ISBN: 978-2-87457-097-1
14,50 €

De la tombe aux musées. Etude préliminaire sur la dispersion du mobilier funéraire de la divine adoratrice Karomama

 = Paper =

N. GAUTHIER, "De la tombe aux musées. Etude préliminaire sur la dispersion du mobilier funéraire de la divine adoratrice Karomama", in B. LURSON (ed.), "De la mère du roi à l’épouse du dieu. Première synthèse des résultats de la fouille du temple de Touy et de la tombe de Karomama – Von der Königsmutter zur Gottesgemahlin. Erste Synthese der Ausgrabungsergebnisse des Tempels von Tuja und des Grabes von Karomama" (Connaissance de l'Egypte Ancienne, 18), Brussels, 2017.
Elements of the funerary equipment of the Divine Adoratrice Karomama have been known since the pillaging of her tomb in the nineteenth century. It consists of two canopic vases, five overseers and sixteen funerary servants, all of which are housed in public and private collections throughout the world. Most of these objects were acquired by tourists from the antiquarian Triantaphyllos in Luxor, some time after November 1844.

Interestingly, unlike the ushabtis discovered in 2014 and 2015, when the tomb was excavated, the majority of those that came from the pillaging are intact and/or complete. They very probably had been partially preserved from the event that led to the destruction of the funerary equipment: the collapse of the south-eastern wall during the construction of the neighbouring tomb shaft (PF1181).

Thus, it is shown how the study of the funerary equipment can contribute to a better understanding of the history of a tomb, from its sealing to its excavation.

Keywords : Ramesseum, Temple of Tuy, Karomama, Funerary Furniture, Shabtis, Wardi/Triantaphyllos, Museology, Robbery
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