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Vestiges de la Grande Guerre au sein d’un vaste programme archéologique français. L’exemple du Canal Seine-Nord Europe
G. PRILAUX, M. TALON. — Tijdens de preventieve opgravingen die werden uitgevoerd voor de bouw van het kanaal Seine - Noord-Europa kwamen talrijke overblijfselen aan het licht…
14,50 €
La vie municipale et religieuse dans les cités du Nord de la Gaule
M.-Th. RAEPSAET-CHARLIER, G. RAEPSAET. — De romanisering van Gallië was een langdurig en moeizaam proces, dat nochtans ondersteund werd door een grondig uitgewerkte institutionele structuur en de aanwezigheid van troepen aan de grenzen, alsook door de integratie van de bevolking in de Romeinse beschaving die doorheen het hele Romeinse rijk handelsverkeer genereert…
14,50 €
Des haches néolithiques à l’époque romaine
A. THIEBAUX, I. JADIN, E. GOEMAERE. — Zes Neolitische bijlen en een beitel uit steen, afkomstig uit de oude opgravingen van twee Romeinse villae in Houdeng-Goegnies vertonen sporen waarvan de interpretatie is dat ze hergebruikt zijn in de Gallo-Romeinse tijd…
14,50 €
Tournai, une ville « au confluent de la nature et de l’artifice »
L. VERSLYPE, I. DERAMAIX. — Dankzij vijfentwintig jaar archeologische opzoekingen kunnen we de sociale, economische, religieuze en militaire geschiedenis van Doornik beter documenteren…
14,50 €
Des ZAC, des ZAI et des ZAP dans l’Antiquité
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F. VILVORDER, E. WEINKAUF and F. PIGIÈRE, « Des ZAC, des ZAI et des ZAP dans l’Antiquité », in DEMELENNE M. and DOCQUIER G. (dir.), Trésor ? / Trésor ! Archéologie au cœur de l'Europe, Brussels, 2014.
14,50 €
Les symboles divins solaires hittites. Circulation ou invention ?
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During Antiquity, Men live everyday the constant presence of the sun. Therfore their lifestyle is influenced by the sunlight and its positive heat. It could explain the fact that the Sun God becomes one of the main divinities. However civilizations from diverse regions of the Ancient Near East perceive the Sun in the same way. The representation is it invented in each place? Or is it broadcast a culture to another ? This concern centred on Anatolia is the heart of this paper that will attempt to highlight different points of view of the symbolism of the Solar divinity.


14,50 €
L’apprentissage de la métrologie à Ougarit à la fin de l’âge du Bronze récent
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Within the lexicographic framework, the metrological texts in Sumero-Akkadian cuneiform discovered at Ras-Shamra provide a testimony for the formulation of metrological knowledge at Ugarit towards the end of the Late Bronze Age. I Have chosen to compare these data with the older material from Nippur and hope to show that the Ugaritic measures of content and surface show Old-Babylonian antecedents for some of their elements while others are of local origin.


14,50 €
La littérature d'Ougarit, creuset de traditions venues d'outremer et d'outremonts
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The myths of Ras Shamra-Ugarit contain a western legacy illustrated by the gods Kôtharu wa Hasisu and Qadisu wa 'Amraru and related to the migration of skills. The eastern legacy is illustrated by the mythico-magic document “H˚oron and the snakes”, related to the transfers of knowledge. In the legends of Kirta and Aqhatu, several elements are related to the transmission of wisdom.


14,50 €
La transmission de l'alphabet phénicien aux Grecs.  “Confrontation dialectique” des théories de B. B. Powell et de R. D. Woodard et synthèse de S.-T. Teodorsson
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Studies on the origin and development of the alphabet are very abundant: considering the last twenty years only, I listed more than thirty papers and monographs, which focus their attention on the mother script and antiquity of the Greek alphabet or the place and modalities of its transmission. In this paper, I shall comment three key theories, namely these of B.B. Powell (1991), related with Homeric epics, R.D. Woodard (1997), related with Cypriot syllabic writing, and S.-T. Teodorsson (2006), related with oriental literature. I chose them because they offer a global model of the alphabet’s historical reconstitution, which takes into consideration all parts of the question. Powell’s “Homer related” theory and Woodard’s, on a Cypriot origin, apparently completely opposed, seem to be combined to a certain degree by Teodorsson, who proposes a kind of compromise between literary influence and trade routes.


