ISBN: 978-2-87457-100-8
14,50 €

À propos d’un cercueil disparu. Une descendance de la reine Iahhetep Ire

 = Paper = 

by Thierry STASSER, in Res Antiquae 15, 2018.

Apart from the coffin Cairo 28501, which was rediscovered in 1859 by workmen employed by Auguste Mariette in Dra Abu el Naga, all artefacts bearing the name of a Queen Ahhotep, whether comtemporaneous or posthumous, are usually assigned to the mother of King Ahmose, Queen Ahhotep II, whose gigantic coffin was buried in the so called “Royal Cache” at Deir El Bahri. Some Egyptologists believe that there was actually only one Queen Ahhotep, therefore both coffins would have belonged to the same woman according to them. The first coffin, without the title of Mother of the King, would have thus been constructed at the same time as the one belonging to King Seqenenre – in their opinion Queen Ahhotep’s husband – and the latter one a few decades after, when she became the Mother of the King. However one of the monuments inscribed with Ahhotep’s name proves, without any possible objection, that there were indeed two homonymous queens. An inscription from the nowadays missing outer case of a female mummy, copied by Anthony Harris in the 1820’s and which can be found in his notebook no 11, which is presently housed at the library of the Graeco-Roman Museum of Alexandria, confirms without any doubt the existence of a second Queen Ahhotep.

Keywords: Coffin, Ahhotep I, 17th dynasty, Kingship, Kamose, Ahmose Henutempet