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ISBN: 978-2-87457-046-9

Trois divinités tyriennes dans le récit de I Rois 18

= Article =

P. BORDREUIL, « Trois divinités tyriennes dans le récit de I Rois 18 », Res Antiquae 9, Bruxelles, 2012.
The Storm-God invokated by the prophets of Baal at I Kings 18 has been identified with Baal Shamīm or Milqart. The dance performed by the prophets, Elijah’s ironic references to some business, travel or sleep of this silent God and the presence of the prophets of Asherah allow us to see in this text a polemic against the three main tyrian deities : Baal Shamīm, Ashtart and Milqart.
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