ISBN: 978-2-87457-122-0

Matelots punis et convois de prisonniers. Violence, pouvoir et discipline sur les bateaux égyptiens au Nouvel Empire

= Paper =

M. HAGENMÜLLER, "Matelots punis et convois de prisonniers. Violence, pouvoir et discipline sur les bateaux égyptiens au Nouvel Empire", in L. PLEUGER (ed.), « Du Nil à la mer. L'Égypte au fil de l'eau – From the Nile to the Sea. Egypt along the Water » (CEA, 24), Brussels, 2024.
At a time when the Egyptian monarchy had expanded its frontiers and, under the rule of the XVIIIth and XIXth dynasties, constituted a true empire, the nautical domain became the medium of varied practices of power and discipline, which can be studied in royal and private iconographies. Our article focuses primarily on the transfer of captives, particularly Nubians, transported by river and depicted with instruments of restraint. Through their decoration, the boats also functioned as places of display of power using a set of violent signs, which prompt us to reassess their place among royal propaganda. Lastly, internal practices of punishment

Keywords: ship, violence, decoration, punishment, prisoners, domination, discipline