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I patronimici in -ίδᾱς del greco antico tra conservazione e innovazione
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Cet essai analyse les dérivés en -ίδᾱς en grec ancien, présence bien attestée – avec la valeur de patronymiques – dans la langue homérique. Après avoir écarté la validité des interprétations déjà existantes sur l’origine de ce suffixe, qu’il est malaisé de considérer en tant qu’agglomerat de -ίδ- + -ᾱς, on propose de postuler une origine microasiatique pour le suffixe -ίδᾱς dans sa globalité. Il s’agirait, en effet, du suffixe indo-européen *-iyo- (d’ailleurs bien attesté pour les adjectifs de relation), qui serait medié du lydien, vu qu’il présente l’évolution phonétique *y > d en position intervocalique, phénomène qui apparaît fréquemment dans la langue lydienne.


14,50 €
À propos de deux fragments de l'épopée de Gilgameš en langue hourrite
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The paper deals with two badly damaged passages of the Epic of Gilgameš written in the Hurrian language (KUB VIII 61). The first passage corresponds to Tablet I of the standard Babylonian text and the lament of Uruk's inhabitants about the tyrannic rule of their king. The second passage narrates the encounter of Gilgameš and Šiduri and corresponds to Tablet X. It can be noted that the Hurrian version is inspired by the oldest version and not the standard version, which is about a millennium more recent.
14,50 €
Die 11. und 12. Tafel des ḫisuu̯a-Festes
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Cet article, contenant l’étude de l’onzième et la douzième tablettes de la fête ḫišuu̯a (transcription, traduction, et commentaire), forme la continuation directe de l’étude de l’auteur que fut publiée en RANT 7 (2010), p. 357-398. En tenant compte de l’étude de la treizième tablette de cette fête par K. Kompalla en DBH 35 (sous presse) le fin de la fête ḫišuu̯a est à l’examen facile de tout qui s’intéresse à la religion et à l’héritage écrit des Hittites.


14,50 €
L’inscription phénicienne de Tabnit (KAI 13). Essai de vocalisation
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The aim of this article is to propose a vocalisation of the Phoenician inscription of Tabnit (KAI 13). It begins with an introduction about the methodology. Then follows a line by line commentary where all the choices are explained. It ends with some syntactical remarks.


14,50 €
Mazaca. Un site à “tous égards naturellement impropre à l’habitat”
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I’m interested in Strabo’s description of Mazaca in Cappadocia. The description of this polis, with its wealth of information, is exceeded only by the descriptions of Alexandria and Rome. However, I don’t believe that this presentation is based on what the author would have observed. Strabo certainly uses local sources, perhaps royal cappadocian traditions.


14,50 €
Le cas d'Ewri-Sarruma, fils royal
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Ewri-Sarruma is one of these high-ranking persons of the Syro-anatolian society which is DUMU.LUGAL "royal son" and which we find in the texts of Ougarit, Bogazköy and on the seals of Nişantepe. This article takes back all these documents, the various written forms of the name Ewri-Sarruma as well as an analysis of this person. I also try to date most exactly possible these texts and seals.


14,50 €
Notes relatives à la ville de Landa
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This article on the city of Landa fits into a plan of study concerning several cities of Anatolia, in particular religious centres. It is a question of collecting texts mentioning this city, to give a transliteration with translation and try to place her in Anatolia.


14,50 €
Hittites et Louvites dans l’Anatolie occidentale au deuxième millénaire av. J.-C.
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In this contribution the reader finds many and sometimes recent informations relating to the Hittite presence in the « Luwian » countries of Western Anatolia and in many islands of the Eastern Egea.


14,50 €
Crudelis tu quoque, mater. Sur un passage problématique du chant de Damon (Virgile, VIIIe Bucolique, v. 47-50)
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The verses 47-50 of the eighth Eclogue are very confusing: they refer to personae whose identity can’t be clearly established (crudelis mater, puer improbus). Besides, their inelegantly emphatic form lets us suppose a textual corruption. Yet, an intertextual approach helps us to shed light on the meaning of the passage: the portrayal of incest in Catullian Carmen 64 (v. 403-406) − which obviously influenced Virgil − is very close to Virgilian verses, and takes place in a similar context: the depiction of crimes induced by Love. Hence our hypothesis that the ‘cruel mother’ (crudelis mater) and the ‘indecent child’ (improbus puer) are mentioned as an anonymous exemplum of incest.


