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L’âme romaine et le divin

by Danielle Porte. — Book in French… (Details)

48,00 €
Les signes lapidairesUne lecture inédite de Notre-Dame de Paris

by Delphine Syvilay and Santiago Hardy. — Book in French (see Details)

Du Nil à la mer / From the Nile to the Sea

Lena Pleuger (ed.) — Different perceptions of the Nile and the sea are proposed in this work. The first one concerns mobility and travel (pilgrimage, commercial, or military) whether within Egypt itself or beyond its borders. The second axis of reflection focuses on philological and linguistic elements related to the register of water. Finally, the last axis refers to the Nile and the sea perceived as mythical elements.… (Details)

49,00 €
La fabrique des élites dans l’Égypte pharaonique

by Émilie Martinet. — Book in French (Details)

47,00 €
De Tournai à Gand sous Louis XIV

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE. — In French (details)

55,00 €
L’Art Vetraire de Jean Bonhomme

by Janette LEFRANCQ. — Book in French (details)

65,00 €
L'Egyptien dans la tourmente

by Laura Parys. — Book in French. — This work constitutes the first academic monograph dedicated to the concept of isfet (disorder, chaos), based on an in-depth analysis of five major Egyptian literary texts, known as “pessimistic” (Details).

69,00 €
Penser et représenter le monde
by Marie-Astrid Calmettes. — Book in French. (Details in French…).
95,00 €
Mons à l’ombre du Roi-Soleil

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE and Pierre-Jean NIEBES. — Book in French (details)

49,00 €
Grammaire élémentaire et pratique du sanskrit classique (3e édition)

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

77,50 €
Les Enfants d’Horus
by Nicolas Gauthier. — Book in French. (Details in French…).
58,00 €
Les mathématiques de l'Égypte ancienne (2e éd.)

by Marianne Michel. — Book in French. Throughout the chapters, the reader will discover arithmetic problems (the calculation of unknown quantities, the calculation of square roots, arithmetic progressions), geometry problems (area calculations, volume calculations and slope calculations), etc. This book has not only a scientific, but also an educational purpose… (Details).

85,00 €
Les animaux chez Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī

by Faisal KENANAH. — Book in French (Details)

55,00 €
Les peintres de l'Égypte ancienne

by Nadine CHERPION. — Book in French. Nice hardcover book, 202 fig., some of them from monuments which are not open to the public (Details)

60,00 €
Éclats de marbre, larmes de femmes

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE. — Book in French (details)

46,00 €
Égypte et ex-libris

Valentin BOYER et Arnaud QUERTINMONT (eds).Book in French. This book offers, for the first time in French, a study on the reception, perception and reinterpretation of ancient Egypt in exlibris (bookplates), a very little known artistic medium reserved for the sphere of bibliophiles… (details)

42,00 €
Le récit du Papyrus Westcar

by Laura Parys. — Book in French. This study deepens the literary analysis and provides a renewed interpretation of this narrative text. It contains a unique hieroglyphic transcription, together with a personal translation and philological comments…  (Details)

38,00 €
Pierres de l’Égypte ancienne

by Thierry DE PUTTER and Christina KARLSHAUSEN. — Book in French. This practical guide is a must-have book for Egyptologists, art historians, and anyone wishing to identify the materials of Pharaonic architecture, sculpture, and jewelry… (Details)

85,00 €
Vivre à Mons aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE et Pierre-Jean NIEBES. — Book in French (details)

58,00 €
Le récit du Naufragé

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French  (Details)

38,00 €
Pour comprendre les signes lapidaires

by Jean-Louis Van Belle. — Book in French (See Details)

33,00 €
Le commerce de la pierre bleue à Bruxelles sous l’Ancien Régime

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE, in collaboration with Philippe SOSNOWSKA et Sylvianne MODRIE. — In French (details)

44,00 €
Guillaume DUCŒUR. — Félix Nève (1816-1893) was a pioneer of Sanskrit studies, and Vedic studies in particular, at the University of Louvain, where he taught from 1841 after returning from a period of study in Paris with Eugène Burnouf. Despite the progress in Europe of critical research in the field of the history of religions of ancient India…
14,50 €
Christophe VIELLE. — Indology is an ancient tradition at the University of Louvain. The first Sanskrit course in Belgium was initiated there in 1841 by Félix Nève (1816-1893), a teaching that Charles de Harlez (1832-1899) continued and developed from 1877 onwards…
14,50 €
Johanne GARNY, Étienne VAN QUICKELBERGHE. — This article traces the history of teaching and research in Assyriology at the Catholic University of Louvain…
14,50 €
Lambert ISEBAERT, Herman SELDESLACHTS. — xx…
14,50 €
Willy F. VANDE WALLE. — In contrast to the study of the Ancient Near East and the Christian Orient, the study of the Far East was a relative newcomer at the University of Louvain. In spite of his pioneering research in Chinese and Manchu studies, De Harlez (1832-1899) could not give these disciplines a firm institutional foundation…
14,50 €
Bernard COULIE. — Armenian and Georgian studies, as well as Byzantine studies developed at the University of Louvain within the framework of studies on the Christian Orient. The first courses appear a little before the middle of the 19th century…
14,50 €
En scène, s’il vous plaît !

