ISBN: 978-2-87457-053-7
par Franck Monnier

Coll. Précisions, 2
304 pages, richement illustré, en couleurs
49,50 €
2013. Disponible

Vocabulaire d'architecture égyptienne

Book in French, with an English index. — This handbook is intended for the student, the researcher and the Egyptologist who would like to use the terms related to Egyptian architecture from the Predynastic to the Roman period with all due rigour and accuracy. It will also be highly valuable to the enthusiast who encounters specialized terms related to this kind of architecture for which a clear and precise definition is very often difficult to find.
This book, illustrated with around a hundred photographs and a hundred explanatory drawings, gathers about 900 terms that can be searched intuitively and in various ways. They are categorized according to their architectural style, but can also be found in alphabetical order in several indexes: French/English, English/French and hieroglyphic Egyptian/French. The definitions are sometimes supplemented by discussions on the terms in question, in order to establish their suitability and their usage.

“The glossary is remarkable in its format; it is easy to handle and features nearly two hundred illustrations. It is a very practical tool that use quickly makes essential. Monnier chose to not organize the vocabulary of the dictionary in alphabetical order, but listed topics thematically […] It considers a new research tool which satisfies a persistent need in the field of ancient Egyptian architecture, and this will be useful for amateurs, professionals, students, scholars, Egyptologists, civil engineers, architects and archeologists” (A.M. DOI: 10.21608/shedet.2021.214790)

Target audience
This book is aimed at students, journalists, researchers and Egyptologists, as well as Ancient Egypt enthusiasts.

The author
Franck Monnier is an engineer very keen on Egyptology, who specialized in the study of Egyptian architecture under all its aspects (engineering, archaeology, historical textual and iconographic evidence). He wrote several scientific articles and a book on Egyptian fortresses, also released by Safran Publishers, which has been recognized as the best publication on the fortification's history of the year 2010 by the HFSC (History of Fortification Study Centre) of Moscow. He currently carries out research on structural elements specific to Egyptian construction.

Table of contents



 Première partie

- Matériaux
- Éléments de maçonnerie
- Maçonnerie
- Maçonnerie et structure d’une pyramide
- Le mur
- Construction en bois et végétaux
- Procédés et éléments de construction
- Taille et état de la pierre

Deuxième partie
- Ouvertures (portes, jours, fenêtres, aérations)
- Escaliers
- Couvertures
- Supports verticaux (colonnes, piliers, pilastres)
- Couvrement

Troisième partie
- Architecture religieuse
- Architecture funéraire
- Architecture civile
          Divisions, habitations et palais
          Termes liés à la production
          Contrôle de l’eau
          Route, port et quai
- Architecture militaire

Quatrième partie
- Décoration et mouluration
- Statues, stèles et obélisques

Mécanique statique et diagnostic
          Organes de stabilité

Lexique égyptien-français

Notes de fin


Liste et crédits des illustrations

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Index (English - French - Egyptian)

