the narrative construction of the agrarian laws in the Early Roman Republic (5th-4th centuries BC). According to Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus, the legislative corpus comprises 38 laws, but only five of them have been well studied by modern scholarship, for a simple and understandable reason: they are the only ones on which we can find more extensive information. Nevertheless, the study of the whole corpus makes it possible to distinguish two levels of narrative hierarchy in the traditional account. The first one (called “primary framework”) consists of five episodes, which serve as a basis for the historical reconstruction. The other (called “secondary framework”) is made up of six occasional literary patterns, which present each of the agrarian laws in a well defined way.

Numéro spécial anniversaire "10 ans", avec pour thème : "La ruralité dans la Méditerranée antique : droit, religion, commerces, pratiques"