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L’aigle bicéphale sur les sceaux inscrits de scribes dans le monde hittite
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We meet the pattern of the double-headed eagle on many different supports and at different times. This article is relating only to the representation of the double-headed eagle on many scribe’s seals.When the datation of the seals is possible, they date back to the 14th-13th c. BC and have hurrians or luwians names. The double-headed eagle is represented in the peripheral field of the seal, in the lower part of the seal or enclosing a scene. In any case we cannot attribute a hieroglyphical value but just a decorative or symbolic value binded to the power or to the sun by the way of a stylisation suggesting the solar winged disc.
14,50 €
Le bifolium sinaïtique grec μ 109
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The codex Sin. Gr. μ 109 recently discovered in Mount Sinaï contains 27 couples of moral sentences in iambic trimeters of the Carmen I,1,32 attributed to Gregory of Nazianzen. Those sentences are publiced and compared with the Benedictine edition of Patrologia Græca, 37, col.
14,50 €
I rituali magici ittiti
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M.-C. TRÉMOUILLE, « I rituali magici ittiti », Res Antiquae 1, Brussels, 2004, p. 161-203.
14,50 €
I testi ittiti di medicina
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M.-C. TRÉMOUILLE, « I testi ittiti di medicina », Res Antiquae 1, Brussels, 2004, p. 209-225.
14,50 €
Le relief d’Amenhotep Ier au Louvre B 58 = E 11278
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C. VANDERSLEYEN, « Le relief d’Amenhotep Ier au Louvre B 58 = E 11278 », Res Antiquae 1, Brussels, 2004, p. 227-229.
14,50 €
Christian CANNUYER. — After being initiated in 1891 by A. Hebbelynk at the School of Free Graduate Studies, the teaching of Coptic was incorporated three years later into the programm of the Faculty of Theology. In 1898, it became entrusted to P. Ladeuze, whose work on Pachomian cenobitism, favoring Coptic sources, quickly established itself and was brilliantly continued by L.-Th. Lefort…
14,50 €

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