ISBN: 978-2-87457-097-1
14,50 €

Rapport sur la fouille de la tombe à puits PF1103

 = Paper =

B. LURSON, "Rapport sur la fouille de la tombe à puits PF1103", in B. LURSON (ed.), "De la mère du roi à l’épouse du dieu. Première synthèse des résultats de la fouille du temple de Touy et de la tombe de Karomama – Von der Königsmutter zur Gottesgemahlin. Erste Synthese der Ausgrabungsergebnisse des Tempels von Tuja und des Grabes von Karomama" (Connaissance de l'Egypte Ancienne, 18), Brussels, 2017.
The tomb shaft PF1103 is situated in the court of the Temple of Tuya, vertically to the column CL1105 and the structure of stones and mud SB1107. It was excavated during the 2015 excavation season. The main objective of the excavation of this tomb was to check the hypothesis of a progressive development of the necropolis by sectors and stages in the temple, and to set a framework of absolute chronology for the destruction of the Temple of Tuya and of the Ramesseum, in consideration of observations made during the 2012 excavation season.

Despite the few in situ remains, but based on the typology of the ushabtis together with the ceramological study of the pottery coming from the structure SB1107, this burial can be dated to the third quarter of the 8th century B.C. This early dating is an important result, which leads us to reconsider the history of the necropolis and the latest phases of the history of the temple.

Keywords : Archaeology, Ramesseum, Temple of Tuya, Cemetery, Third Intermediate Period