ISBN: 978-2-87457-145-9 14,50 € Add to cartREF. RANT20_2CAVLa “colonizzazione” greca della Sicilia. Alcune note tra storiografia, critica e dato ceramico = Paper = by Marco CAVALIERI, in Res Antiquae 20, 2023.The paper provides a brief overview of the Greek ‘colonisation’ of Sicily (mid-eighth to mid-sixth century BC) and of the presence of ceramics attesting to the migration towards the West. the paper begins by analysing historiography and discussing modern theories on hermeneutical approaches to the archaeology of the transition between protohistory and the Greek facies of Sicily, as well as on the concepts of colony/apoikia. then, it looks in depth at a re-reading of Thucydides’ text (VI, 3.1 - 5.3) on the periodisation of the Greek foundations of Sicily. Within this framework, it explores the issue of ceramic forms and styles corresponding to the first stable Greek presence in Trinacria and peninsular Italy. Lastly, a bibliographical note lists the key works on the subject.Keywords: Sicily; ceramics; colonisation; Thycidides; historiography------------------------------------------------------------- Volume | Other papers« Previous | Next »