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ISBN: 978-2-87457-036-0

Naharina et Mitanni au IIe millénaire avant J.-C. À propos des maryannou et de la présence hourrite en Égypte

= Article =
J. DE VOS, « Naharina et Mitanni au IIe millénaire avant J.-C. À propos des maryannou et de la présence hourrite en Égypte », Res Antiquae 8, Bruxelles, 2011.
During the New Egyptian Kingdom, numerous foreigners stayed in Egypt. If some of them came with a lot of diplomatic embassies, the others were captured during military campaigns. Children of foreign kings stayed in the kap’s school of the palace, and princesses are given in marriage to Egyptian king. Among these foreigners, Hurrians and their famous maryannou exercised a very important domination.
Actes de la Journée Langues rares
(Institut catholique de Paris, 20 novembre 2009) :
Le hourrite