Abacus / Abutment / Abutment (of a vault) / Acacia / Accretion / Accretion layer / Acephalous statue / Addorsed temple / Adobe / Air channels / Air shaft / Alabaster / Alfa grass / Alignment / Altar / Ambulatory / Ambulatory temple / Anathyrosis / Androcephalus sphinx / Androsphinx / Anepigraphic / Anorthositic gneiss / Anta / Antechamber / Anthropomorphic statue / Anthroposphinx / Anubieion / Apartment / Apex / Apothem / Apotropaic statue / Apotropaic stela / Aqueduct / Arch / Arch-stone / Architrave / Arrow loop / Ashlar / Ashlar masonry / Attached column / Attached pillar / Avant-porte / Backing stone / Baked brick / Balustrade / Balustrade / Banquette / Bench / Barbican / Bark hall / Bark shrine / Barracks / Barrel vault / Bartizan / Basalt / Base / Base (of a wall) / Base rounded at the top / Basin / Basin / Basket vault / Bastion / Bath / Bath cesspit / Batter / Battlement / Battlement walk / Beaded joint / Beam / Bearing wall / Bed / Bed face / Bed rock / Bedding joint / Bekhen (stone) / Bell / Bell-shaped capital / Bellows / Bench / Bent pyramid / Berm / Bevel / Binder / Birth-brick / Birth-house / Black granit / Blistering / Block statue / Boat pit / Boat slipway / Bolt / Bômides / Bonded quoining / Bonded stonework / Bonded brickwork / Bonding / Border stela / Bossage / Boundary stela / Boundary stone / Brazier / Break (in a masonry course) / Breast wall / Breastwork / Brick / Bridge / Broken course / Broken lintel gateway / / Broken door / Broken tile mortar / Bronze / Bubasteion / Bucheum / Buckling / Bulge / Bulging / Bulging shaft / Bull header / Bull stretcher / Burial chamber / Burial pit / Burial shaft / Burnt brick / Bust statue / Buttress / Cairn / Caisson (technique) / Calcite / Camp / Campaniform capital / Campaniform column / Canal / Canopy / Canopy throne / Canopy / Capital / Carved stela / Casemate / Casement / Casing / Casing masonry / Catacomb / Catenary vault / Causeway / Cavetto / Cedar of lebanon / Ceiling / Ceiling / Cella / Cellular construction / Cellular foundation / Cenotaph / Center / Centering / Central nave / Chamber / Chamfer / Channel / Channel / Channel used for inserting plaster / Chapel / Charge / Chicane / Cilician fir / Circumvallation / Citadel / Clamp / Clamp / Claustra / Clay / Clear span / Cleaving / Clerestory / Closed stairs / Closing rope / Cluster shaft / Coating / Coating / Coffer construction / Collar binding / Collector / Colonnade / Colossus / Column / Column-like stela / Column shaft / Column statue / Commandment / Composite capital / Composite column / Composite masonry / Compression / Console / Construction shaft / Construction shaft / Contra-temple / Contravallation / Copper / Corbel / Corbel vault / Corbelling vault / Core / Cornice / Corridor / Counter batter / Counterscarp / Course / Cramp / Creep / Crenel / Crenellation / Criocephalus sphinx / Criosphinx / Crocodilo- / cephalous statue / Cromlech / Cross beam / Cross wall / Crossette / Crucible / Cruciform installation / Crypt / Cubic statue / Cult terrace / Cupola / Cupola / Cupule / Curtain wall / Curtain wall / Curve / Curved wall / Cushion-shaped base / Cutting up / Cylindrical (round) base / Cylindrical (round) base angled off at the top / Cylindrical column / Cylindrical shaft / Cynocephalus statue / Cypress / Dabsh / Dam / Date palm / Dead angle / Dead ground (fortification) / Dead plaster / Dead space / Decorative brick / Deflexion / Deformation / Descending passage / Die (of a column) / Die (of a pedestal) / Dike / Diorite / Directly on the ground foundation / Discharging vault / Distribution frame / Ditch / Divine complex / Divine slaughter house / Divine temple / Djed pillar / Dock / Dockyard / Dom palm / Door / Door drum / Door leaf / Door post / Door-socket / Doorframe / Doorway / Dorsal pillar / Double false-door / Double sloping pyramid / Dovetail clamp / Dovetail cramp / Butterfly cramp / Dowel / Dowel / Drain / Draw-bridge / Dressed stone / Dressing / Dromos / Drum / Dry ditch / Dry joint / Drystone masonry / Dug hole / Dwarf wall / Dwelling / Edged-placed vault / Egyptian cavetto cornice / Eight-stemmed capital / Eight-lobed capital / Electrum / Enclosure / Entablature / Entablement / Entablature / Entablement / Entasis / Entrance hall / Epistyle / Esplanade / Estate / Excavated material / Excavation / Extension / Extrados / Face (v.) / Face (n.) / Face / Facing / False bed / False door / False door stelae / False vault / Fat mortar / Fausse-braie / Favissa / Fieldstone masonry / Fill / Fillet stone / Filling / Filling material / Filling piece / Final dressing / Finish plaster / Finishings / Fir / Five niches hall / Fixing into masonry / Flagstaff / Flagpole / Flank / Flanking / Flanking tower / Flat band / Flat joint / Flight / Flood hatch / Floor / Floor / Flue tile / Flush joint / Flute / Fluted column / Fluting / Fluted shaft / Footing / Base / Force / Fort / Fortification / Fortified place / Fortress / Fortress of the gods / Foundation / Foundation deposit / Four-lobed capital / Four-sided / Frame / Freestanding / Friction / Frieze / Frieze of flowers / Front / Front / Front wall / Front statue / Front temple / Funerary complex / Funerary cone / Funerary enclosure / Furnace / Gallery / Garden / Gargoyle / Gate / Gateway / Gateway with a cavetto cornice / Gauging / Girdle wall / Glacis / Godroon / Gold / Granary / Granit / Granite / Granodiorite / Grave / Grave of courtier / Greywacke / Groove / Groove for final dressing / Gypsum / Hall of appearances / Harbour / Harem / Hathor-headed capital / Hathor-headed column / Haunch / Hawk-headed sphinx / Head jamb / Header (masonry) / Heb-sed pavilion / Hemispeos / Heraldic pillar / Herring-bone work / Hieracocephalus sphinx / Hieracosphinx / High wall / Hollowing out / Holy of the holies / Horizontal course / Horizontal flanking / Horned altar / House / House of life / Human-handed sphinx / Human-headed sphinx / Hut / Hydragogue / Hypaethral temple / Hypogeum / Hyponome / Hypostyle hall / Impluvium / Impost / In-and-out bond / Inclined bed / Inclined course / Inner arrangement / (of a pyramid) / Inner enclosure / Inner slope (fortification) / Inner temple / Inner temple / Inselberg / Interaxial distance / Intercolumniation / Intermediate landing / Internal ramp / Intrados / Irregular masonry / Isodomic masonry / Jamb / Joint / Joist / Jubilar temple / Jujube / Key-stone / Kiosk / Krossai / L-shaped corner block / Labyrinth / Landing / Landing stage / Large concave moulding of quarter round profile / Lateral opening / Lateral sloping ramp / Layer / Layer (of a vault) / Lean mortar / Leosphinx / Level (v.) / Level down (v.) / Level surface / Levelling course / Levelling course / Lever hole / Lever socket / Library / Light opening / Lighthouse / Lime / Lime mortar / Limestone / Lintel / Lintel curved from below / Lip / Liquid grouting / Load / Load-bearing wall / Loads carried to the ground / Lock / Log / Loophole / Lotus cluster capital / Lotus cluster column / Lower door-socket / Machicolation / Magazine / Magic brick / Main part of a building / Main structure / Malqaf / Mammisi / Manhole / Margin / Masonry / Masonry / Masonry with alternate courses of headers and stretchers / Masonry with courses of headers and stretchers / Mass / Mastaba / Mat / Mat (masonry) / Megalith / Menhir / Merlon / Metal / Metapelite / Migdol / Minor step pyramid / Modius / Monolith / Monumental gateway / Monumental scarab / Mooring bollard / Mortar / Mortar / Mortar joint / Mortise / Mortuary temple / Mould / Moulding / Moulded brick / Mound / Mud brick / Mud mortar / Mullion / Muna coating / Naked (column) / Naophorous statue / Naos / Narrow part / Nawamis / Necropolis / Newel post / Niche / Niched architecture / Niched wall / Nilometer / Nubian sandstone / Nubian vault / Nucleus / Nummulitic limestone / Obelisk / Oculus / Offering hall / One wythe / Open hearth / Open lotus capital / Opening / Opening / Opus incertum joint / Orthostat / Osiride pillar / Osiride column / Out-of-plumb / Outer enclosure / Outer slope (fortification) / Overturning / Palace / Palace façade motif / Palisade / Palmiform capital / Palmiform column / Paneion / Panel / Papyrus bud capital / Papyrus bud column / Papyrus cluster capital / Papyrus cluster column / Parapet / Parapet (fortification) / Partition wall / Passage way / Patch / Pathway / Pavement / Paving / Pavement / Paving / Pavilion / Pedestal / Percussion / Peribolos / Peripteral temple / Peristasis / Peristyle / Peristyle court / Perpend / Pestle / Pier / Pier (of a vault) / Pilaster / Pillar / Pillar statue / Pillar-like stela / Pin (masonry) / Pipe / Pisé / Pit / Pivot / Plaster / Plaster mortar / Plating / Plinth / Plinth / Plugging block / Plumb / Pointed