ISBN: 978-2-87457-138-1
14,50 €

Ligure scambiato per etrusco. La pietra di Monte Ribone, la fusaiola di Genova, le statue stele di Bigliolo, Zignago, Filetto II

 = Paper = 

by Adolfo ZAVARONI, in Res Antiquae 19, 2022.

The inscriptions on the Monte Ribone stone, on the Genoa loom weight and on the stele statues from Bigliolo and Filetto II were considered probably Etruscan, but a careful examination shows that they contain ligatures typical of the Ligurian writing. The Monte Ribone inscription was designed to allow alternative readings on two themes dear to Ligurian engravers : 1. the brief dialogue cues between the two great gods when one strikes the other in order to replace him in the sovereignty over the tripartite universe ; 2. the exhortation to a soul to hasten to resurrect. The latter is also the subject of the inscription on the Genoa loom weight. The inscription on the Bigliolo stele indicates that the statue represents a god (or a deified ancestor?) “protector of the (Ligurian) people”. The inscription on the stele from Filetto II is readable and interpretable in this way: ute ezram bus Apus “favour the people: grow (it), Creator !”.

Keywords: Ligurian language, Ligurian writing, ligatures, resurrection of souls, Lunigiana stele statues, Genoa loom weight, stele statue from Zignago