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Stéphanie ANTHONIOZ. — This paper examines the polemic against idolatry in the Hebrew Bible diachronically and comparatively, considering the Mesopotamian sources, re-evaluating them and, what is new, looking at and comparing ancient Greek sources…
14,50 €
Mary R. BACHVAROVA. — The deity Appaluwa is added to the discussion of the origin of the Greek god Apollo alongside the Wilusan city god Appaliuna…
14,50 €
Sana BALDÉ. — This study, constituting a contribution to the political-institutional history of the Greek cities of Asia Minor, analyses the role of the college of archons in the city of Synnada, particularly during the Roman period…
14,50 €
Massimiliano CANUTI. — In this paper is proposed the indefinite pronoun « nobody » like translation of the Etruscan word enan
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Fabrice DE BACKER. — Thanks to the cross-study of different texts describing the royal funeral rituals during the Neo-Assyrian period, the archaeological evidences and the ethnographical comparisons, som different components of the embalming fluid can be identified…
14,50 €
Fabrice DE BACKER. — Although the development of the Assyrian cavalry has often been the subject of much research, it is not the same for the precise identification of the horsemen who escort the Assyrian archers mounted on the bas-reliefs of Assurnasirpal II and of some of his successors…
14,50 €
Clara DE PUTTER. — Harpocrates, the young son of Isis and Osiris (and later Serapis), is one of the most popular deities of Greco-Roman Egypt…
14,50 €
Benjamin DIOUF. — The Greek historian Herodotus left some interesting and well-researched information about Libyan women during classical antiquity…
14,50 €
Paul FONTAINE. — This article aims the ancient fortifications, looking at their monumentalisation and theatricality, using these modern concepts for better understandig of ancient practices…
14,50 €
Mattias KARLSSON. — Relations between Egypt and Mesopotamia were particularly close in the seventh century BCE, when the Neo-Assyrian empire controlled Egypt for about a decade. This period of close relations is partly illuminated by onomastic evidence…
14,50 €
Behrouz KHANMOHAMMADI, Roberto DAN. — This article discusses an important site located in north-western Iran, not far from the border between Iran and Turkey…
14,50 €
Sara LOPEZ. — The ‘Au series’ is a restricted group of six Linear B tablets dated to the Late Bronze Age and found in households located immediately outside the walls surrounding the site of Mycenae. These documents, which bear lists of personnel…
14,50 €
Giuseppe SAMO, Giuliano CARACCIOLO. — The goal of this paper is to offer a model to classify automatically Latin inscriptions on the basis of text-internal criteria…
14,50 €
Zsolt SIMON. — The Ligyes mentioned by Herodotus in Anatolia is one of the forgotten unsolved problems of the ethnolinguistic history of Ancient Anatolia…
14,50 €
Adolfo ZAVARONI. — The inscriptions on the Monte Ribone stone, on the Genoa loom weight and on the stele statues from Bigliolo and Filetto II were considered probably Etruscan, but a careful examination shows that they contain ligatures typical of the Ligurian writing…
14,50 €
Jean-Marcel HUMBERT. — In French. — Why are Nefertiti and Tutankhamun so frequently used on Exlibris (bookplates), by almost unchanging representations?…
Gaspard LESBÉGUERIS. — In French. — At the mention of Egyptianizing coats of arms, one might tend to quickly imagine them the result of the French campaign in Egypt and Syria (1798-1801). This was partly the case…
Arnaud QUERTINMONT. — In French. — The ex-libris is by its function an intimate element. It gives us information about the sponsor, the owner and the artist who made it…
Elsa RICKAL. — In French. — Among the many ex-libris devoted to Egypt, only some represent hieroglyphs, which serve various functions…
Eugène WARMENBOL. — In French. — "Ancient Egypt" as a subject, be it in 19th century history painting or in contemporary comics (for adults), quite often has erotic connotations…
Massimiliano CANUTI. — This paper tries to analyse the question of Etruscan interpretability by a epistemological and theoretical point of view…
14,50 €
Roberto DAN. — The purpose of this article is to present and discuss a series of recent archaeological discoveries made in the territory that was controlled by the state of Bia/Urartu between the second half of the 9th and the second half of the 7th century BC…
14,50 €
Fabrice DE BACKER. — The artefacts discovered in excavations, with the textual and visual evidence, provide the support for a series of deductions on the manufacture of a scale-armour…
14,50 €
Fabrice DE BACKER. — This paper deals with the recruitment and training of the Neo-Assyrian troops between the 8th and the 7th century B.C. for a short military campaign. The basics of the military planning for the operations and of the warfare intruction provided to the troops at their « Boot Camp » will be reviewed according to the sources available at hand…
14,50 €
Arnaud DELANOY. — This article proposes a Semitic-based interpretation for Iberian texts, that remain still obscure to this day. Some older results obtained by the combinatorial method are also reused…
14,50 €
Mayoro DIA, Benjamin DIOUF. — The stories of Egyptian and Greek mythologies are very enticing and very instructive…
14,50 €
Stefania DI CARLO. — Outside the edifice, dating back to the year 1000, one can see traces of the ancient city of Palma and its “ager”…
