De la mère du roi à l’épouse du dieuVon der Königsmutter zur Gottesgemahlin

Herausgegeben von Benoît Lurson. — In diesem Band werden die Ergebnisse der fünf Ausgrabungskampagnen des Tempels von Tuja vorgestellt, eines von Ramses II. gebauten Denkmals, das nördlich an das Ramesseum angrenzt und seiner Mutter gewidmet war. Die Ergebnisse schließen auch die Arbeiten an der Nekropole, die sich in diesem Tempel während der Dritten Zwischenzeit entwickelt hat, und insbesondere am Grab der Gottesgemahlin Karomama ein… (Details)

75,00 €
Historique et problématiques des fouilles du temple de Touy
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by Benoît LURSON. — The author recounts the descriptions, excavations and studies of the Temple of Tuya. Since 2014, the work entered a second phase, with the study of the necropolis that developed in the temple during the Third Intermediate Period. This part of the work allowed for the rediscovery of the tomb of the divine adoratrice Karomama (22nd Dynasty)…
14,50 €
Entre fouilles et remplois ptolémaïques. Architecture et décoration du temple de Touy
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by Benoît LURSON. — In this contribution, the author presents a study of the architecture and decoration of the Temple of Tuya…
14,50 €
Un nouveau titre pour la mère de Ramsès II. L’inscription du bloc de calcaire découvert en 2015 dans le temple de Touy adjacent au Ramesseum
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by Claude OBSOMER. — Publication of a block of limestone and study of the hieroglyphic inscription, which mentions the mother of Ramses II. In this inscription, the king’s mother is called Muty, a name attested on other blocks coming from the temple…
14,50 €
Die hieratischen Ostraka
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by Hans-Werner FISCHER-ELFERT. — Publication of fourteen hieratic ostraca and wine jar labels found during the five excavation seasons in the Temple of Tuya…
14,50 €
Ostraca coptes
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by Alain DELATTRE. — Publication of a block of limestone and study of the hieroglyphic inscription, which mentions the mother of Ramses II. In this inscription, the king’s mother is called Muty, a name attested on other blocks coming from the temple…
14,50 €
Enjeux de la fouille stratigraphique pour l’étude des tombes à puits de la Troisième Période Intermédiaire. L’exemple de la tombe de Karomama
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by Franck MOUROT. — The tomb shaft of the divine adoratrice Karomama (9th century B.C.) was excavated during the 2014–2015 excavation seasons. Its stratigraphic excavation allowed for the reconstructing of the phases of the tomb’s history, from its construction to its excavation…
14,50 €
Le dépôt d’offrandes de la tombe de la divine adoratrice Karomama (XXIIe dynastie ; vers 840 av. J.‑C.). Approche archéozoologique d’un assemblage remarquable
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by Cécile CALLOU. — The analysis of the zooarchaeological assemblage, discovered in the Karomama’s tomb shaft, confirms the existence of a particular funerary practice…
14,50 €
De la tombe aux musées. Etude préliminaire sur la dispersion du mobilier funéraire de la divine adoratrice Karomama
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by Nicolas GAUTHIER. — It is shown how the study of the funerary equipment can contribute to a better understanding of the history of a tomb, from its sealing to its excavation…
14,50 €
Die Keramik des Grabes der Karomama und weiterer Schachtgräber des Tuja-Tempels. Neue Elemente zur Typochronologie der Keramik der 3. Zwischenzeit und der Spätzeit
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by Anke EBEL. — The tomb of Karomama (PF1147), the so-called secondary tomb PF1181, and tomb PF1013 were excavated during the 2014–2015 seasons. These tombs contained in situ layers with pottery dating to the mid 9th and 8th century B.C., which offer the possibility of a precise typochronological study…
14,50 €
Die Uschebtis von Karomama Meritmut G. Ein Überblick
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by Jan MOJE. — This preliminary survey of the typology of the ushabtis of the Divine Adoratrice Karomama G Merytmut from the Twenty-Second Dynasty deals with the items kept in museums as well as with those found in her tomb, rediscovered in 2014 in the Temple of Tuya…
14,50 €
Ein demotisches Ostrakon mit einer Liste über Zahlungen in einer unbekannten Einheit
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by Jannik KORTE. — The ostracon TC15.3003.Ce-03, which was found in a tomb shaft in the Temple of Tuya, contains a Demotic list concerning payments of what might be cereal…
14,50 €
Dans l’entourage de Karomama. Rapport préliminaire sur la fouille de la tombe à puits PF1013
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by Jean-Claude SZTUKA. — The excavation of the tomb shaft PF1013 showed that the tomb had been plundered at the same time as Karomama’s, likely by the same team, and that it was still intact when it was plundered…
14,50 €
Rapport sur la fouille de la tombe à puits PF1103
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by Benoît LURSON. — The early dating of the burial leads us to reconsider the history of the necropolis and the latest phases of the history of the temple…
14,50 €
Die Keramik des Schachtgrabes PF1103
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by Anke EBEL. — The tomb PF1103, located in the court of the Temple of Tuya, was excavated during the 2015 excavation season. Of the total amount of 544 sherds found, and based on the specialised literature…
14,50 €
The Ushabtis of the Divine Adoratrice Qedmerut
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by Kenneth GRIFFIN. — This paper presents the forty known ushabtis of Qedmerut, discussing their iconography, inscriptions, provenance, and dating…
14,50 €
Histoire d’une métamorphose. Le temple de Touy de Ramsès II à Ptolémée IX
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by Benoît LURSON. — The author recounts the descriptions, excavations and studies of the Temple of Tuya. Since 2014, the work entered a second phase, with the study of the necropolis that developed in the temple during the Third Intermediate Period. This part of the work allowed for the rediscovery of the tomb of the divine adoratrice Karomama (22nd Dynasty)…
14,50 €