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La place du phénicien en Anatolie au premier millénaire av. J.-C.
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The lector finds here some informations relating to the presence and the cultural influence of the Phoenicians in Anatolia since the Recent Bronze Age, in particular in Southern Anatolia (Cilicia).
14,50 €
La Phénicie et les Phéniciens. Mise en place de la problématique
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We find here a short historical presentation of the Phoenician civilization.
14,50 €
Les "matres lectionis" en phénicien. Nouvelles orientations
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20th century scholars declared that a “system of purely consonantal writing was rigorously maintained in Phoenician” and “no matres lectionis would appear in the orthography”…
14,50 €
Les pseudo-hiéroglyphes de Byblos. Bibliographie et remarques générales
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The paper concerns the pseudo-hieroglyphic texts of Byblos. It proposes a brief review of the main bibliography as well as some general remarks.
14,50 €
La Tyche di Castelraimondo. Un’iconografia ellenistica rinvenuta sulle Alpi orientali italiane
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Dans le cadre d’un projet de fouilles près de l’agglomération mineure de Castelraimondo (province d’Udine, Frioul-Vénétie Julienne, Italie), a été retrouvé une intaille reproduisant l’image de la divinité greco-romaine Fortuna…
14,50 €
"Genus numeri". Relations mathématiques sous-jacentes à l’architecture étrusque : le cas du temple de l’"Ara della Regina" à Tarquinia
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At Tarquinia, the so-called « Ara della Regina » shows exceptional proportions when compared to other Etruscan temples and that since the first half of the VIth century B.C…
14,50 €
Tra etimologia e ricostruzione culturale. Il caso del panfilio επίστασις
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Cet essai analyse le mot επίστασις qui figure dans deux inscriptions dialectales pamphyliennes provenant de Pergé…
14,50 €
Entre temps de mémoire et temps de l’histoire. L’invention romaine de l’âge d’or
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In this contribution, P.-A. Deproost estimates the originality of the Roman interpretation of the races hesiodic myth…
14,50 €
Les denrées en sémitique occidental et autres langues dans les sources nilotiques. Les Levantins et Ioniens en Égypte, des ports du Delta à la fenêtre d’apparition royale
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The author studies the famous presentation of sailors and traders represented in the tomb of Kenamon (TT 162), puting it in perspective with divers hieratic texts which allow to understand ceremonies in touch with the window of appearance and the role of the foreigners for Egyptian economy.
14,50 €
Système proprement latin de la morphologie
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The latin conjugation obeys a law of phonetics very general which limits considerably the successions of consonants with regard to their frequency…
14,50 €
Die neuen Fragmente der Deeds of Šuppiluliuma. Vorläufige Bemerkungen
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Nous trouvons dans cet article essentiellement la présentation et l’étude de nouveaux fragments hittites concernant les Actes du roi Suppiluliuma Ier dont la copie autographe a été donnée récemment dans le volume KBo 50.
14,50 €
Fragments hittites relatifs à l’Égypte
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In order to continue the publication of hitttite’s fragments relating to Egypt, started since about thirty years in Professor J. Vergote’s honour, this paper presents the reading of some new fragments testifying the toponym Mizri (Egypt)…
14,50 €
Les inscriptions de Lepcis Magna en l’honneur de Septime Sévère et de sa famille. Première partie
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This article, in two parts (see), studies the latin inscriptions dedicated to Septimius Severus and his family in the city of Lepcis Magna…
14,50 €
I "saecula" etruschi
F. MORA. — Contre l’idée répandue que les siècles étrusques duraient plus de cent ans, on démontre que les siècles longs n’appartiennent qu’à l’annalistique romaine, tandis que les siècles étrusques duraient moins de cent ans…
14,50 €
Tacite et Sima Qian
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Tacitus and Sima Qian (ca. 140-85 BC, author of the Shiji, the Records of the Historian) are eminent representatives of Roman and ancient Chinese historiography…
14,50 €
Fonctions et images de la reine nabatéenne (Ier s. av. J.-C. – Ier s. ap. J.-C.)
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From Obodas III’s reign (30-9 BC), Nabataean kings and queens appeared together on the coins, like the Ptolemies. The queen took the attributes of Isis and Tyche in order to be the benefactress and protector of her people.