barrel vault / Pole / Pole / Polygonal shaft / Porch / Portcullis / Portico / Post / Postern / Precinct wall / Press / Prismatic recess / Private tomb / Projection / Pronaos / Prop / Proportion / Propyleum / Propylon / Prostyle temple / Protective boss / Protodoric column / Protopylon / Provincial pyramid / Ptolemaic lime / Putlog / Pylon / Pylon tower / Pyramid / Pyramid temple / Pyramid town / Pyramidion / Qanât / Quarry / Quartzite / Quatrefoil capital / Quay / Quay / Quern / Quoining / Radiating and crossing walls / Raft / Raked joint / Ram-headed sphinx / Ram-headed statue / Rammed earth / Ramp / Rampart / Range masonry / Re-used block / Recess for inserting door leaf / Recessed joint / Recessed wall / Red granite / Reed / Regular coursed masonry / Regular masonry / Reinforced wall / Reinforcement / Relieving chamber / Relieving vault / Retaining wall / Reveal / Rib / Ribbed column / Ribbed shaft / Ring (of a vault) / Rise / Riser of a step / Rising joint / Rock temple / Rocker / Roof / Roof covering / Roofing / Roof slab / Rough (stone) / Rough cut / Rough-cut block / Rough ashlar / Roughing / Round column / Round shaft / Rounded top wall / Row / Rowlock header / Rubble masonry / Rubble stone / Rubble work / Rush / Rustication / Sacred lake / Saddle vault / Saff tomb / Sanatorium / Sand / Sarcophagus / Satellite pyramid / Scaffolding / Scarp / Scarped (wall) / Schist / Screen wall / Sculpture in the round / Sebakh / Secondary tomb / Grave / Section / Serapeion / Serapeum / Serdab / Serdab squints / Settling / Sewer / Shaft / Shaft tomb / Shear / Shell (of a building) / Shena-wab / Shore / Shoulder / Shrine / Silicified sandstone / Silo / Silt / Silver / Simple door frame / Sinking / Sinusoidal wall / Sistrum column / Sistrum statue / Skeleton walls / Slab / Sliding block / Sliding bolt / Slope / (of a pyramid) / Small column / Small edifice / Small fort / Socle / Soffit / Soldier course / Solicitation / Spalling / Span / Speos / Sphinx / Sphinx alleyway / Spiraling ramp / Splay / Splayed sill and head / (of a window) / Splitting / Springer / Springing / Spur wall / Square / Squaring / Stairs / Stairway / Stairwell wall / Standard-bearing statue / Standing stone / Staple / Statue / Stela / Stela-bearing statue / Step / Step / Step pyramid / Stepped course / Stereobate / Stereotomy / Stiffener / Stilted vault / Stone / Stone circle / Straight sloping ramp / Strengthening wall / Stress / Stretcher / String wall / Stronghold / Strut / Stuc / Stucco / Stucco-work / Stylobate / Subsidence / Subsidiary pyramid / Subsidiary tomb / Grave / Substructure / Substruction / Sun court / Sun temple / Superstructure / Support / Surrounding wall / Swnw tower / Sycomore / Tabernacle / Tafla / Talatat / Tamarisk / Tank / Tapering / Trapezoidal / Temenos / Temper / Temple / Temple of millions of years / Tenon / Tension / Tent-pole column / Terrace / Terraced temple / Theophoric statue / Thick joint / Thickening / Thin joint / Thinning / Threshold / Thrust / Timber / Timber framework / Tomb / Toothing masonry / Top / Top face / Torsion / Torus base / Torus moulding / Torus moulding / Tower / Traction / Transenna / Transom light door / Transom panel / Transport boss / Trapezoidal stonework / Tread depth / Tread of a step / Treading vat / Treasure / Trench / True pyramid / Truncated tapered base / Truncated tapered shaft / Tumulus / Tunnel vault / Tuyères / Underwashing / Undermining / Undulated course / Undulating wall / Unsorted stones / Upper door-socket / Upright megalith / Valley temple / Vault / Vault / Vaulted roof / Vaulted roof / Ventilating / Vertical base / (of a column) / Vertical base angled off at the top / Vertical flanking / Vertical vault / Voussoir / Voussoir next the key-stone / Wabet / Wall / Wall base / Wall bracket / Wall face / Wall plane / Warehouse / Watchtower / Water ditch / Water spout / Wattle / Wattlework / Wattle-and-daub / Wavy wall / Way station / Weight / Well / Well chamber / Whitewash / Widened base / Windcatcher / Winding stairs / Window / Window grille / Window with grille / Window leaf / Window of appearances / Window of shu / Window opening / Window with grille / Winged sun / Wood / Wooden-supported bartizan / Work / Masonry / Wrapping ramp / Zenithal opening / Zig-zagging ramp / Zoomorphic statue

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