14,50 €
Le Platon arabe et les Sabéens de Harran. La "voie diffuse" de la transmission du platonisme en terre d'Islam
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In the absence of integral and litteral Arabic translations of Plato’s dialogues, the transmission of Platonism in the Muslim world was an indirect one, passing through different channels such as medical works, doxographies and gnomologies. The complexity and relative obscurity of this ‘voie diffuse’, in which according to Pierre Thillet oral transmission played an important role, led to all kinds of hazardous speculations about the existence of a Platonic Academy among the “Sabaens” in Ḥarrān, which was supposed to be still in activity in the Xth century. This article proposes a critical analysis of one of the most quoted “evidences” for this theory: al-Mas‘ūdī’s report about a Platonic inscription he claims to have seen on the door-knocker of the maǧma‘ of the Sabaeans in Ḥarrān. Rather than proving the existence of a “Platonic Academy” there, al-Mas‘ūdī offers us an eloquent illustration of the way Platonism was transmitted in the Muslim world.


14,50 €
L’influence du traité "Les airs, les eaux et les lieux" d’Hippocrate chez les penseurs arabes du Moyen Âge
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In this paper, I want to show the influence of the hippocratic treatise On airs, waters, places ((Περὶ ἀέρων, ὑδάτων, τόπων) and Galen’s commentary in particular, on the arabic scientific literature. Of course, we find it in medicine but also in geography. In this field, the Galen’s commentary of hippocratic text determined the base of the theory of geographical determinism, giving a conceptual structure (physic and even physiological) to the influence of the man’s environment. The mediaeval thinkers applied this theory to the humanity and in this context, the hippocratic opposition between Schythians and Egyptians is replaced by the one between Turks and Egyptians or Slaves and Blacks. They used it also to explain the physical constitution and the ethics of a specific population.
14,50 €
De Baghdad à Cordoue : une migration de la tradition grammaticale arabe
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The Arabic Grammatical Tradition aims at studying the Kalâm-ʾl-ʿArab or “Language of the Arabs”, relying on texts written before 130/750. ʾAbû ʿAlî al-Qâlî (Manâzgird 280/893 – Cordoba 355/966), after having learnt Arabic grammar in Baghdad, has left the city in 328/939 for teaching in Cordoba from 330/941, applying the principles of Basra Grammatical School Tradition. He wrote several books, but one of them may be considered as typical for this Tradition : “The Book of Shortened and Extended Noun”, a critical edition of which has recently been published by Dr. al-Haridi. Al-Qâlî does no more regard “shortened noun” (ʾism maqṣûr) and “reduced noun” (ʾism manqûṣ) as synonymous as Ancient Grammarians did. In his view, a shortened noun is a noun where a /y/ or a /w/ is included as a radical. He looks for a main structural principle organizing grammatical rules, putting aside the nawâdir or unusual words. So that we may think about him as occupying an intermediary position between Ibn Sarrâǧ and Ibn Ǧinnî in the history of Arabic Grammatical Tradition.
14,50 €
L’apport des Hourrites dans les migrations du savoir en Anatolie à l’âge du Bronze
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In this contribution we find an approach of the problematic relating to the Hurrian influence on the Hittite Civilization during the Bronze Age.The Hurrian science and literature comes from the Sumerian country until Kizzuwatna (Cilicia) via Syria (Alep). During the 13th century B.C. the Hurrian rituals, the religious conceptions and the cultural influence arrived mightily in Hattusa, namely during the reign of Great King Hattusili III and Queen Puduhépa with aid of kizzuwatnean scribes such as the Great Sribe Walwaziti.
14,50 €
Les échanges de motifs littéraires entre chrétiens et musulmans à l’époque ottomane : le cas de la tradition orale des âşık
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The analysis of the Turkish popular literature, which was told and sung by the âşık, the story-tellers who used to recite their folk stories in the remote villages of Anatoly, shows that though these folk stories are original, some of their episodes go back to former traditions, like the Armenian legends and the Byzantine epos. In the same time, the religious and/or ethnic minorities of the Ottoman Anatolia – Greek, Armenian and Georgian Christians, but also Jews and Shiite Muslims – developed various attitudes toward these Anatolian folk stories. In some cases, they adopted it as they were told and they introduced them in their own repertory. In other cases, they adapted, partially or totally, these folk stories, making their heroes Christians or Shiites, changing their names and their places of birth. All these attitudes show the extreme vitality of the oral tradition in Anatolia.
14,50 €
La circulation des biens et des savoirs en Égypte romaine
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There is still a false look about commerce in Antiquity. Many clichés like life in autarky always exist. But, in Roman Egypt, commerce seems to be something of more complex.
There is local productions (like mining exploitations), but some towns are true centres of circulation of goodies coming from far away. Some sites testify of contacts with Arabia, India, Red Sea…by the way of ports like Berenice. Roads for caravans lie through deserts, with some military camps, wells and temples along them. Religious centres in commercial towns seem to be some keys to understand much the conception of commerce in Antiquity. In Roman Egypt, the emperor is portray like pharaoh offering local goodies (or exportation products coming in the site) to the pantheon. This fact could be easily explain: the piety of the king help to focalise the goodness of the gods on earthly economy.
14,50 €
La mythologie ougaritique dans son cadre historique
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Scholarly opinion on the origins of Ugaritic mythology, in particularly the myths having to do with the storm deity Baʿlu, has varied considerably over the eighty some years since the discovery of these tablets. Traditional Mesopotamian sources were cited as parallels early on, then Amorite influence was posited.  Recently, the hypothesis of a Mesopotamian connection has been revived under a new form.  These varied explanations for a Levantine mythology showing similarities with other Near-Eastern mythologies, not to mention Aegean ones, will be passed rapidly in review and the peculiarities of the Ugaritic version will be emphasized.