14,50 €
De la Vallée du Nil au Pays du Fleuve. Réflexions à propos du Naharina
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The aim of this paper is to put in light the historical, political and geographical context of the Late Bronze Age Middle East that led to the apparition of the toponym Naharina in Egyptian Texts. What was the reality behind this term ? Why did it occur so frequently in Egyptian sources despite the non-egyptian etymological origin ? Was it linked to the Hurrian Empire of Mitanni ? These are questions which at some point will need clear answers.


14,50 €
Élamite. Analyse grammaticale et lecture de textes
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Elamite, a limited text-corpus language, was spoken in southwest Iran at least from c. 2350 till the fourth century BC. In this article a general overview of the Elamite grammar (writing system, phonology, morphology, and syntax) is presented. Following this presentation some texts will be discussed.


14,50 €
Per l’etimo dell’ittito maškan-
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Cet essai analyse le mot hittite maškan- « don, récompense propitiatoire, dessous de table » afin d’en proposer une étymologie. L’étude des attestations montre que la composante principale de la signification de maškan- pourrait appartenir au domaine de l’illégalité. À la lumière de ceci on propose d’analyser le mot maškan- comme un dérivé en -an (sur l’exemple de l’hittite ¯enkan- « ruine, mort », takšan- « jonction, moyen ») de la racine indo-européenne *mesg- « immerger, submerger » : maškan- serait alors, littéralement, « ce qui est souterrain, ce qui est caché ».
14,50 €
Lat. "gravastellus" (Plaut. "Epid." 620): un "hapax" problematico
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L’adjectif plautinien grāvāstellus (Ep., 620) a toujours posé des problèmes à l’analyse  linguistique, étant donné qu’il s’agit d’un hapax et aussi parce qu’il n’a été pas transmis de manière univoque par tous les manuscrits (dans certains d’entre eux, on lit ravistellus). Toutefois, la forme grāvāstellus est défendable du point de vue philologique, si on prend en compte l’authenticité et l’autorité de la tradition qui l’atteste. Il est possible, dès lors, de faire remonter grāvāstellus à un étymon *grā-u̯os, qui se retrouve dans la variante plus récente rāvus, « gris ». Lié étymologiquement à des formes grecques telles que γραῦς, « vieille femme », l’adjectif *grā-u̯os comporte un signifié primitif « vieux », qui a donné, par spécialisation sémantique, le sens de « gris » dans rāvus. L’existence de telles variations en latin est confirmée par la comparaison avec les autres langues indo-européennes.
14,50 €
Expulser l’autre. À propos d’un rituel ombrien (TI VI b 52 à VII a 2)
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The present paper aims at analyzing the description of an Umbrian ritual (TI VI b 52 to VII a 2). During this ritual, the foreigners are expelled from among the citizens of Iguvium. I examine how aggressive urges are unleashed, and on the same time controlled, in the frame of the religious performance.
14,50 €
Anfang und Ende des Ersten Pestgebetes Muršilis II.
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Tout hittitologue ou spécialiste de l’histoire de l’Anatolie antique devra se réjouir de voir avantageusement restaurés, grâce à de nouveaux « joins », deux passages de la première prière contre la peste qui ravageait le Hatti du Grand Roi hittite Moursili II (1318-1290 av. J.-C.) ; il s’agit du Ro 1-7, 16-22 et du Vo 44-51. La publication enrichissante de ces deux passages est assortie d’observations philologiques d’un grand intérêt.
14,50 €
Les inscriptions de Lepcis Magna en l’honneur de Septime Sévère et de sa famille. Deuxième partie
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This article is the second part of a study intituled « The inscriptions of Lepcis Magna in honour of Septimius Severus and his family ». In this first article, we exposed the epigraphically corpus used and tried to identified author of this texts (see).
14,50 €
L’enfant de la  IVe Bucolique : un autre Zarathuštra ?
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Because the ambiguousness of the Latin grammar we don’t know who in Virgil’s 4th Eclogue (vv. 60 – 63) smiles (the child to his mother or the mother to her child). In order to work out this problem we compare the birth of the child and Zoroaster’s whose Virgil’s contemporaries knew the live, at least partly. We thus may say not only the child smiles to his mother, but also he is born in a religious environment, as when Zoroaster was born. In the 4th Eclogue, Virgil provides the child with some Zoroaster’s salient features, in order that the child has the qualities of the founder of the religion the Parthians, i.e. the Rome’ enemies, practise, and because the child will see the submission of the Parthians.
14,50 €
Antiquité classique et tradition biblique en symbiose dans l’Anthologie Palatine, VIII, Epigrammes 12-23
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In order to situate the Anthologia Palatina in the cultural history of Europe, this article analyses twelve literary epitaphs of Gregory of Nazianzus : 1. Book XXIV, Epitaphia 12-23, texts and observations; 2. biographical order of the poems; 3. the junction of classical and patristic traditions; 4. private poetry.
14,50 €
Les animaux domestiques dans les sources lyciennes
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Some questions about pets in Lycia through iconographical documents and rare mentions in epichoric epigraphy. We focused on Dynastic times in Lycia and observed that representations of such animals may be issued from an Anatolian Tradition.

