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Traditions et Traductionsdes textes bibliques

Études de critique textuelle et d’exégèse en l’honneur de Prof. Christian-Bernard Amphoux à l’occasion de son 80e anniversaire, Laurent Pinchard and Jean-Claude Haelewyck (eds.) (Details)

127,00 €
L’Évangile arabe selon Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean

by Samir Arbache. — Book in French (Details)

90,00 €

by Carl Meissner and Pierre Altenhoven. — Book in French (See Details)

36,00 €
Virginie ALAVOINE, Johannes DEN HEIJER. — This paper concerns the contribution of Professor Jacques Ryckmans to the domain of studies and research on Ancient Arabia…
Sénèque l’Ancien
by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details)
32,00 €
Manuel de critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament

Chr.-B. Amphoux (dir.). — Book in French.

DetailsThe authorsTable of contents

59,00 €
Le commentaire historique des sources littéraires de l'histoire romaine
by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details)
41,00 €
L'Évangile arabe selon saint Luc

by Samir Arbache. — Book in French (Details)

27,00 €
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Alessio AGOSTINI, Davide D’IMPERIO. — Les abécédaires, soit des documents épigraphiques qui présentent une succession ordonnée de lettres, constituent dans le monde sémitique une catégorie textuelle plutôt composite susceptible de donner lieu à plusieurs interprétations…
Stéphanie ANTHONIOZ. — This paper examines the polemic against idolatry in the Hebrew Bible diachronically and comparatively, considering the Mesopotamian sources, re-evaluating them and, what is new, looking at and comparing ancient Greek sources…
14,50 €
The Founders of Rome as a Sequence of Mythic Figures
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The subject of Rome’s origins is one where the discourses of comparative mythology and archaeology can interact, but such interaction has never been easy. In approaching the subject here from the mythological point of view, I shall not have space to advance the dialogue explicitly, but hope the discussion will be useful to those who do pursue it.
14,50 €
De l’influence des ‘Traités de vassalité’ hittites sur la composition du livre du deutéronome. Évaluation d’une théorie classique en exégèse biblique
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The hypothesis of an influence of the hittite vassal treaties on the biblical text has been proposed by Mendenhall in 1954, whoses studies dealt with the link between hittite texts and the Covenant narratives and laws in Ex 19-24, and later by Weinfeld who tried to demonstrate the influence of both akkadian legal texts and hittites treaties on the structure of the book of Deuteronomy. The recent research about the composition of Deuteronomy lead to the conclusion that the narrative and legal texts of this book belong to different stages of its composition, and so call in question Weinfeld’s hypothesis. Nevertheless, there could have been an indirect cultural influence of the hittite treaties on the biblical texts, and of the assyrian litterature as well, as the litterary analysis can find similarities in the concepts and in the vocabulary.
14,50 €
La guerre 1914-1918 des soldats belges à travers leurs écrits non publiés. Analyse de leur expérience de guerre et des facteurs de résistance

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AMEZ B., « La guerre 1914-1918 des soldats belges à travers leurs écrits non publiés. Analyse de leur expérience de guerre et des facteurs de résistance », in Actes des VIIe Congrès de l’Association des Cercles francophones d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Belgique et LIVe Congrès de la Fédération des Cercles d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de Belgique. Congrès d'Ottignies – Louvain-la-Neuve, 26-28 août 2004, Brussels, 2007, p. 10-15.

