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ISBN: 978-2-87457-046-9

La question des mots et noms mitanni-aryens, légués par les Indo-Iraniens du Mittanni

= Article =

A. FOURNET, « La question des mots et noms mitanni-aryens, légués par les Indo-Iraniens du Mittanni », Res Antiquae 9, Bruxelles, 2012.
The paper deals with the issue of the Indo-Aryan-sounding superstrate, represented by Person Names and words in Hurrian texts of the Mittanni Kingdom and related documents of the ancient Near-East. It reexamines the items studied by scholars like Mayrhofer and proposes additional data, that appear to have been overlooked. It also tries to address the reasons why Indo-Iranian people would have ventured in the Near-East.