14,50 €
Le “Chien” dans la tradition juive des littératures bibliques et para- et postbiblique (Ahiqar, écrits de Qumrân, pseudépigraphes et littérature rabbinique)
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Dogs in Judaism in biblical and extra- and postbiblical traditions (Ahiqar, writings from Qumran, Apocryphal and Rabbinic literature)
In Judaism, from the Torah until the later writings from Qumran and the Rabbinic literature, dogs are generally considered to be unclean, bad and fierce.
Despite the general negative connation, there are a few exceptional passages  where dogs occupy a very positive position as creatures faithful to their masters and  as guardians like in the apocryphal book of Tobit where the dog accompanies Tobias on his journey to Ekbatana. A similar role is assigned to the dog in the Midrash where Cain, having killed his brother Abel, is given a dog by God as a symbol of his protection.
In the Rabbinic tradition it is also written that the dogs stayed silent while the Israelites began to exit from Egypt, and the Talmud says that Jews should "tolerate" dogs.
14,50 €
Un bref aperçu de la langue lydienne
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The aim of this paper is to give a brief grammatical sketch of Lydian : the author provides data about the corpus of inscriptions, the alphabet, phonology, and morphology.

14,50 €
La position de la langue lycienne : présentation grammaticale et lexicale d’une langue. Représentant du louvite résiduel
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We give here a short  grammatical and lexical presentation of the Lycian language in the perspective of an inheritage by an Anatolian language (5th-4th B.C.) from the Luwian : we find here an extraordinary example of linguistic continuity.

14,50 €
Notes cariennes
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The reader finds here a short presentation of the carian language with a commentary of four inscriptions.

