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Culture and Nature, Road and Wilderness. The Ecology of Myth
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This paper looks at human attempts to understand and then to “order” the natural world, with special attention to “the road through the wood.”…
14,50 €
The Roman Regifugium. Myth and Ritual of the King's Journey Beyond the Boundary
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February 24 annually brings the archaic Roman ritual of the Regifugium, the ‘Flight of the King’…
14,50 €
Operational Bases: Gaza and Beth Shan
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A. SPALINGER, "Operational Bases: Gaza and Beth Shan", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
Pianchy/Piye. Between Two Worlds
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A. SPALINGER, "Pianchy/Piye. Between Two Worlds", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
Downstreaming and upstreaming the Nile. The (rare) stelae displaying boats and people to commemorate the pilgrimage to a sacred place, and the ones with a single deceased person onboard receiving offerings
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S. PETACCHI. — This study focuses on the unique aspect of boat depictions on stelae and chalenges some general assumptions about the nature of ancient Egyptian pilgrimages.…
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by Timo G. NIJLAND and C. Wim DUBELAAR.
14,50 €
Pere CANÉ-GOMBAU. — Linguistic patterns can be useful tools for examining the internal coherence of a text…
J. Keith ELLIOTT. — The article carefully points out all the blunders, distractions and formal inconsistencies of the Editio critica maior of the Gospel of MArk…
Jenny READ-HEIMERDINGER. — The article explores the interest of Codex Bezae as a pre-recensional form of the Gospels and Acts…
Horses and Horse Husbandry in Central Anatolia during Hittite and Neo-Hittite Periods
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M.-E. BALZA, « Horses and Horse Husbandry in Central Anatolia during Hittite and Neo-Hittite Periods », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
Rural Trade and Economy in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine. A Case Study from Tel Zahara
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S. COHEN, « Rural Trade and Economy in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine. A Case Study from Tel Zahara », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
The Rise and Decline of the (Contractual) Slave Mode of Production in Central Italy
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M. SILVER, « The Rise and Decline of the (Contractual) Slave Mode of Production in Central Italy », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
Scarabaei Chananaei Lovanienses Middle Bronze Age “Hyksos” Seal-Amulets in the University Museums of Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
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V. BOSCHLOOS, H. HAMEEUW and É. VAN QUICKELBERGHE, « Scarabaei Chananaei Lovanienses. Middle Bronze Age “Hyksos” Seal-Amulets in the University Museums of Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 1-8.
14,50 €
"De morte in Anatolia antiqua" (I)
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by René LEBRUN, Étienne VAN QUICKELBERGHE. — In this short contribution the lector will find an approach of the Hittite terminology and…
14,50 €
Two toponyms with abrupt spellings in Middle Elamite inscriptions
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by Jan TAVERNIER. — L’article fait une étude de deux toponymes attestés dans des inscriptions du roi médio-élamite Šilhak-Inšušinak I. Les deux toponymes contiennent une orthographie…
14,50 €
Qal’eh Takht/Nanas. A fortress and rock-cut chamber in the Lake Orumiyeh Basin, Iran
Keomars Haji MOHAMADI, Behrouz Khan MOHAMADI, Roberto DAN. — The Kija Kerchal Cave should be considered, after Ispahbad Ḵᵛoršīd, the most important inhabited cave in the Savadkooh Province. This cave, located in a very isolated position on a side of the Mount Serkhel, preserves important architectural remains, as artificial terrace, stair and traces of walls and wooden beams…
14,50 €
Fields, Mounds-Islands and Caves for the Nile Crocodiles. From Ethology to Religion in Roman Egypt
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by Pierre P. KOEMOTH. — In the Nile Valley, the crocodiles behaviour was strongly conditioned by environment factors like the room temperature and the water level of the river fluctuating between raising and subsiding flood…
14,50 €
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by Herman J.J. MOORS. — Both the enigmatic biblical term šônîm (Prov 24:21), apparently a plural, and its Ugaritic equivalent šnm, are etymologically related to Arabic sanima, “to be high, gibbous.”…
14,50 €
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by Claude VANDERSLEYEN. — The Nile and its water : a few words  about the place of the river in Egypt and its relations with wad wr witch never concerns the sea but the Nile…
14,50 €
Mattias KARLSSON. — This article investigates the image of the Neo-Assyrian empire as multicultural by collecting, classifying, and analysing data derived from the prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian empire which focus on gentilics…
14,50 €
The Kouris Valley Project 2007-2009. An overview
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Le Kouris Valley Project est un projet de recherche mené par l’Université de Florence en collaboration avec les Universités de Chieti et de Turin dans la région de Kourion (Limassol, Chypre)… 
14,50 €
Evolution of the Scale Armour in the Ancient Near East, Aegean and Egypt. An Overview from the Origins to the Pre-Sargonids
F. DE BACKER. — À première vue, l’armure d’écailles qui était utilisée au Proche-Orient ancien, en Égypte et dans le monde égéen contemporains n’a encore jamais été étudiée ou survolée en tant qu’ensemble…


14,50 €
Cruelty and Military Refinements
F. DE BACKER. — La mutilation et la fragmentation des corps des ennemis vaincus appartenaient aux techniques de combat néo-assyriennes…
14,50 €
Ritual prescriptions in the etruscan "Liber linteus"
F. C. WOUDHUIZEN. — Le texte le plus long en langue étrusque est le 'Liber linteus', conservé aujourd'hui sous la forme de bandes d'une momie égyptienne exposée dans le musée de Zagreb…
14,50 €
Environmental changes in the Jebleh plain (Syria). Geophysical, Geomorphological, Palynological, Archaeological and Historical Research
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Une approche interdisciplinaire a permis de retracer les changements environnementaux de la région de Tell Tweini…
14,50 €
Reading Lycian Through Greek Eyes: The Vowels
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The purpose of this article is to revise the values that have been traditionally attributed by scholars to the Lycian vowels. In order to do that, I intend to study the Lycian names attested in Greek inscriptions, especially those present in bilingual inscriptions. Since the values of the Greek vowels are well known, this will help me to establish the values of the Lycian vowels.
14,50 €
Anatolian Archaisms  and the Origin of Indo‑European Roots
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J. BOLEY. — This paper presents evidence and arguments in favor of deriving ancient Indo-European Roots from Particles. In this way, it seeks to complete the picture of Proto-Indo-European syntax set forth in previous work. The "deictic" nature of the earliest reconstructible Indo-European speech is connected up.
14,50 €
The Storyteller’s Art in Old Hittite. The Use of Sentence Connectives and Discourse Particles
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L’emploi dans le hittite ancien des particules du discours, comprenant les connectifs, est analysé. On propose que la narration orale de cette période, qui change peu l’ordre des mots et use peu de la subordination, néanmoins maintient un style vif et immédiat et exprime délicates juxtapositions, contrastes et liens logiques entre les phrases au moyen des particules.
14,50 €
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