ISBN: 978-2-87457-108-4
14,50 €

Les Coupables errances d’un moine. Héric d’Auxerre et Alésia

 = Paper = 

by Danielle PORTE, in Res Antiquae 16, 2019.

I want to show how, changing one letter when you read or write the name of some locality, you also change everything was established about the very evenements History had for a long time admitted as true realty and always in the same manner described; that’s to say how the point of view concerning metrical laws of Latin poetry is able to radically change what simple historical considerations had till our times established. Particularly: the datation of archæological discoveries, established on the doxa: Alise is Alesia: everything found in the ground of Alise – and even, everything in the world similar to such an alisian artefact - can be dated of – 52 B. C. But, what happens if Alesia is not to be identified with Alise? Great is the fault of monk Heric, inhabitant of Auxerre, 865 A.C., who changed a simple “i” into “e”.

Keywords: Heric, Auxerre, Alesia, Cesar, Sequanorum Country, St Germain , Alisum (Bread), Flavigny, St Regina (Or : Holy Regina), Translatio, Claudius Imperator, Marble Engraved Martialis, Martyrologies, Dating, Latin Metrics, Onomastics, Abbate Egil
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