14,50 €
Il santuario, i rituali ed il wanax
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Cette étude commence par un ultérieur approfondissement sur la situation des opérateurs du culte mycéniens et leur organisation…
14,50 €
On the Hittite Demonstrative apaš
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Dans cet bref article, l’auteur se propose de prouver que le démonstratif hittite apaš provient d’une contamination de particules déictiques indo-européennes en *e/o et *bhe/o…
14,50 €
Ritual prescriptions in the etruscan "Liber linteus"
F. C. WOUDHUIZEN. — Le texte le plus long en langue étrusque est le 'Liber linteus', conservé aujourd'hui sous la forme de bandes d'une momie égyptienne exposée dans le musée de Zagreb…
14,50 €
Droit et religion en Asie Mineure : autour de la reconsacration comme sanction juridique chez les Hittites
E. J. BUIS. — Both legal and religious texts show an interesting coherence as far as the expression appa šuppiyahh- is concerned. Through the analysis of certain passages in Muwatalli’s prayer and various Hittite legal provisions, where the verb is mentioned…

14,50 €
Sacrilège à Pessongoi ! Aspects culturels, religieux et théologiques de la correspondance des rois attalides avec le grand-prêtre de Pessinonte
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The attalid letters from Pessinous are exceptionnal documents for Antiquity, because of their secret nature. They allow the reconstitution of a tragic episod which affected the sanctuary: a sacrilege commited by Galatians. Facing the accident, the author of these texts expresses reactions rarely noticed, linked with theology. It may be added that the presentations of these events became possible by the simple change concerning the word Pessongoi, which figures in the beginning of the first letter.
14,50 €
Lumière sur les loups d’Apollon
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The origin of the name of the deity Apollo is still a matter of debate. The name is attributed to Greek, Anatolian or a substrate language of the Aegean area. Whatever the position one takes on this question, it has consequences far beyond the linguistic debate: it concerns the constitution of the Greek religious belief by inherited or by loan elements. In this article it is decisively taken part for the Greek origin of the deity, which is further linked to elements of Indo-European culture. In spite of some astonishing facts which could be in favor of an Anatolian (or substrate) origin, such an origin is refused. These facts belong already to a further development of the nature of the deity. The whole question is linked to the history of the movements of Indo-European men-groups to unknown regions, notably to the Greek presence in Western Anatolia which is older than generally asumed. In this perspective, Apollo can be considered as a kind of ‘frontier god’ who get’s ‘civilized’ in parallel to the institutional development of the political units venerating him.
14,50 €
La "maison (le palais) des ancêtres" et les tombeaux des rois hittites
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In Hittite texts apart from the «stone house» É.NA4 and the É hekur there is the third term related to the deceased kings: a «house (palace) of grand-fathers» É(.GAL) huhhas. Those houses existed in three Hittite royal residences: Hattusa, Katapa and Samuha. Some ceremonies of the great festivals as well as the rituals were celebrated in those houses. In Hattusa the events of the second day of the hisuwa-festival took place in the “house of grand-fathers”; in Samuha the queen celebrated a ritual for Sauska of Taminiga in the É huhhas; in Katapa the nuntarriyasha-festival began in the “house of grand-fathers”. É huhhas (as well as the “stone house») had some economic power: the food necessary for the different festivals were brought from them. Although there wasn’t any festival nor ritual description which took place in the “stone house”. The officials working for É huhhas (LÚ.MEŠ É huhhas) had the ability to answer the oracle questions in some ominal texts.
14,50 €
Forgerons et sanctuaires dans l’Anatolie antique
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This paper is dealing once again with the blacksmiths’ religion in Anatolia and the god Hephaistos. Wich divinities did the metalworkers prefer? Did they dispose of temple of their own? Did they profit by, within sanctuaries, reserved spaces?
14,50 €
De quelques sanctuaires louvites : fonctionnement et continuité
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In this short contribution the lector will find a study of the functioning and the continuity during the Greco-Roman period of three sanctuaries with an Anatolian- Luwian origin, namely Kumman(n)i = Komana Cappadociae or perhaps Hierapolis-Castabala, Hubesna = cl. Kybistra, and Sinuri-Mylasa for which we do not possess to-day attestations from the Bronze Age.
14,50 €
Remarques sur "la maison du dieu"
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As regards the temples and sanctuaries, the author underlines the specific aspects of the Hittites in the indo-european civilisations. Very early the Hittites built dwellings for the gods. He stresses the act that the “houses  of the gods”, as they are usually designed, are built like human abodes. Among other points, the author draws our attention to presence of the gods in the sanctuaries as well as their relationship with their statues.
