» V
» Vanschoonwinkel, Jacques
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Jacques VANSCHOONWINKEL. — Il est notoire que les Crétois du IIe millénaire avaient une attirance pour la nature dans tous ses aspects…
Jacques VANSCHOONWINKEL. — Women occupied an important place in the Aegean world of the Bronze Age, as evidenced by the clearly predominant female presence in the iconography of the period. This article focuses on the role of women in Aegean religions…
14,50 €
Milet entre Mycéniens et Hittites
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In the second half of the 15th century B.C., the Mycenaeans replaced the Minoans in Miletus, as shown by archaeological evidence and Hittite records that mention Miletus, under the name Millawanda, and the land of Aḫḫijawā. Miletus was then in the political orbit of the king of Aḫḫijawā and its relations with the Hittites were often hostile. However, at the end of the 13th century, the town passed under the control of the Hittite king. According to Homer, Miletus was a Carian city during the time of the Trojan War.
14,50 €
Les Peuples de la Mer d’après une lecture archéologique des reliefs de Médinet Habou
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J. VANSCHOONWINKEL, "Les Peuples de la Mer d’après une lecture archéologique des reliefs de Médinet Habou", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
Que sait-on vraiment des « Peuples de la mer » ?
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J. VANSCHOONWINKEL, "Que sait-on vraiment des « Peuples de la mer » ?", in L. PLEUGER (ed.), «  Du Nil à la mer. L'Égypte au fil de l'eau – From the Nile to the Sea. Egypt along the Water » (CEA, 24), Brussels, 2024.
Un rare exemple de scène champêtre à Akrotiri de Théra
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J. VANSCHOONWINKEL, « Un rare exemple de scène champêtre à Akrotiri de Théra », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
Le singe dans le monde minoen et cycladique
J. VANSCHOONWINKEL. — The representations of monkeys are numerous in the Minoan and Theran art although the monkey is not an animal native of the Aegean…
14,50 €
Les Eubéens, premiers voyageurs grecs en Orient
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Oriental objects are present at Lefkandi on the island of Euboea from the end of the eleventh century and Greek protogeometric vases, specifically euboean, are imported in the Levant in the tenth century…
14,50 €
L’achéen Achille est-il l’ancêtre du philistin Goliath ? À propos de l’armement et de la technique de combat du Philistin
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After a first paper devoted to the iconographical evidence from the temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu, this one analyzes the weapons of the Philistines from the textual evidence of the Old Testament, especially the description of the duel between Goliath and David. The scale-corset, the greaves of bronze, the javelin likened to a « weaver’s beam » and the singular contest give us some interesting information. In the problem of the supposed Aegean roots of the Philistine material culture, a close examination of the weapons and the singular contest shows that, apart from the greaves, they are typical in the ancient Near East at the end of the second millennium B.C.
14,50 €
La double hache minoenne et l'Anatolie
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This contribution discusses the supposed Anatolian origin of the Minoan double axe suggested by many archaeologists and historians. The Cretan archaeological and iconographical evidence and the Anatolian one are firstly analysed. The confrontation of the results shows that the uses, the typology and the chronology are very different in the two countries. Consequently the paper concludes to the incompatibility of an Anatolian origin of the Minoan double axe.

14,50 €