ISBN: 978-2-87457-108-4
14,50 €

Vivre et se déplacer dans les villas résidentielles à la fin de l’Antiquité en Italie et en Sicile. L’apport de l’étude planimétrique et de la syntaxe spatiale

 = Paper = 

by Anthony PEETERS, in Res Antiquae 16, 2019.

During the Late Antiquity, Roman villas saw an important phase of restructuring and “monumentalisation”. They appeared as luxurious residences standing as the center of a large fundus.  The aim of this study focused on the Italian peninsula and Sicily, is to characterise the way of life and occupation of these villas, through the planimetry combined with space syntax and Visual Graph Analysis, as well as literary sources. Thus, seven architectural forms (monumental entrance, peristyle courts, ostentatious reception halls, honour route, baths complex, apartments and service rooms) are deepened to highlight four interpersonal relationships existing in these residences. This study will also provide an opportunity to bring the contributions of spatial syntax and visibility analysis to planimetric research on villas from the late antiquity out, and, more broadly, to archaeology.

Keywords: Villa, Late Antiquity, Space Syntax, Visual Graph Analysis, Planimetry, Interpersonal relationships, Italy, Archaeology