14,50 €
Transmission et vivacité des traditions céramiques locales durant l’occupation assyrienne. Le cas du bas Moyen-Euphrate syrien
S. SALMON. — The excavations on the site of Tell Masaïkh (Syria) brought to light a ceramic material, dated the Iron Age II. His study allowed the identification of typologies belonging to the Neo-Assyrian tradition and others which are certainly local…
14,50 €
Migration des savoirs entre l’Elam et la Mésopotamie
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This article focuses on the transfer of knowledge and wisdom between Mesopotamia and Elam…


14,50 €
Le développement de la coupole dans l’architecture iranienne à l’époque islamique : un exemple de diffusion du savoir
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The technical developpment of the dome has been improved step by step during the islamic period. Political rulers have understood that the knowledges in architecture may serve the spread of Islam. In Iran, the power encouraged different groups of builders that became under the supervision of experts in the art of construction true shools giving birth to different styles and moods in architecture. According to the territorial increase of Islam, teachers and their most skillful students were invited to built monuments through the islamic world. They greatly helped the spread of knowledges. With regard to the problem of the weight of the dome, they contribued to the progressive increase of its stability through more simple forms.


14,50 €
Entre Rome, Babylone et les Indes. Bardésane, stoïcien universaliste
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About 218 AD, the Syrian author and nobleman Bardayṣan met with an Indian embassy, on its way to the Roman imperial court in the city of Emesa. We try to demonstrate that his report, strongly marked by his Stoic concepts about cultural identity and relativity, became the source of Greek and Arab knowledge about the Buddhists and the Brahmans, starting from his contemporary Philostrates to Abū ‘Īsā al-Warrāq and Ibn Zur‘a in the 10th Century.


