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Darius II Ochos et les quatre fonctions indo-européennes. Valère maxime, faits et dits mémorables, IX 2 Ext. 6
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by Marcel MEULDER. — Valerius Maximus, by citing one of the executions by which Darius Ochus, Cyrus’ and Artaxerxes’ father, subjects his political opponents, gives a new perspective to the Iranian religion during the last quarter of the fifth century b. C…
14,50 €
La violence, le mal et l’agressivité dans la civilisation de l’Égypte pharaonique. Enquêtes dans les corpus funéraires et analyse des vocables et pictogrammes hiéroglyphiques (3000-1580 av. notre ère)
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by Michel-Alain MOMBO. — This research work puts a synoptic look on three words forming a whole in all the phases of Pharaonic Égypt history. Those words are violence, wrong (evil) and aggressiveness…
14,50 €
Ḫakpiš, la prima “Sekundogenitur” di Ḫatti ? Considerazioni sul rapporto giuridico di Ḫattušili con Muwatalli e Urḫi-Teššup/Muršili III sulla base di CTH 81
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — The so-called Apology of Ḫattušili III (CTH 81) is one of the most studied Hittite cuneiform documents, both its “historical” content and its apologetic rhetoric…
14,50 €
L’initiation de Diomède dans l’Iliade (Chants 5-6)
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by Éric RAIMOND. — Diomedes aristeia in the Iliad 5 and the Meeting between the Achean Hero and Prince Glaucus of Lycia, that introduces the tale of Belleropho, may be interpreted, in a symbolic view, as initiatic path of an Homeric superhuman…
14,50 €
Tablette cunéiforme UR III
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by Marie-Christine RAMAEKERS HUE. — Transliteration and translation of a small commercial tablet from Ur III, dated to the destruction of Zabshali…
14,50 €
Deux reines Ankhnespépy pour Pépy II Neferkarê ?
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by Thierry STASSER. — Ankhnespepy: do we have only one Queen, or two different women ? Opinions of Egyptologists differ here…
14,50 €
Portrait de femme au milieu d’un décor végétalisé. Essai d’interprétation du motif à partir de céramiques italiotes inédites
Louise WILLOCX. — Among the Greek pottery collection of the L Museum in Louvain-la-Neuve, some vases’ main motif is a woman’s head in profile in the middle of a vegetal decoration…
14,50 €
Iscrizioni in antico ligure presso Campiglia (La Spezia)
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by Adolfo ZAVARONI, Stefano MEZZANI. — In this paper, the Authors present 6 of out 34 inscriptions in ancient Ligurian found near Campiglia (La Spezia) in the course of a research started in 2016 in the provinces of La Spezia and Massa-Carrara…
14,50 €
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