ISBN: 978-2-87457-124-4 | EAN: 9782874571244
14,50 €

La collection Proche-Orient ancien
du Musée L mise en lumière

= Paper =

by Hendrik HAMEEUW, Jan TAVERNIER, in Luc COURTOIS (ed.), Les études orientales à l’Université de Louvain depuis 1834 (Histoire, 12), Brussels, 2021.

This article is a description of a digitalisation project (November 2013) of various ancient objects belonging to the collection of Musée L (Louvain-la-Neuve). Amongst the objects are cuneiform tablets dating from the Ur III period (c. 2100-2000 BCE). The digitalisation have been effectuated by the Portable Light Dome (KU Leuven), which creates various interactive high-quality images of the object. This in turn may lead to better readings of the cuneiform signs.

Keywords: Digitalisation, cuneiform tablets


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