14,50 €
The Kouris Valley Project 2007-2009. An overview
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Le Kouris Valley Project est un projet de recherche mené par l’Université de Florence en collaboration avec les Universités de Chieti et de Turin dans la région de Kourion (Limassol, Chypre)… 
14,50 €
Le Alpi orientali del versante italiano tra età del Ferro e tarda Antichità. Sintesi storica in funzione dei più recenti dati archeologici
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M. CAVALIERI, « Le Alpi orientali del versante italiano tra età del Ferro e tarda Antichità. Sintesi storica in funzione dei più recenti dati archeologici  », Res Antiquae 7, Brussels, 2010, p. 271-330.
14,50 €
Die 10. Tafel des ḫišuu̯a-Festes
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La fête ḫišuu̯a, composée dans la forme classique à l’ordre de la reine Puduḫepa, comprend treize tablettes. Dans cet article, la dixième tablette est traitée sur la base de tous les textes identifiés actuellement.
14,50 €
Dendour ou le temple exilé
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Dendour is a tiny but very interesting temple made by emperor Augustus in the Dodekaschenos, in the south of Egypt, next to the frontier with Nubia. Now, it is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York, USA because it was given to the American government as thanks for help in the Aswan project. It is dedicated to two drowned brothers, venerated as “saints” by the local people. The scenes show these young men (but also divinities particularly venerated in Nubia) honorated by Augustus who give them local goodies as gold, incense, ivory…The cartouche of the king are interesting: some contain his name of pharaoh but some only the title Per- aha. The localisation of these cartouches seems to be not free: it could be an expression of political message of Augustus in this area what suffer of many conflicts and  revolts involving Roman Empire and Nubian sovereigns as the queen “Candace”. 
14,50 €
Pepy-ankh Heny le noir de Meir (tombe A2) a-t-il usurpé le titre de vizir ?
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The purpose of this article is to determine if Pepy-ankh Heny-Kem (tomb A2 at Meir) wrongfully took the title of vizier. The different arguments to know if he is a real vizier will be examined. A study of the viziers of the sixth dynasty is presented.  An examination of the family of Pepy-ankh Heny-Kem is also making. We propose a study of all the titles of Pepy-ankh Heny-Kem.
14,50 €
Reines commagéniennes. La place des "basilissai" dans les hiérothésia et Iotapè Philadelphe
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What were the queens’ and princesses’ official functions in the Commagenian kingdom? The goal of this paper is to study their place in Antiochos I Theos’ religious reform (c 69-36 BC) especially on the Nemrud Daǧɩ. In a second section, we study Iotape Philadelphos’ role beside her husband, Antiochos IV Epiphanes (38-72 AD), and her presence in the Commagenian coinage.
14,50 €
Le nom de la mer Rouge en égyptien ancien
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In 1931 to designate the Red Sea in the egyptian texts, Spiegelberg could list seven names. Eighty years later,  none of them still has this signification. The basic meaning of the nun, wadj wer, the ym and its various combinations, is fresh water from Egypt, that is to say : from the Nile.
14,50 €
Euhemeros von Messene. Ökonomisches Denken in einer “Utopie” der hellenistischen Zeit
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Dans l’Écriture Sacrée de Evhémère le Messinien, conseiller du roi des Macédoniens, Cassandre décrit la situation socio-économique des îles de l’Océan indien, que lui-même a visitées. Les traits caractéristiques de la structure de la société et de l’économie des îles sont la répartition sociale du travail entre la population, l’évaluation positive du manoeuvre, ainsi que la politique économique centralisée et l’économie des incitations à la partie la plus productive de la population. Un passage souligne ce que possèdent les prêtres, lesquels exercent le pouvoir supérieur. Le travail de Evhémère, relevant du genre littéraire politique “mytho-historique” (Staatsroman) des temps hellénistiques, appartient à la catégorie du mirror for princes, qui aboutit à projeter sur le prince la conception de la société idéale.
14,50 €
Néron et le "De clementia" de Sénèque, racine ou rupture ?
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At the same time Seneca is the thinker of the government over which the last prince Julio-claudian reigns, and the thinker of the « new » political designation should thus be given to translate the concepts invented by him for Nero’s reign. The Nero’s tutor has been expressed through three types of discourse – one philosophical, one political and a satirical theatrical work. All of them consist of a continous meditation on power. One book emerges from this polyphonical and political discourse ; the De clementia, founding pillar of both the new princely ideology and the shift to the political action of the concepts embodied in the person of Nero. The De clementia gives the impression of being both consistent with the political values developed by the Ancients, and the thought of a new political era. Then, can we consider the De clementia as a root or, alternatively, as a rupture ?


14,50 €
Evolution of the Scale Armour in the Ancient Near East, Aegean and Egypt. An Overview from the Origins to the Pre-Sargonids
F. DE BACKER. — À première vue, l’armure d’écailles qui était utilisée au Proche-Orient ancien, en Égypte et dans le monde égéen contemporains n’a encore jamais été étudiée ou survolée en tant qu’ensemble…


14,50 €
À propos de deux fragments de l'épopée de Gilgameš en langue hourrite
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The paper deals with two badly damaged passages of the Epic of Gilgameš written in the Hurrian language (KUB VIII 61). The first passage corresponds to Tablet I of the standard Babylonian text and the lament of Uruk's inhabitants about the tyrannic rule of their king. The second passage narrates the encounter of Gilgameš and Šiduri and corresponds to Tablet X. It can be noted that the Hurrian version is inspired by the oldest version and not the standard version, which is about a millennium more recent.
14,50 €
Die 11. und 12. Tafel des ḫisuu̯a-Festes
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Cet article, contenant l’étude de l’onzième et la douzième tablettes de la fête ḫišuu̯a (transcription, traduction, et commentaire), forme la continuation directe de l’étude de l’auteur que fut publiée en RANT 7 (2010), p. 357-398. En tenant compte de l’étude de la treizième tablette de cette fête par K. Kompalla en DBH 35 (sous presse) le fin de la fête ḫišuu̯a est à l’examen facile de tout qui s’intéresse à la religion et à l’héritage écrit des Hittites.