14,50 €
Les sanctuaires lyciens de Tlôs et de Patara
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This paper is dealing with some different problems about Lycian sanctuaries of Tlus and Patara. We have examined numismatic and epigraphic material of both cities, in order to give some new reflexions and hypothesis. The problem of an eventual cultual organization of cities of “Tremilis”, whom chief-city would have been Tlus, has been considered mainly from the so-called Sacred Law, Panyassis’ Legend of Tremilids and Panthera coins minted at Tlus. The Panthera typus has been linked to Belleropho’s legend and possible second Storm-God of the “tloean amphictiony”. The problem of the identification of the masculine head on coinage from Tlus and Patara, which could be either of Apollo or Hermes, has also been envisaged. The expression of “Maliyean Patara” in the Inscribed Pillar of Xanthus and the importance of Athenian coinage in the latest city let us wonder if Maliya’s occurrences in Lycian epigraphy really concerned the Asianic Goddess in every cases or referred to Athena. But, we also wondered if particular representations of Athena on Patarean coins designed the Greek Goddess or referred to Maliya instead.
14,50 €
Évolution de la religion assyrienne en milieu syro-hittite et syro-araméen. Syncrétismes religieux et implications politiques
S. SALMON. —The main concepts building the identity of the Assyrian State since the Bronze Age developed around the theology of the Assyrian national god, Ashur, leader of the local pantheon and “true” king of Assyria…
14,50 €
Environmental changes in the Jebleh plain (Syria). Geophysical, Geomorphological, Palynological, Archaeological and Historical Research
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Une approche interdisciplinaire a permis de retracer les changements environnementaux de la région de Tell Tweini…
14,50 €
Deux textes administratifs néo-sumériens et un sceau-cylindre paléo-babylonien inédits
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The first Neo-Sumerian administrative text is dated from the second month of the 42d year of Šulgi’s reign. This is an expenditure text of a certain Urkununna, a high-ranking civil servant from Drehem. The second tablet, a delivery text, is probably dated from the third month of the third year of Šū-Sin’s reign. The owner of the Old-Babylonian cylinder seal is Ilišamaš, son of Ahušunu, servant of Šamaš and of Nergal of Apiak.
14,50 €
Un caso di interferenza linguistica in area microasiatica: su alcuni antroponimi composti del panfilio
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Cet essai analyse certains anthroponymes composés pamphyliens possédant la voyelle de liaison -a-. Dans le panorama de la dialectologie grecque, il s’agit d’une particularité presque exclusive du dialecte pamphylien. Après avoir écarté la possibilité d’un trait héréditaire propre aux dialectes achéens, on propose d’analyser cette spécificité du pamphylien en tant que produit d’une interférence du substrat anatolien et louvite en particulier.

14,50 €
Notes sur certains sapeurs néo-assyriens
F. DE BACKER. — The goal of this paper is to provide the reader with some clues about a specific kind of soldier usually represented on the neo-assyrian visual documents in the depictions of siege-combats…
14,50 €
De cuneatis, quas vocant, inscriptionibus persepolitanis legendis et explicandis relatio ou comment Grotefend perça le mystère du vieux-perse
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This paper offers a Latin to French translation of the small account Georg Friedrich Grotefend gave about his attempt of deciphering Old Persian cuneiform. The Göttingen young Latin teacher’s article, which title is De cuneatis, quas vocant, inscriptionibus persepolitanis legendis et explicandis relatio, appears partly, at first, in the Göttinger Gelehrten Anzeigen in 1802-1803. The last editing version, by W. Meyer, dates back to 1893. This work represents the key of Old Persian decipherment but has never been translated to date. It seems all the more necessary to do it since severals differences exist  between Grotefend’s own account and what can be usually read on the topic.
So, this text allows us to follow the decipherer’s work and progress, and his method, as Grotefend himself notifies, from general considerations on the three writings attested on Persepolis monuments, to very precise readings and translations of Old Persian  cuneiform inscriptions, what he calls “the first Persepolitan writing”.
14,50 €
Les conséquences des guerres sumériennes
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From the year names of the Sumerian period, we learn the destruction of many towns that are supposed to be ruined to the ground in wartime. The houses were burnt, the king captive or killed, the inhabitants taken away, the fields ravaged, metals, cattle and flock carried as a booty. We are amazed at seeing that, two or three years later, these towns and their bordering country were completely destroyed again. I would try to understand what the texts really mean. It seems interesting to consider the social and economic consequences of the facts that are mentioned above.
14,50 €
Guštāsp et Lug : des similitudes irano-celtiques
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Some parts of Guštāsp’s life told by Firdawsi’s Shahnameh are like some parts of Lug’s life: the Iranian prince and the Celtic god came incognito at the chief town of a kingdom; both presented themselves to king’s palace and enumerated their ability, but failed; both must undergo many tests, but then were successful; both became king’s allies, won at war, and became kings. These resemblances partly question Dumezil’s thesis and deny some parts of Guštāsp’s life are taken from an episode of the Mahābhārata.