14,50 €
Mattias KARLSSON. — This paper focuses on how Asia and Asiatics are portrayed in historically oriented Kushite royal inscription, thus taking into account the great impact Asia in general and Assyria specifically had on the Kushite state…
14,50 €
Ergün LAFLI, Maurizio BUORA. — In this paper we present discussions on archaeological authenticity in Turkey, advanced both from scholarly as well as popular scientific point of views…
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Gérard LAMBIN. — What is a god, what is the divine for Aristotle? But above all, is it allowed to speak of an Aristotelian theology and a first divine Motor?…
14,50 €
Marcel MEULDER. — The Hellenistic poet Euphorion of Chalkis evokes the horses from Asbotos, which allow the soothsayer Amphiaraos to withdraw the disaster of the Seven Chiefs in front of Thebes…
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Rostislav ORESHKO. — The present paper explores the evidence of the Hieroglyphic-Luwian inscription PORSUK from ethnolinguistic, epigraphic and historical perspectives…
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Marta PALLAVIDINI. — In the field of Hittitology, the interconnection between the figure of the king and the institution that he represents has not been studied adequately…
14,50 €
Eric RAIMOND. — The Goddess Demeter has become an allegory of Nature, whom its complex nature and functions are not sought…
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Zsolt SIMON. — The present paper critically discusses the new transcription system of Sidetic proposed by S. Pérez Orozco…
14,50 €
Adolfo ZAVARONI. — The inscription of Castegnero (Vicenza province, territory of ancient Veneto) was written with letters and ligatures similar to those of the Ligurian script…
14,50 €
Jordan BOUCARD. — It was in 264 BC. The history of Castrum Novum begins with the establishment of a military camp. The need to create a Roman colony at this location is encouraged by the geopolitical context of the time…
14,50 €
Massimiliano CANUTI. — Interlinguistics and comparative linguistics provide us the tools to demonstrate the external or casual provenience of Indo-European elements in Etruscan…
14,50 €
Behrouz KHANMOHAMMADI and Roberto DAN. — The Mergavar Plain in the west of Orumiyeh, which is surrounded by mountains and hills, is largely an uncharted land, intact and still almost archaeologically unknown in Iran, although it contains many valuable cultural-historical works…
14,50 €
Fabrice DE BACKER. — This paper proposes a hypothetic reconstruction of the funeral rituals employed to bury the King during the Neo-Assyrian period…
14,50 €
El Hadji Malick DEME. — In this essay, we propose to study the different varieties of bread contained in the texts of the pyramid of Unas…
14,50 €
Francesca DIOSONO, Dario MONTI. — The paper focuses on the pre-Roman archaeological material culture evidence collected during fieldwork campaigns (2016-2018) carried out in the municipality of Cascia (Perugia, central Italy), a territory that ancient written sources attribute to the Sabines…
14,50 €
Stéphane FAYE. — What is interesting about the Oresteia trilogy of Aeschylus is that the relationships between characters can offer many approaches that can lead to encouraging results…
14,50 €
Christophe FLAMENT. — This study is devoted to the mining district of Laurion (Attika, Greece) during the Classical Period, and more specifically to the impacts the exploitation of those silver mines had on the Athenian history from the environmental, social, economical, and political points of view…
14,50 €
Mattias KARLSSON. — This paper focuses on how Egypt and Kush are portrayed in Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions. The philological analysis showed that Egypt and Kush are described partly as targets of coercion, in their being subjects and enemies…
14,50 €
Pierre P. KOEMOTH †. — The author proposes an extended reading for the icon of the child-god crouching on the primeval lotus-flower or seating on the fruit of this “pink lotus” related to the heliotropic behaviour of the blue lotus-flower during the day but the selenotropic one of the white species during the night…
14,50 €
Gérard LAMBIN. — Plotinus did not believe, he knew (or thought he knew). He knew that if “divine things” are limited to the three hypostases (the One, the Intellect, the Soul), the divine is no less everywhere, and that he is pure intellection…
14,50 €
Valentina LIMINA. — The paper proposes a political interpretation of the reliefs depicting the sieges of Troy and Thebes on a group of eight funerary urns produced in Volterra in the first quarter of the 1st century BC…
14,50 €
Marcel MEULDER. — The name of Bias, Melampus’ brother, is originally Luwian. It means “ the man to whom a wife is given”. He woos Pero, the daughter of the Pylian king Neleus, as a reward of Melampus’achievement…
14,50 €
Herman MOORS. — In this article I will argue that Aphrodite – or Kypris, as she was called by Homer – is to be understood as the Greco-Cypriot interpretation of the Syrian goddess Atargatis, to whom the first part of this study is devoted. Contrary to common opinion, her name will be explained as a compound of Astarte and ‘Ate, the latter being the bearded and violent, even self-destructive, son of the former…
14,50 €
Herman MOORS. — In a previous article published in issue XV of this journal, I proposed to read šmn, “oil”, in verse 1: 3b of the Song as šnm, “erected, lifted up”, cognate of šnm in Ugaritic and sanim in Arabic…
14,50 €