14,50 €
L’inscription phénicienne de Tabnit (KAI 13). Essai de vocalisation
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The aim of this article is to propose a vocalisation of the Phoenician inscription of Tabnit (KAI 13). It begins with an introduction about the methodology. Then follows a line by line commentary where all the choices are explained. It ends with some syntactical remarks.


14,50 €
Mazaca. Un site à “tous égards naturellement impropre à l’habitat”
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I’m interested in Strabo’s description of Mazaca in Cappadocia. The description of this polis, with its wealth of information, is exceeded only by the descriptions of Alexandria and Rome. However, I don’t believe that this presentation is based on what the author would have observed. Strabo certainly uses local sources, perhaps royal cappadocian traditions.


14,50 €
Le cas d'Ewri-Sarruma, fils royal
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Ewri-Sarruma is one of these high-ranking persons of the Syro-anatolian society which is DUMU.LUGAL "royal son" and which we find in the texts of Ougarit, Bogazköy and on the seals of Nişantepe. This article takes back all these documents, the various written forms of the name Ewri-Sarruma as well as an analysis of this person. I also try to date most exactly possible these texts and seals.


14,50 €
Notes relatives à la ville de Landa
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This article on the city of Landa fits into a plan of study concerning several cities of Anatolia, in particular religious centres. It is a question of collecting texts mentioning this city, to give a transliteration with translation and try to place her in Anatolia.


14,50 €
Hittites et Louvites dans l’Anatolie occidentale au deuxième millénaire av. J.-C.
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In this contribution the reader finds many and sometimes recent informations relating to the Hittite presence in the « Luwian » countries of Western Anatolia and in many islands of the Eastern Egea.


14,50 €
Naharina et Mitanni au IIe millénaire avant J.-C. À propos des maryannou et de la présence hourrite en Égypte
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During the New Egyptian Kingdom, numerous foreigners stayed in Egypt. If some of them came with a lot of diplomatic embassies, the others were captured during military campaigns. Children of foreign kings stayed in the kap’s school of the palace, and princesses are given in marriage to Egyptian king. Among these foreigners, Hurrians and their famous maryannou exercised a very important domination.
14,50 €
De la Vallée du Nil au Pays du Fleuve. Réflexions à propos du Naharina
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The aim of this paper is to put in light the historical, political and geographical context of the Late Bronze Age Middle East that led to the apparition of the toponym Naharina in Egyptian Texts. What was the reality behind this term ? Why did it occur so frequently in Egyptian sources despite the non-egyptian etymological origin ? Was it linked to the Hurrian Empire of Mitanni ? These are questions which at some point will need clear answers.


14,50 €
Urartu. Les sources épigraphiques de la langue
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Following the publication of the Corpus of Urartian Inscriptions, namely of the first three volumes dedicated to the monumental texts (inscriptions on building stones and rocks) it is important to stress the importance of strong epigraphic research for linguistic studies. Apart from the well known methods of interpretation of an ancient language (ethymology, bilinguals, combinatory method) in the case of Urartian there is another one, consisting mainly in the study of the connections between inscriptions and their monumental and archaeological contexts. In this article some rock inscriptions are studied and interpretations of lexical elements and grammatical forms are offered. All these hypotheses are based exclusively on in situ study of inscriptions both in Eastern Turkey and Iranian Azerbaijan.
14,50 €
Élamite. Analyse grammaticale et lecture de textes
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Elamite, a limited text-corpus language, was spoken in southwest Iran at least from c. 2350 till the fourth century BC. In this article a general overview of the Elamite grammar (writing system, phonology, morphology, and syntax) is presented. Following this presentation some texts will be discussed.


