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ISBN: 978-2-87457-082-7 | REF. RANT11_POD

À propos d’Isis et du cerf : en Occident, aussi !

= Article =

J.-L. PODVIN, « À propos d’Isis et du cerf : en Occident, aussi ! », Res Antiquae 11, Bruxelles, 2014, p. 185-188.
In 2011, Christophe Chandezon published a very interesting paper concerning the relations between the Isiac cults and the deer(s) in Beotia and Phocidia. In our short paper, we want to show that these relations existed in other parts of the Eastern world (Delos, Asia Minor, Crete, Crimea), but also in the Western world (discovery of antlers in Isis sanctuaries in Spain, and in Germany; graphic representations of the cervid in the Isis temple of Pompéi). As the deer was usually connected with Artemis, it points the narrow links between these different deities, in the East as in the West, in the Hellenistic period as in the Roman Empire.