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2) Writing bibliographic references
In this system, expressions such as Idem, ibidem, op. cit., loc. cit. are never being used | Short SYSTEM
In footnotes:
Jirku 1930: 152. Kitchen 1982a: 22; Kitchen 1982b: 7.10-12. Jirku 1930: 155. According to Lipiński (2000: 28), the Aramean… Moschos 2009: 409-412. Diosono, Clavel-Lévêque, Sorini 2009.
| |
| In the bibliography at the end of an article or a book: |
Journal article Name P. Year, “Title of the article”, in Title of the Journal 10, p. 1-22. | Jirku A. 1930, “Durch Palästina und Syrien. Bericht über eine Forschungsreise 1929”, in Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 53, p. 136-166, pl. 6-8. |
Book Name P. Year, Title of the book, City (in English). | Figulla H.H., Weidner E.F. 1916, Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazkhöi, Erstes Heft, Leipzig (= KBo I).
Kitchen K.A. 1979, Ramesside Inscriptions, II, Oxford (= KRI II). — 1982a, Pharaoh Triumphant, Warminster. — 1982b, Ramesside Inscriptions. Historical and bibliographical, IV, Oxford. |
Common abbreviation Abbreviation : see Name Year. (+ complete reference of the author's name, as well as the abbreviation in parentheses at the end of the reference) | KBo I: see Figulla et Weidner 1916. KRI II: see Kitchen 1979. |
Collection - Serie Name P. Year, Title of the book (Title of the collection, 10), City (in English). | Lipiński E. 2000, The Arameans: Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 100), Leuven-Paris. |
Collective works Name P. Year, “Title of the contribution”, in Name P. (ed.), Title of the book, City (in English), p. 2-22. | Moschos I. 2009, “Evidence of Social Re-organization and Reconstruction in Late Helladic III C Achaea and Modes of Contacts and Exchange via the Ionian and Adriatic Sea”, in E. Borgna and P. Cassola Guida (ed.), Dall’Egeo all’Adriatico. Organizzazioni sociali, modi di scambio e interazione in età postpalaziale (XII-XI sec. a.C.) / From the Aegean to the Adriatic. Social Organisations, Modes of Exchange and Interaction in Postpalatial Times (12th-11th B.C.) (Studi e ricerche di protostoria mediterranea, 8), Rome, p. 345-414. |