ISBN: 978-2-87457-152-7
par Delphine Syvilay et Santiago Hardy

Coll. Précisions, 7
172 pages
En préparation

Les signes lapidaires
Une lecture inédite de Notre-Dame de Paris

Book in French. — Following the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, a securing and restoration project was launched to save the monumen

The meeting of Santiago Hardy, steeplejack, and Delphine Syvilay, engineer then working in the Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques, led to an unexpected collaboration for an amazing project: an inventory of stonemason’s marks that they had observed in the whole building.

An unprecedented undertaking in Paris cathedral, they recorded more than 1,200 signs, including 250 different ones, and made imprints to preserve and document those stonemason's marks. Using scaffolding installed both inside and outside the cathedral, they’ve also used rope access techniques for their exploratio

It is an innovative exploratory, artistic and scientific approach. It has led to the unexpected discovery of an exceptional number of these signs, enabling to sketch out the first hypotheses to understand the organisation of the stonemasons in this medieval site.

See details (in French).