= Paper =
by Gérard LAMBIN, in Res Antiquae 17, 2020.
Plotinus did not believe, he knew (or thought he knew). He knew that if “divine things” are limited to the three hypostases (the One, the Intellect, the Soul), the divine is no less everywhere, and that he is pure intellection. For Soul, Intellect, One, but also Forms or "intelligible gods", all this, in essence, is one. A careful reading of the Enneads leaves no doubt about this. It also helps to explain the apparent casualness that makes the Highest, the First, the Good, the One, by the word the poorest, the least loaded with meaning, but which was imposed on those who claimed to evoke the unspeakable.
Keywords: Plotinus, Porphyry, Enneads, One, Intellect, Soul, Divine, God