See the book | See the other Papers 

14,50 €
Théorie et pratique de l’ornementation poétique chez Cicéron
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Cicero did not write poetics but when explaining, in the De Oratore as in the Oraror, how ornatus is produced, he puts the emphasis on poetic language because poets are given more freedom in using and creating words and metaphors. Is that enough to characterise poetical procedures? Yes, as will be shown here, because such poetics focused on words as lumina allows a clear perspective on Cicero’s choices as a poet inasmuch as it echoes Lucretius’ programmatic stance.
14,50 €
« La rivière du paradis aux jets dorés ». La perception du Nil dans les récits de voyage et de pèlerinage russes
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A. AKSENOVA. — The article explores the perception of the Nile by Russian travelers in the 14th and 15th centuries during their ventures into Egypt…
Checks and balances. Assessing the impact of climate change-induced Nile level fluctuations on social transformation in Ancient Egypt at the end of the New Kingdom
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E. LANGE-ATHINODOROU et alii. — Ancient Egypt has been a prominent example in the debate concerning the so-called ‘4.2 ka event’, a period of intraregional climate change, resulting in decreased flood levels of the river Nile…
Sydney AUFRÈRE. — Sydney Hervé Aufrère presents, translates and comments on an extract from a homily by the Coptic archimandrite Chenoute of Atripe (4th-5th century) written in the Sahidic language…
Jean-Marie AUWERS. — According to Ps 68 (67 LXX), God "ascended on high" and "took captivity captive" (v. 19). The Letter to the Ephesians applies the verse to Christ, who ascended to heaven at his Easter enthronement (Eph 4:8)…
Le commerce méditerranéen sur les sites ruraux de la lusitanie méridionale dans l’antiquité tardive. Le cas d’Alcoutim (Algarve, Portugal)
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E. FERNANDES, M. ALMEIDA, A. GRADIM, « Le commerce méditerranéen sur les sites ruraux de la lusitanie méridionale dans l’antiquité tardive. Le cas d’Alcoutim (Algarve, Portugal) », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
Corrigendum à l’article « Le commerce méditerranéen sur les sites ruraux de la Lusitanie méridionale dans l’Antiquité tardive : le cas d’Alcoutim (Algarve, Portugal) », dans Res Antiquae 10, 2013, p. 173-222
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E. FERNANDES, M. ALMEIDA, A. GRADIM, «  Corrigendum à l’article « Le commerce méditerranéen sur les sites ruraux de la Lusitanie méridionale dans l’Antiquité tardive : le cas d’Alcoutim (Algarve, Portugal) », dans Res Antiquae 10, 2013, p. 173-222 », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 119-120.
14,50 €
Sagesse et genre. Une approche biblique
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by Stéphanie S. ANTHONIOZ. — This article aims at proposing a study of wisdom and more precisely of sages, both men and women, be they called ḥākām or ḥakāmâ, and reflect upon the question of gender. A brief overview of biblical references seems to show the lack of concern for women sages. However many are they who have been held in high esteem for their wise behavior as the woman from Teqoa (2 Sam 14:1-24), the woman from Avel-Beth-Maaka (2 Sam 20:14-21), Rahab, the prostitute (Jos 2:1-24), Avigaïl, the beautiful woman (1 Sam 25:2-42) and also the woman who killed Abimelek (Jg 9:53). Their…
14,50 €
An amphora with painted marks from Himera
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by Rosario Maria ANZALONE. — This paper presents a ‘pseudo-Chian’ amphora from the habitation area of Himera. The vessel is noteworthy for the presence of several red painted marks. Probably produced in southern Campania during the last quarter of the 5th century BC, the amphora was made for the transport and storage of wine. A numeral notation on the shoulder is particularly interesting: as it is inconsistent with the estimated capacity of the vase, I suggest that it may allude to the price of the contents. The amphora from Himera presents…
14,50 €
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by Djibril AGNE. — In this study, age structures in traditional African education are used in the illumination of the senses of ἀγέλη and ἴλη in Sparta…
14,50 €
« Imitation ou éclectisme ? ». Nouveau regard sur la statuaire égyptienne d’époque gréco-romaine
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Egyptian and Egyptianising sculptural representations need to be carefully considered when archaeological context is missing. In this type of study, attention needs to be drawn to the style and the iconography. The present article focuses on an Egyptian statue without provenance exhibited in the Royal Museum of Mariemont in Belgium. Many scholars interpret this piece as an Isis figure from a roman context. The object shows an awareness of Egyptian traditions. Stylistically the statue from Mariemont seems to fit within the Ptolemaic Egyptian repertoire but the lack of parallels with statues from a certified context lead us to reconsider its authenticity. This sculpture has been interpreted as a roman copy in monographs. New observations based on the folds allow us to identify parallels with a statue from Alexandria dating from the second century BC. This comparison raises serious questions concerning terms such as copy, imitation or eclecticism. In conclusion, this paper tries to suggest a new key for our understanding of the statue from Mariemont.
