Du Nil à la mer / From the Nile to the Sea Lena Pleuger (ed.) — Different perceptions of the Nile and the sea are proposed in this work. The first one concerns mobility and travel (pilgrimage, commercial, or military) whether within Egypt itself or beyond its borders. The second axis of reflection focuses on philological and linguistic elements related to the register of water. Finally, the last axis refers to the Nile and the sea perceived as mythical elements.… (Details) 49,00 € « La rivière du paradis aux jets dorés ». La perception du Nil dans les récits de voyage et de pèlerinage russes = Paper = A. AKSENOVA. — The article explores the perception of the Nile by Russian travelers in the 14th and 15th centuries during their ventures into Egypt… Abstract | Volume | Other papers / Sécrétions osiriennes, l’Œil d’Horus et la Crue du Nil. À propos de l’Osiris-djed d’Ânkhemmaât = Paper = M.-C. BRUWIER. — The study of canopic chests in use in Greco-Roman Egypt sheds light on the evolution of funeral practices and a new approach to the osirianization of the deceased… Abstract | Volume | Other papers / Le signe N23, un classificateur à la conquête de l’espace = Paper = G. CHANTRAIN. — This classifier represents an irrigation canal, or perhaps even a piece of land bounded by irrigation canals… Abstract | Volume | Other papers / Matelots punis et convois de prisonniers. Violence, pouvoir et discipline sur les bateaux égyptiens au Nouvel Empire = Paper = M. HAGENMÜLLER. — Our article focuses primarily on the transfer of captives, particularly Nubians, transported by river and depicted with instruments of restraint… Abstract | Volume | Other papers / Checks and balances. Assessing the impact of climate change-induced Nile level fluctuations on social transformation in Ancient Egypt at the end of the New Kingdom = Paper = E. LANGE-ATHINODOROU et alii. — Ancient Egypt has been a prominent example in the debate concerning the so-called ‘4.2 ka event’, a period of intraregional climate change, resulting in decreased flood levels of the river Nile… Abstract | Volume | Other papers / Ouadj-our et Pount dans la stèle Sinaï IS 211 (règne d’Aménophis III) = Paper = C. OBSOMER. — New study of the text of the Sinai stele IS 211, in order to reexamine the historical data relating to contacts with Punt at the end of the reign of Amenhotep III… Abstract | Volume | Other papers / Downstreaming and upstreaming the Nile. The (rare) stelae displaying boats and people to commemorate the pilgrimage to a sacred place, and the ones with a single deceased person onboard receiving offerings = Paper = S. PETACCHI. — This study focuses on the unique aspect of boat depictions on stelae and chalenges some general assumptions about the nature of ancient Egyptian pilgrimages.… Abstract | Volume | Other papers / Voyage dans les confins du monde. Outénet et l’Océan oriental (wȝḏ-wr jȝbty) = Paper = F. SERVAJEAN. — An investigation into the location of the Outénet region, which documentation places at the edge of the world, where the sun rises, not far from an "Eastern Ocean" (wȝḏ-wr jȝbty). This region adjoins another southern region: the land of Pount… Abstract | Volume | Other papers / Les débuts de la navigation en Égypte. Fendre les flots durant le Pré- et Protodynastique (c. 4500-2686 av. J.-C.) = Paper = D. VANHULLE. — The Nile, as a navigable waterway, has long dominated discussions about Egypt’s internal trade and communication networks, on the one hand, and those linking it to the Mediterranean and southern countries, on the other… Abstract | Volume | Other papers / Que sait-on vraiment des « Peuples de la mer » ? = Paper = J. VANSCHOONWINKEL, "Que sait-on vraiment des « Peuples de la mer » ?", in L. PLEUGER (ed.), « Du Nil à la mer. L'Égypte au fil de l'eau – From the Nile to the Sea. Egypt along the Water » (CEA, 24), Brussels, 2024. Abstract | Volume | Other papers /