14,50 €
Reading Lycian Through Greek Eyes: The Vowels
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The purpose of this article is to revise the values that have been traditionally attributed by scholars to the Lycian vowels. In order to do that, I intend to study the Lycian names attested in Greek inscriptions, especially those present in bilingual inscriptions. Since the values of the Greek vowels are well known, this will help me to establish the values of the Lycian vowels.
14,50 €
Omero ideologo ?
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On relève en Homère une excessive, inacceptable homogénéité entre les Grecs et les non-Grecs. Dans le champ de la religion, le Panthéon grec semble être commun à toutes les gens entraînées dans la guerre de Troie; toutefois Homère introduit un rituel panhellénique des Vieilles pendant la procession menée par Hécube. Tous les personnages, héroïques ou moins, qui prennent part au conflit, emploient un langage qui est apparemment unique; toutefois, les peuples de la coalition anatolienne parlent des langues differentes (Il., IV, 436 seg.). D’un point de vue politique, on observe aussi que les souverains étrangers sont appelés βασιλεις, à la manière grecque. Dans l’Odyssée les Phéaciens semblent être un peuple qui vit heureusement; toutefois Homère admet l’existence de possibles larrons (Od., VIII, 443 seg.). Homère est un témoin attentif et digne de foi – à mon avis – de la réalité du monde mycénien à la fin du IIe millénaire. Pourtant pareilles contradictions étant inadmissibles, elles peuvent être expliquées seulement comme un bien précis objectif. Par le caractère politique-culturel de ces contradictions, il est possible de penser à un but à caractère idéologique.

14,50 €
La monarchie hasmonéenne d’après le témoignage des monnaies : État juif ou État hellénistique ?
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The usage of Greek symbols on Hasmonean coins solely reflects a superficial dualism which does not distort in any way the national character of the Hasmonean state. The coins do not reflect any cultural dualism whatsoever, evenless a kind of syncretism. The Greek symbols used by the Hasmonean were not seen as symbols of paganism or idolatry. They were chosen in accordance with their relevance to the Jewish tradition.
14,50 €
La « renaissance » de l’hébreu parlé : continuité et rupture
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This study shows how Modern Hebrew is linked to Biblical Hebrew through morphology, whilst it is distanced through syntax. But it is through semantics that there is the most innovation. In fact, the « renaissance » of spoken Hebrew, the initiative of which is above all due to Eliezer Ben Yehouda (1858-1922), fonctions thanks to the use of the classical heritage of the Scriptures read again according to the sociolinguistic contexts of the speakers concerned.
14,50 €
L’iscrizione sudpicena della stele di Belmonte
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De nouvelles autopsies et surtout une analyse informatisée de nombreuses macrophoto­graphies ont permis de lire complètement l’inscription funéraire de la stèle de Belmonte. L’inscription est divisible en trois périodes : 1) apúnis qupat ant teom « Aponios [le défunt] cubat ante te » ; 2) łas manes abít sue cum hemat « Lar Manis abit secum humat » ; 3) mehnatís utrímpe íttas estas amuenas diγeintem atím łepetest « Maiores utrumque ictae (?) gentis amoenae memorantem petram linquent ».
14,50 €
Quelques réflexions sur la montagne comme lieu de culte des Hittites
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In this paper, the author presents some aspects of the organization of Hittite festivals when they take place on a mountain. Even if the texts are few and laconic, some details let us think that it required a large human assistance ; for example, the setting up of the “tent” before the king arrives, the forwarding of the supplies for the cultic offers, the coming of many people belonging to the palatial or religious staff. All these particulars show, in an unusual way, the importance of the Hittite outdoor religious festivals.
14,50 €
La montagne d’après les données textuelles d’Ougarit
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This study of the textual data from Ugarit concerning mountains is organized around three topics. First, mountains are viewed as an elemental part of the sacred landscape of the kingdom of Ugarit, dwellings of gods, meeting place of divinities, the edge of the world. Then the question of the identification of administrative districts in terms of geographical regions is treated. The final theme is the importance for the economy of the natural resources found in the mountainous areas, particularly animal husbandry, agriculture and timber industry.
14,50 €
La divinité du mont Argée
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Classical coins from Caesarea (Kayseri) in Cappadocia and gems depict the Argaeus mountain in relation with a solar deity and horse. Commentators often hesitated to give a name to this deity : Helios-Apollon, Zeus-Sarapis ? According to texts from Kanesh, compared with classical and iconographical sources, the Argaeus-deity could be Pirwa, god of the mountain and protector of horses, the sanctuary of which was a kind of baetyl.
