ISBN: 978-2-87457-095-7 14,50 € Add to cartREF. RANT14_MOMLa violence, le mal et l’agressivité dans la civilisation de l’Égypte pharaonique. Enquêtes dans les corpus funéraires et analyse des vocables et pictogrammes hiéroglyphiques (3000-1580 av. notre ère) = Paper = by Michel-Alain MOMBO, in Res Antiquae 14, 2017.This research work puts a synoptic look on three words forming a whole in all the phases of Pharaonic Égypt history. Those words are violence, wrong (evil) and aggressiveness. The sets of themes that those words raise up abundantly mentionned in the Égyptian pharaonic period texts and in the funeral writings, constitute a right way to understand the important part of Égyptian religion, kingship and society from the archaic period (about 3000 B. C.) to the New Empire (about 1580 B. C.). By searching those notions from funeral documents and from the hieroglyphic script, we are casting a light on the knowledge of the pharaonic civilization.Keywords: Violence, Evil, Aggressiveness, Civilization, Pharaonic Égypt, Enquiries, Funeral Documents, Hieroglyphs------------------------------------------------------------- Volume | Other papers« Previous | Next »