14,50 €
Le stadiasmos de Patara et la définition de l’espace romain dans la nouvelle province de Lycie-Pamphylie
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This article examines the now well-known inscription of Patara, the so-called Stadiasmos of Patara. Authors already argued that the long list of measures between cities of Lycia was useless as an itinerary and travel guide…
14,50 €
Quelques remarques relatives aux pérégrinations des diplomates, au fil des relations égypto-hittites (IIe millénaire avant J.-C.)
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In this paper, the author introduces some aspects concerning relations between Egypt and different states of Asia Minor in the second millenium B.C…
14,50 €
Le voyage de Diodore de Sicile en Égypte, ou le nécessaire recours aux sources de la bibliothèque d’Alexandrie
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In this paper, the author redraws essential stages of the life of Diodorus of Sicily. The trip which this one accomplished in Egypt must exercise important influence for the writing of his work : the Library of History. This sicilian historian could consult sources kept in Alexandria, what allowed him to insert new books (I-VI) dedicating in events previous to the war of Troy.
14,50 €
Cicéron, d’Italie en Cilicie. Conditions, vitesse et impressions de voyage d’un futur gouverneur
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The nomination of Cicero as governor obliged the orator to a long travel from Rome to Cilicia between april and august 51 B.C. Cicero had to organise a long journey to Asia Minor on road and sea, with the obsession to avoid a prorogation in his province…
14,50 €
Les missions des scribes hittites durant la seconde moitié du XIIIe s. av. J.-C.
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This short contribution is relating to the scribe’s travels and functions during the second half of the thirteenth century B.C…
14,50 €
Les pérégrinations des marchands assyriens en haute Mésopotamie et en Asie Mineure
C. MICHEL. — At the beginning of the IInd millennium BC, inhabitants from the Aššur city-state, on the Tigris river, organized large scale commercial exchange with Anatolia…
14,50 €
L’iconographie du sarcophage d’Ahirom. Un bref état de la question
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The aim of the following article is a brief reassessment of the iconography on the sarcophagus of Ahirom, king of Byblos…
14,50 €
L’inscription phénicienne du sarcophage d’Ahiram. Un essai de vocalisation
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The article proposes a vocalisation of the Phoenician inscription of the Sarcophagus of Ahiram. The vocalisation is reconstructed from Assyrian texts, Greek and Latin transcriptions, and parallels with Hebrew. The rules of Semitic comparative grammar are also used.
14,50 €
La place du phénicien en Anatolie au premier millénaire av. J.-C.
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The lector finds here some informations relating to the presence and the cultural influence of the Phoenicians in Anatolia since the Recent Bronze Age, in particular in Southern Anatolia (Cilicia).
14,50 €
La Phénicie et les Phéniciens. Mise en place de la problématique
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We find here a short historical presentation of the Phoenician civilization.
14,50 €
Les "matres lectionis" en phénicien. Nouvelles orientations
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20th century scholars declared that a “system of purely consonantal writing was rigorously maintained in Phoenician” and “no matres lectionis would appear in the orthography”…
14,50 €
Les pseudo-hiéroglyphes de Byblos. Bibliographie et remarques générales
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The paper concerns the pseudo-hieroglyphic texts of Byblos. It proposes a brief review of the main bibliography as well as some general remarks.
14,50 €
Tra etimologia e ricostruzione culturale. Il caso del panfilio επίστασις
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Cet essai analyse le mot επίστασις qui figure dans deux inscriptions dialectales pamphyliennes provenant de Pergé…
14,50 €
Système proprement latin de la morphologie
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The latin conjugation obeys a law of phonetics very general which limits considerably the successions of consonants with regard to their frequency…
14,50 €
Die neuen Fragmente der Deeds of Šuppiluliuma. Vorläufige Bemerkungen
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Nous trouvons dans cet article essentiellement la présentation et l’étude de nouveaux fragments hittites concernant les Actes du roi Suppiluliuma Ier dont la copie autographe a été donnée récemment dans le volume KBo 50.
14,50 €
Fragments hittites relatifs à l’Égypte
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In order to continue the publication of hitttite’s fragments relating to Egypt, started since about thirty years in Professor J. Vergote’s honour, this paper presents the reading of some new fragments testifying the toponym Mizri (Egypt)…
14,50 €
Les inscriptions de Lepcis Magna en l’honneur de Septime Sévère et de sa famille. Première partie
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This article, in two parts (see), studies the latin inscriptions dedicated to Septimius Severus and his family in the city of Lepcis Magna…
14,50 €
I "saecula" etruschi
F. MORA. — Contre l’idée répandue que les siècles étrusques duraient plus de cent ans, on démontre que les siècles longs n’appartiennent qu’à l’annalistique romaine, tandis que les siècles étrusques duraient moins de cent ans…
