ISBN: 978-2-87457-122-0

Le signe N23, un classificateur à la conquête de l’espace

= Paper =

G. CHANTRAIN, "Le signe N23, un classificateur à la conquête de l’espace", in L. PLEUGER (ed.), « Du Nil à la mer. L'Égypte au fil de l'eau – From the Nile to the Sea. Egypt along the Water » (CEA, 24), Brussels, 2024.
In this modest article, I propose to take a brief look at the semantic evolution of the N23 classifier in Late Egyptian and classical Egyptian texts from the New Kingdom and the Third Intermediate Period. This classifier represents an irrigation canal, or perhaps even a piece of land bounded by irrigation canals. The field of application of the N23 classifier is originally, and quite naturally in view of its referent, that of irrigated land. However, its use is rapidly extending to other types of space and other conceptual categories.

Keywords: classifiers, ancient egyptian, lexical semantics, space, metaphor