» F
» Fournet, Arnaud
Quelques noms du vin et de la vigne dans les langues anciennes du Proche-Orient et du nord de la Méditerranée
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A. FOURNET, « Quelques noms du vin et de la vigne dans les langues anciennes du Proche-Orient et du nord de la Méditerranée », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
À propos du serpent Illuyanku, le *H4enghu de *H1lH3
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A. FOURNET, «  À propos du serpent Illuyanku, le *H4enghu de *H1lH3 », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 121-128.
14,50 €
La question des mots et noms mitanni-aryens, légués par les Indo-Iraniens du Mittanni
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The paper deals with the issue of the Indo-Aryan-sounding superstrate, represented by Person Names and words in Hurrian texts of the Mittanni Kingdom and related documents of the ancient Near-East. It reexamines the items studied by scholars like Mayrhofer and proposes additional data, that appear to have been overlooked. It also tries to address the reasons why Indo-Iranian people would have ventured in the Near-East.
14,50 €
À propos de deux fragments de l'épopée de Gilgameš en langue hourrite
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The paper deals with two badly damaged passages of the Epic of Gilgameš written in the Hurrian language (KUB VIII 61). The first passage corresponds to Tablet I of the standard Babylonian text and the lament of Uruk's inhabitants about the tyrannic rule of their king. The second passage narrates the encounter of Gilgameš and Šiduri and corresponds to Tablet X. It can be noted that the Hurrian version is inspired by the oldest version and not the standard version, which is about a millennium more recent.
14,50 €