L’apport hourrite dans l’élaboration de la culture hittite du XIIIe siècle av. J.-C.
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In the first part of this contribution the reader finds an historical aspect relating to the great moments of the Hurrian civilization . An information is added about the progress of the decipherment of the Hurrian language. The second part deals with the influence of the Hurrians during the 13st century B.C. especially over the Hittite language and the official religion of the Hittite Empire.
14,50 €
Observations on the Lyric Structure of Hurrian Songs and the Fragment KBo 35.39
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by Dennis R.M. CAMPBELL. — Les difficultés rencontrées lors de la traduction des chants hurrites d’Ougarit sont nombreuses, mais on peut faire plusieurs observations sur le style de ces chants. En explorant leur structure lyrique, on dégage deux styles : chants avec paroles continues et chants avec refrains…
14,50 €
À propos de deux fragments de l'épopée de Gilgameš en langue hourrite
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The paper deals with two badly damaged passages of the Epic of Gilgameš written in the Hurrian language (KUB VIII 61). The first passage corresponds to Tablet I of the standard Babylonian text and the lament of Uruk's inhabitants about the tyrannic rule of their king. The second passage narrates the encounter of Gilgameš and Šiduri and corresponds to Tablet X. It can be noted that the Hurrian version is inspired by the oldest version and not the standard version, which is about a millennium more recent.
14,50 €
De la Vallée du Nil au Pays du Fleuve. Réflexions à propos du Naharina
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The aim of this paper is to put in light the historical, political and geographical context of the Late Bronze Age Middle East that led to the apparition of the toponym Naharina in Egyptian Texts. What was the reality behind this term ? Why did it occur so frequently in Egyptian sources despite the non-egyptian etymological origin ? Was it linked to the Hurrian Empire of Mitanni ? These are questions which at some point will need clear answers.


14,50 €
Éléments d’onomastique hourrito-louvite et la légende étrusque de Tagès
A. PORTNOFF. — The story of Tages is one of the most authentic Etruscan legends. Nevertheless, his name cannot be easily explained by Etruscan…
14,50 €