by Jean-Pierre STEVENS. — Book in French (details)

Charles de Lorraine et la mesure du temps

by Philippe PATER. — In French. Based on archival sources inherent to Charles de Lorraine, this book will provide the reader with a substantial amount of exclusive information on his collections of watches and clocks, his machinists and turners, his physicists and naturalists, on the watchmakers who worked not only for the prince, but also for his sister Anne-Charlotte. This work is illustrated with many unpublished photos (details)

75,00 €
Chrestomathie sanskrite

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

89,00 €
Le graffiti-signature

by Jean-Louis Van Belle and Anne-Sophie Brun. — Book in French (see Details)

52,00 €
Jeux et jouets à travers les âges

by Catherine Breyer. — Book in French (See Details)

45,00 €
Comment dessiner les hiéroglyphesHow to draw hieroglyphs

Choose the category, then click on the desired hieroglyphic sign  :



Complement to the manual "Hieroglyphic Egyptian. A Practical Grammar of Middle Egyptian", 2015, by Claude Obsomer.

Lexicon van de brusselse edelsmeden uit de 17de eeuw

door Edmond ROOBAERT. — Hier wordt het resultaat van een jarenlang archiefonderzoek te kennen gegeven naar het leven en het werk van 466 edelsmeden die in de loop van de 17de eeuw als goud-of zilversmid werkzaam zijn geweest in Brussel (Meer…)

by Edmond ROOBAERT. — Book in Dutch. This article is the result of many years of systematic archival investigations into the lives of 466 gold and silver smiths at work in Brussels over the course of the 17th century… (details)

115,00 €
Héliopolis d'Égypte

Marie-Cécile Bruwier and Florence Doyen (dir.). — Book in French. L’histoire de Masr al Gadîda, l’Héliopolis d’Égypte, remonte à la nuit des temps. Sa situation géographique et son histoire en ont fait un lieu de passage et de rencontres culturelles multiples depuis l’Antiquité… (Details)

43,00 €

by Gilles Courtieu. — In French.

Who doesn't know Ulysses, from the earliest years, as a figure of the most ancient European literature?  Everyone thinks he knows him… (Details)

37,00 €
Étienne Drioton et l’Égypte

by Michèle JURET. — Book in French. As a testimony of his work and his careul observation of everyday life in Egypt, Étienne Drioton (1889-1961) left a significant collection of pictures taken between 1924 and 1952, many of which remain unpublished. This book takes the reader with him to a journey along the Nile… (details in French)

40,00 €
Abécédaire humoristique d’après les poètes latins

by Estelle Debuy, illustré par Mathieu "la Mine". — In French. Voici une manière ludique et amusante de réviser et de perfectionner son latin. Si certains de ces extraits font sourire, d’autres sembleront d’une étonnante actualité… (Details)

28,00 €
Toponymes historiques de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

by Pierre Van Nieuwenhuysen. — This book is a complete presentation of all the toponyms of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean until circa 1850, with a glossary of more than 1800 items… (More)

125,00 €
Dater les édifices du Moyen Âge par la pierre taillée

by Frans Doperé. — Book in French The study of the stone cutting techniques is used as a method to follow the progression of a medieval building site and to establish the relative chronology of the different parts of it (See Details)

89,00 €
Fortifications bruxelloises face à Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

by par Pierre Van Nieuwenhuysen. — Book in French (See Details)

29,50 €
Recensement des édifices et maisons de Bruxelles

by Jean-Louis Van Belle. — Book in French.This unique manuscript has recently been found in private archives and is now published in its entirety for the first time. With its 8,000 entries, this document is a genuine Brussels "Who's who" of the end of the 16th century… (details)

79,00 €
Confidences d’un coureur des bois

by Bernard De Wetter. — Book in French (Details)

27,50 €
De la mère du roi à l’épouse du dieuVon der Königsmutter zur Gottesgemahlin

Herausgegeben von Benoît Lurson. — In diesem Band werden die Ergebnisse der fünf Ausgrabungskampagnen des Tempels von Tuja vorgestellt, eines von Ramses II. gebauten Denkmals, das nördlich an das Ramesseum angrenzt und seiner Mutter gewidmet war. Die Ergebnisse schließen auch die Arbeiten an der Nekropole, die sich in diesem Tempel während der Dritten Zwischenzeit entwickelt hat, und insbesondere am Grab der Gottesgemahlin Karomama ein… (Details)

75,00 €
Le texte médical du Papyrus Ebers

by Dr Bernard Lalanne and Gérard Métra . — Book in French. The Ebers Papyrus, the most comprehensive medical document of Ancient Egypt, is now published in full for the first time and shows the hieroglyphic transcription of each plate with its transliteration and translation… (Details)

44,00 €
Les baux de carrières de marbres wallons au temps du Roi Soleil

by Jean-Louis Van Belle and Francis Tourneur. — Book in French (See details)

42,00 €
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