14,50 €
Tacite et Sima Qian
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Tacitus and Sima Qian (ca. 140-85 BC, author of the Shiji, the Records of the Historian) are eminent representatives of Roman and ancient Chinese historiography…
14,50 €
Il santuario, i rituali ed il wanax
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Cette étude commence par un ultérieur approfondissement sur la situation des opérateurs du culte mycéniens et leur organisation…
14,50 €
On the Hittite Demonstrative apaš
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Dans cet bref article, l’auteur se propose de prouver que le démonstratif hittite apaš provient d’une contamination de particules déictiques indo-européennes en *e/o et *bhe/o…
14,50 €
Ritual prescriptions in the etruscan "Liber linteus"
F. C. WOUDHUIZEN. — Le texte le plus long en langue étrusque est le 'Liber linteus', conservé aujourd'hui sous la forme de bandes d'une momie égyptienne exposée dans le musée de Zagreb…
14,50 €
Sacrilège à Pessongoi ! Aspects culturels, religieux et théologiques de la correspondance des rois attalides avec le grand-prêtre de Pessinonte
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The attalid letters from Pessinous are exceptionnal documents for Antiquity, because of their secret nature. They allow the reconstitution of a tragic episod which affected the sanctuary: a sacrilege commited by Galatians. Facing the accident, the author of these texts expresses reactions rarely noticed, linked with theology. It may be added that the presentations of these events became possible by the simple change concerning the word Pessongoi, which figures in the beginning of the first letter.
14,50 €
Lumière sur les loups d’Apollon
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The origin of the name of the deity Apollo is still a matter of debate. The name is attributed to Greek, Anatolian or a substrate language of the Aegean area. Whatever the position one takes on this question, it has consequences far beyond the linguistic debate: it concerns the constitution of the Greek religious belief by inherited or by loan elements. In this article it is decisively taken part for the Greek origin of the deity, which is further linked to elements of Indo-European culture. In spite of some astonishing facts which could be in favor of an Anatolian (or substrate) origin, such an origin is refused. These facts belong already to a further development of the nature of the deity. The whole question is linked to the history of the movements of Indo-European men-groups to unknown regions, notably to the Greek presence in Western Anatolia which is older than generally asumed. In this perspective, Apollo can be considered as a kind of ‘frontier god’ who get’s ‘civilized’ in parallel to the institutional development of the political units venerating him.
14,50 €
La "maison (le palais) des ancêtres" et les tombeaux des rois hittites
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In Hittite texts apart from the «stone house» É.NA4 and the É hekur there is the third term related to the deceased kings: a «house (palace) of grand-fathers» É(.GAL) huhhas. Those houses existed in three Hittite royal residences: Hattusa, Katapa and Samuha. Some ceremonies of the great festivals as well as the rituals were celebrated in those houses. In Hattusa the events of the second day of the hisuwa-festival took place in the “house of grand-fathers”; in Samuha the queen celebrated a ritual for Sauska of Taminiga in the É huhhas; in Katapa the nuntarriyasha-festival began in the “house of grand-fathers”. É huhhas (as well as the “stone house») had some economic power: the food necessary for the different festivals were brought from them. Although there wasn’t any festival nor ritual description which took place in the “stone house”. The officials working for É huhhas (LÚ.MEŠ É huhhas) had the ability to answer the oracle questions in some ominal texts.
14,50 €
Remarques sur "la maison du dieu"
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As regards the temples and sanctuaries, the author underlines the specific aspects of the Hittites in the indo-european civilisations. Very early the Hittites built dwellings for the gods. He stresses the act that the “houses  of the gods”, as they are usually designed, are built like human abodes. Among other points, the author draws our attention to presence of the gods in the sanctuaries as well as their relationship with their statues.
14,50 €
Deux textes administratifs néo-sumériens et un sceau-cylindre paléo-babylonien inédits
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The first Neo-Sumerian administrative text is dated from the second month of the 42d year of Šulgi’s reign. This is an expenditure text of a certain Urkununna, a high-ranking civil servant from Drehem. The second tablet, a delivery text, is probably dated from the third month of the third year of Šū-Sin’s reign. The owner of the Old-Babylonian cylinder seal is Ilišamaš, son of Ahušunu, servant of Šamaš and of Nergal of Apiak.
14,50 €
Un caso di interferenza linguistica in area microasiatica: su alcuni antroponimi composti del panfilio
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Cet essai analyse certains anthroponymes composés pamphyliens possédant la voyelle de liaison -a-. Dans le panorama de la dialectologie grecque, il s’agit d’une particularité presque exclusive du dialecte pamphylien. Après avoir écarté la possibilité d’un trait héréditaire propre aux dialectes achéens, on propose d’analyser cette spécificité du pamphylien en tant que produit d’une interférence du substrat anatolien et louvite en particulier.

14,50 €