14,50 €
À la table des comtes de Hennin-Liétard : le faste des banquets organisés au château de Boussu dès le milieu du XVIe siècle
S. CHALLE, C. ANSIEAU, Cl. DUMORTIER, C. HERCOT, F. PIGIERE, D. WILLEMS. — De opgravingen die sinds 1991 op de site van het kasteel van Boussu zijn gedaan hebben een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid archeologisch materiaal aan het licht gebracht, met name keramiek…
14,50 €
Environmental changes in the Jebleh plain (Syria). Geophysical, Geomorphological, Palynological, Archaeological and Historical Research
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Une approche interdisciplinaire a permis de retracer les changements environnementaux de la région de Tell Tweini…
14,50 €
Les génies armés, gardiens de la porte du pylône du temple d’Horus à Edfou
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On both jambs of Edfu’s temple pylon, at the northern side, the visitor can see the figures of 64 anthropoid genious carrying a weapon and affecting an offensive attitude. The legends assigned to these genious mention their names whose significations are related to a wide range of specific concepts of the war and to the psychology of terror in the Egyptian thought. The reading of the texts reveals that these figures, organized in three seasons (akhet, peret, shemu), are distributed in twelve squads (the twelve months). Each team consisting of an unequal number of genious is leaded by a god, in association with his defensive function according to the Apollinopolite mythology. The activity of these armed and terrifying protectors of the Edfu’s temple court is clearly associated to the mythological fight of the Darkness against the Light, i.e. the forces of the Evil and those of the Good. Actually, the pylon and the columns of Edfu’s temple are respectively used as a style and graduations of a solar clock. Therefore, during the solar year, the effects of this phenomenon are observable in the advance of the pylon’s shadow cast on the columns, from the southern (summer solstice)  to the northern side (winter solstice) of the court. According to the sacerdotal interpretation, the armed genious, by their magical power, were supposed to repulse the assault of Darkness against the temple, whose court was considered as a battle field, between the summer and the winter solstice.
14,50 €
Au sujet des représentations du Cerbère de type "macrobien" et pseudo-macrobien : une recherche iconologique
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This paper is dealing once again with the iconologic analysis of the so-called Macrobian-Cerberous whose description is given by Macrobius, Saturnals I, 20 : a central standing lion with two lateral heads of a dog and a wolf shooting from its neck, with two snakes climbing up along the lion’s legs and connecting the three animal heads. Two new representations of this fabulous tricephalous animal engraved in the famous book L’Antiquité expliquée en figures of Dom Bernard de Montfaucon (1719-1724) as well as other figures missing in the iconographic corpus of this deity, provide the opportunity to give a new approach of this monster from an egyptological point of view. The basic concept of the tricephalous Cerberous, as well as the iconography of this god were the result of an intellectual exchange between two high figures belonging to the sacerdotal class : Manetho the Sebennytus and the Athenian Timothy the Eumolpid. Embodying both Egyptian and Greek beliefs in the prospect of the creation of the theology of the god Sarapis, at Memphis, under the reign of Ptolemeus Sôter, they promoted a bifocal belief in giving both the Greeks and the Egyptian the god Sarapis ruling in the Hades, and mastering the allegorical « dog » Cerberous, whose certain features are adapted from Egyptian iconography.
14,50 €
Taches lunaires, phases de la lune et fécondité des règnes. Lagomorphes, félins divins et hybridations en Égypte ancienne. Autour de la déesse hase Ounout du XVe nome de Haute-Égypte
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This paper is dealing with the problem of the interpretation of lunar splashes and phases of the moon, and their relationship with Egyptian myths and their complexity, in particular some Hermopolite beliefs. It gives an overview of the conception of the lunations and it  attempts to follow the speculation in the Egyptian thought, by virtue of which the Egyptians – basing themselves on the habits of this mammal, its aspects, the ancient beliefs on the reproduction cycle of this species – would have formally interpretated lunar splashes as forming the shape of an hare or a doe, a belief attested in many civilisations, on which are based many Oriental and Mediterranean legends. This paper shows the gradual change of the primordial Hermopolite goddess Unut, the doe-goddess, from the stage of her first occurence during the Old Kingdom to the one of the classical texts in which her alter ego, Nehemetauy, is considered as Isis Thesmophora or Hegemonis and Dikaiosunè, deities traditionnally associating moon, legislation and justice. Finally, the paper tries to shed a new light on the relationship between hare, cats and lions in mythological Egyptian texts.
14,50 €