» Res Antiquae (RANT)
Naissance et essor d’un centre démographique en Dalmatie. La population de Burnum entre le Ier et le VIe siècle ap. J.‑C.
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by Hélène GLOGOWSKI. — Archaeological surveys and excavation carried out in Burnum, Dalmatia, revealed part of the plan of the ancient site and made it possible to understand the different phases of its development…
14,50 €
Fields, Mounds-Islands and Caves for the Nile Crocodiles. From Ethology to Religion in Roman Egypt
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by Pierre P. KOEMOTH. — In the Nile Valley, the crocodiles behaviour was strongly conditioned by environment factors like the room temperature and the water level of the river fluctuating between raising and subsiding flood…
14,50 €
Rituale Hethaeorum
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by René LEBRUN. — In this article, the lector finds a short study of fragments dating from the final period of the Hittite Empire (end of the 13th century B.C.)…
14,50 €
À propos du grec ΣΤΕΦΩ
Michel MASSON. — The etymology of στέφω is controversial. This article endeavors to give an account of the different theories and opens up some new prospects.
14,50 €
Darius II Ochos et les quatre fonctions indo-européennes. Valère maxime, faits et dits mémorables, IX 2 Ext. 6
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by Marcel MEULDER. — Valerius Maximus, by citing one of the executions by which Darius Ochus, Cyrus’ and Artaxerxes’ father, subjects his political opponents, gives a new perspective to the Iranian religion during the last quarter of the fifth century b. C…
14,50 €
La violence, le mal et l’agressivité dans la civilisation de l’Égypte pharaonique. Enquêtes dans les corpus funéraires et analyse des vocables et pictogrammes hiéroglyphiques (3000-1580 av. notre ère)
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by Michel-Alain MOMBO. — This research work puts a synoptic look on three words forming a whole in all the phases of Pharaonic Égypt history. Those words are violence, wrong (evil) and aggressiveness…
14,50 €
Ḫakpiš, la prima “Sekundogenitur” di Ḫatti ? Considerazioni sul rapporto giuridico di Ḫattušili con Muwatalli e Urḫi-Teššup/Muršili III sulla base di CTH 81
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — The so-called Apology of Ḫattušili III (CTH 81) is one of the most studied Hittite cuneiform documents, both its “historical” content and its apologetic rhetoric…
14,50 €
L’initiation de Diomède dans l’Iliade (Chants 5-6)
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by Éric RAIMOND. — Diomedes aristeia in the Iliad 5 and the Meeting between the Achean Hero and Prince Glaucus of Lycia, that introduces the tale of Belleropho, may be interpreted, in a symbolic view, as initiatic path of an Homeric superhuman…
14,50 €
Tablette cunéiforme UR III
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by Marie-Christine RAMAEKERS HUE. — Transliteration and translation of a small commercial tablet from Ur III, dated to the destruction of Zabshali…
14,50 €
Deux reines Ankhnespépy pour Pépy II Neferkarê ?
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by Thierry STASSER. — Ankhnespepy: do we have only one Queen, or two different women ? Opinions of Egyptologists differ here…
14,50 €
Portrait de femme au milieu d’un décor végétalisé. Essai d’interprétation du motif à partir de céramiques italiotes inédites
Louise WILLOCX. — Among the Greek pottery collection of the L Museum in Louvain-la-Neuve, some vases’ main motif is a woman’s head in profile in the middle of a vegetal decoration…
14,50 €
Iscrizioni in antico ligure presso Campiglia (La Spezia)
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by Adolfo ZAVARONI, Stefano MEZZANI. — In this paper, the Authors present 6 of out 34 inscriptions in ancient Ligurian found near Campiglia (La Spezia) in the course of a research started in 2016 in the provinces of La Spezia and Massa-Carrara…
14,50 €
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