REF. [LCA35_12]
= Paper =
by Sydney AUFRÈRE, in PINCHARD L. and HAELEWYCK J.-C. (eds.), Traditions et Traductions des textes bibliques. Études de critique textuelle et d’exégèse en l’honneur de Prof. Christian-Bernard Amphoux à l’occasion de son 80e anniversaire (Langues et cultures anciennes, 35), Brussels, 2023.
Sydney Hervé Aufrère presents, translates and comments on an extract from a homily by the Coptic archimandrite Chenoute of Atripe (4th-5th century) written in the Sahidic language. The latter compares the wiles of Satan introducing the spirit of concupiscence into the inattentive minds of sinners to the wiles of the horned viper (Cerastes cerastes L., 1758) of the Egyptian deserts, which hides under the sand in order to bite the man walking in the desert, inattentive to the characteristic tracks left by the animal.
Keywords: Chenoute of Atripe, archimandrite, horned viper (Cerastes cerastes L., 1758), Coptic language, homily