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ISBN: 978-2-87457-085-8

Les navires des Grecs d’Asie au service des Grands Rois perses

= Article =

F. BOUZID-ADLER, « Les navires des Grecs d’Asie au service des Grands Rois perses », Res Antiquae 12, Bruxelles, 2015.
This article is an iconographical study about asian greek warships at the time of the achaemenid domination. These galleys are less well known than those built in Athens. Alternately we will consider the representations (coins, low-relief) of triremes and other types of ships. We shall also try, when it is possible, to compare the greek ships and those built in Phoenicia. The underlying issue is the dynamism of the subject cities in the field of shipbuilding.
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