14,50 €
Cruelty and Military Refinements
F. DE BACKER. — La mutilation et la fragmentation des corps des ennemis vaincus appartenaient aux techniques de combat néo-assyriennes…
14,50 €
Byzance et le Mont Athos au Petit Palais à Paris
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Under the auspices of the municipality of Paris, the art and history of Byzantium have been presented to the public in an exhibition gathering together a large collection of treasures from Mount Athos at the Petit Palais in Paris from the 10th of April to the 5th of July 2009.
14,50 €
La conception des animaux domestiques et des animaux de compagnie dans la Mésopotamie d’époque historique
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In the ancient Near East the animals are very often represented in art and are present mostly in temples but also in houses and in palaces. Wild animals are more frequently reproduced than domesticated. The most represented domesticated animals are those ones mentioned in the texts : first cattle and then goat, sheep, donkey/horse, dog. It’s difficult to establish which kind of animals Mesopotamians considered as domesticated : only those which had an usefulness for milk and meat, for transport, for war and hunting, for ploughing or also those which aroused friendly feelings ? Was there a feeling for animals like that we have today for pets ? In iconography, but chiefly in texts and in archaeozoologic data there are some elements which suggested that there was a feeling for at least some animals, mainly monkey, cattle, dog and horse.

14,50 €
Conditions et symbolisme de l’animal domestique dans le culte de la divinité Soleil
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In the second millennium BC, numerous sacrifices of animals were made in honour of the divinity Sun in Anatolia. During the sacrifices of pets, sheep, ox and  pig are the most usually animals mentioned. By basing itself on a representative sample of extracts of texts, we shall put in relationship the world of the gods with the world of the Men. In this paper, we shall emphasize the fact that the animals which are a part of the current life of the Men are the ones also presented to the gods for the divine consumption.

14,50 €
Chameaux et hybrides dans l'empire achemenide
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Camel, almost as much as horse, had an important place in the Iranian world. This article, wich does not pretend to be exhaustive, seeks to present some of is major uses. It aims to deal with the issue of cross-breeding in the achaemenid Empire.

14,50 €
Les animaux domestiques dans les lois hittites
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Pets are very present in the laws of the Hittites. After trying to approach the concept of pet, we shall see what sorts of pets are present in the laws of the Hittites, and what their function and status are. We shall also show that it is not only the point of view of the legislator that is represented in the laws : religion is never far away, the laws of human society being like those of the cosmos.

14,50 €
Le chien dans l'Anatolie antique
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In this short contribution it is possible to find an aspect of the dog’s situation in Ancient Anatolia, especially in the limits of the Hittite civilization. Some aspects relating to the social position of this animal and the relations between the men and the dog were unknow.

14,50 €
Les métamorphoses animales des divinités dans la Méditerranée antique
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Looking for the authenticity of the sacred one may find out that the first human’s gods could often take the animal form. Since the prehistoric times, human beings worshipped wild animals and represented them in art with care and precision. During the Antiquity, even the most anthropocentric streams of philosophy couldn’t impede the survival of these popular beliefs. Some peoples, like ancient Egyptians, developed a very sophisticated zoomorphic pantheon. Greece and Rome testified a high level of the animal symbolism in mythology and divination. As for the Asia Minor, according to the old traditions, the idea of the wild nature couldn’t be separated there from the perception of the realm of the gods. This paper gives an approach to some historical evidences of god’s metamorphoses into animals and tries to examine the origins of these beliefs in the ancient Mediterranean world. 

14,50 €
Les animaux domestiques dans les sources lyciennes
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Some questions about pets in Lycia through iconographical documents and rare mentions in epichoric epigraphy. We focused on Dynastic times in Lycia and observed that representations of such animals may be issued from an Anatolian Tradition.

14,50 €
Production céramique et representations animales à l’époque de Halaf
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Fauna is very well represented on Halafian ceramic production. Among it, domestic and wild animals are easily recognized.
Following Levi-Strauss’s point of  view which highlighted that the « animals good to eat » are not the only ones « good to think », we will try to demonstrate that behind the picture, imagery, human activities and social orientations are reflected.
After a brief presentation of the halafian ceramic production, a comparitive study with zoological and archeozoological data and iconographic considerations, many observations will be proposed. Firstly, we will focus on the large variety of represented species. Secondly, the importance of the ceramic medium in the image diffusion will be considered. Lastly, the social implications of such a bestiary will be discuss.

14,50 €