= Paper =
F. MOUROT, "Enjeux de la fouille stratigraphique pour l’étude des tombes à puits de la Troisième Période Intermédiaire. L’exemple de la tombe de Karomama", in B. LURSON (ed.), "De la mère du roi à l’épouse du dieu. Première synthèse des résultats de la fouille du temple de Touy et de la tombe de Karomama – Von der Königsmutter zur Gottesgemahlin. Erste Synthese der Ausgrabungsergebnisse des Tempels von Tuja und des Grabes von Karomama" (
Connaissance de l'Egypte Ancienne, 18), Brussels, 2017.
The tomb shaft of the divine adoratrice Karomama (9th century B.C.) was excavated during the 2014–2015 excavation seasons. Its stratigraphic excavation allowed for the reconstructing of the phases of the tomb’s history, from its construction to its excavation. The method of the stratigraphic excavation, combined with a systematic sieving, allowed for the recovery of valuable historical and archaeological data. Thus, it was possible to study the method of construction of the tomb or to point out some of the rites practiced during the burial, such as the deposit of offerings. Moreover, having identified in situ layers, new possibilities for the typochronology of the artefacts to which they belong are possible.
From a methodological point of view, the lessons learned from the excavation of Karomama’s tomb are also of great interest, for the question of the methods used for studying the tomb shafts of the Third Intermediate Period, as well as for the possibility of creating reference points for dating the funerary and domestic material.
Keywords : Archaeological Dig, Ramesseum, Touy Temple, Grave, Karomama, 9th Century B.C.