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ISBN: 978-2-87457-060-5

Les Šerden et l’Égypte. Des armes et … du grain !

= Article =

J. DE VOS, « Les Šerden et l’Égypte. Des armes et … du grain ! », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
During the Asiatic wars of the Pharaohs, a group of mercenaries Šerden constitutes a part of the troops composing the Egyptian Army. Settled in Egyptian fortresses, this group forms a troop of auxiliaries in the service of Egyptian kings, as in the cities of Byblos and Ougarit. But this group of Šerden possess also important agricultural properties in Egypt, while the countries of the oriental Mediterranean Sea was marked by a difficult supply in cereal.

Numéro spécial anniversaire "10 ans", avec pour thème :
"La ruralité dans la Méditerranée antique : droit, religion, commerces, pratiques"