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ISBN: 978-2-87457-031-5

Amour, musique et poésie au gré des relations égypto-hittites. Réflexions autour d’une statuette de harpiste ‘hittite’ de Médinet el-Gourob/Miour

= Article =
J. DE VOS, « Amour, musique et poésie au gré des relations égypto-hittites. Réflexions autour d’une statuette de harpiste ‘hittite’ de Médinet el-Gourob/Miour », dans I. KLOCK-FONTANILLE, S. BIETTLOT et K. MESHOUB (éd.), Identité et altérité culturelles : le cas des Hittites dans le Proche-Orient ancien. Actes de colloque, Université de Limoges 27-28 novembre 2008, Bruxelles, 2010.
The Hittite-Egyptian relationships are not being tackled here based on the events that have marked international history. We will be looking at a little statue, which embodies a humble protagonist of the relations established between Egypt and Anatolia. This is the statue of a musician labelled as "Hittite", which was discovered in Médinet en-Gourob, the royal residence and harem where Asian spouses of the pharaoh are thought to have resided.
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