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ISBN: 978-2-87457-034-6

La circulation des biens et des savoirs en Égypte romaine

= Article =
D. MOINE, « La circulation des biens et des savoirs en Égypte romaine », Res Antiquae 7, Bruxelles, 2010, p. 157-166.
There is still a false look about commerce in Antiquity. Many clichés like life in autarky always exist. But, in Roman Egypt, commerce seems to be something of more complex.
There is local productions (like mining exploitations), but some towns are true centres of circulation of goodies coming from far away. Some sites testify of contacts with Arabia, India, Red Sea…by the way of ports like Berenice. Roads for caravans lie through deserts, with some military camps, wells and temples along them. Religious centres in commercial towns seem to be some keys to understand much the conception of commerce in Antiquity. In Roman Egypt, the emperor is portray like pharaoh offering local goodies (or exportation products coming in the site) to the pantheon. This fact could be easily explain: the piety of the king help to focalise the goodness of the gods on earthly economy.
Actes des Cinquièmes Journées de l’Orient
Louvain-la-Neuve, 11-13 mars 2009 :
Entre Mer de Chine et Mer du Nord.
Migration des savoirs, transfert des connaissances, transmission des sagesses.
De l’Antiquité à nos jours


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