ISBN: 978-2-87457-107-7par Michèle JuretColl. Témoins d'Histoire, 5304 pages, cartonné, 265 photos, 21 x 21 cm 40,00 € Add to cart2019. DisponibleÉtienne Drioton et l’ÉgypteParcours d’un éminent égyptologue passionné de photographieMore details (in French)Book in French. — The path of an eminent Egyptologist with a passion for photography.As a testimony of his work and his careul observation of everyday life in Egypt, Étienne Drioton (1889-1961) left a significant collection of pictures taken between 1924 and 1952, many of which remain unpublished. This book takes the reader with him to a journey along the Nile.