14,50 €
Par monts et par vaux infernaux : la topographie des enfers dans le monde grec
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In archaic and classical Greece, the infernal world is characterized by a large network of rivers and marshy zones. The landscape appears essentially like a meadow (leimwvn), in other words a field heavy with moisture. Nevertheless, it is no flat open country as will be shown in this paper.
14,50 €
L’homme-montagne ou l’itinéraire d’un motif iconographique
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This paper suggests to precise the symbolical meaning of the half-human half-mountain figure. After looking back on the origin of this traditional theme of the Syro-Anatolian world, we will approach the question of the symbols’ diffusion in the ancient Near-East and especially of the iconographic exchanges between Mesopotamia and the Syro-Anatolian regions.
14,50 €
Les montagnes dans l’historiographie et la géographie hittites
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The Hittite cuneiform texts and hieroglyphic inscriptions provide us with hundred of placenames, the names of countries, rivers or mountains. Names of numerous mountains, highlands or ranges are known. They allow to fix the borders between the hittite land and several vassal states (Kizzuwatna, Ugarit, Tarḫuntašša). They were the theatre of wars, especially against the “barbarous” Gasgas of the pontic chains, and of kings heroic deeds. Several sovereigns (Ammuna, Arnuwanda, Tutḫaliya) have taken a mountain name who was also the name of a god.
14,50 €
Le(s) nom(s) de la montagne en louvite
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The name of the mountain in luwian raises difficulties, because of the use of the ideograms in both the hieroglyphic and cuneiform writings. Whereas *ariyatti- is an excellent candidate for cuneiform ḪUR.SAG-ti, it seems increasingly certain that the hieroglyphic sign MONS was read wati-. I showed that watti- “mountain” and other terms etymologically connected seem attested in cuneiform luwian as well. It is not, therefore, unimaginable that ḪUR.SAG-ti was read watti-.
14,50 €
La montagne dans le monde hittite
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In this contribution, R. Lebrun suggests a semantic interpretation (via the Hittite and Luwian languages) of several important mountain names of Anatolia. We find so the revelation of the feelings of the ancient Anatolian populations concerning the mountains.
14,50 €
Quand la Montagne se rend à la ville
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In a previous paper, I showed that several cults carried out on the Mountain were related to foundation, and were meant to reinforce the roots of kingship as well as regenerating the king when the latter was aged, ailed or diseased. Today, I will examine two ceremonies where the Mountains move towards the city and try to discover the meaning of these travels: a monthly festival and a procession ceremony included within the KI.LAM festivities. In both cases the Mountains go to the city of Hattusha: I will demonstrate that in these two cases their journey is aimed at consolidating royalty and foundation. A new interpretation of the KI.LAM can therefore be surmised: it was one of the most important Hittite religious festivals. I will nevertheless recall the main characteristics of Hittite mountains and some aspects of ritual foundations performed on mountaintops.
14,50 €
Casius, le mont sacré de la Méditerranée orientale
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Mountains have always been considered as a natural way leading to heaven, as the bridge between human and divine. Some of them received particular attention and were adored as the true deities by the populations living around. Casius provides one of the most outstanding examples of this cult of the mountain in the past. This paper aims to emphasize the sacred character of this mountain by underlining its different aspects. As a border mountain, Casius occupies a site of great strategic importance, close to the Maditerranean Sea coast as the Orontes River’s mouth. Thoughout the Late Bronze Age, the chief deity of Ugarit’s pantheon dwellt on its summit nd, in the same period, Casius appeared to be the highest place of Hurrian mythology. During the classical antiquity, the cult of Zeus Casius confirmed the long continuity of this mountain’s fame in the ancient world.
14,50 €
Les cultes de montagnes dans le monde louvite
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Texts of IId millenium B.C. underline the importance of mountains in Luwian minds. A few mounts are connected to Luwians, as Arinnanda, where Mursili fought Arzawian refugees. Devotions have been given to Harhara and Sarlaimi. The Hieroglyphic Inscription of Yalburt attested the existence of a sanctuary in Mount Patara (Lukka-Lands), venerated by Tudhaliya IV.
During the Ist millenium B.C., many deities are linked to mountains through the epiclesis of Oreios/eia. There is even a god named Oros in Cilicia. We examine particularly the case of Meter Oreia, rarely assimilated (maybe to Nemesis and Adrasteia in Lycia, more certainly to Athena in Cilicia).
14,50 €