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L'Egyptien dans la tourmente

by Laura Parys. — Book in French. — This work constitutes the first academic monograph dedicated to the concept of isfet (disorder, chaos), based on an in-depth analysis of five major Egyptian literary texts, known as “pessimistic” (Details).

69,00 €
Traditions et Traductionsdes textes bibliques

Études de critique textuelle et d’exégèse en l’honneur de Prof. Christian-Bernard Amphoux à l’occasion de son 80e anniversaire, Laurent Pinchard and Jean-Claude Haelewyck (eds.) (Details)

127,00 €
Le récit du Papyrus Westcar

by Laura Parys. — Book in French. This study deepens the literary analysis and provides a renewed interpretation of this narrative text. It contains a unique hieroglyphic transcription, together with a personal translation and philological comments…  (Details)

38,00 €

by Carl Meissner and Pierre Altenhoven. — Book in French (See Details)

36,00 €
Charles de Lorraine et la mesure du temps

by Philippe PATER. — In French. Based on archival sources inherent to Charles de Lorraine, this book will provide the reader with a substantial amount of exclusive information on his collections of watches and clocks, his machinists and turners, his physicists and naturalists, on the watchmakers who worked not only for the prince, but also for his sister Anne-Charlotte. This work is illustrated with many unpublished photos (details)

75,00 €
Tense, Aspect and Modality in the Sabellic Languages

by Reuben Pitts. — This work examines the grammatical expression of tense, aspect and modality (henceforth TAM) in the Sabellic languages, a group of epigraphically attested Italic languages spoken in the second half of the first millennium B.C.E. (See Details)

43,00 €
Manuel de critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament

Chr.-B. Amphoux (dir.). — Book in French.

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59,00 €
Dire le droit en Égypte pharaonique

by Alexandra Philip-Stéphan. — Book in French. Analyse de l'appareil judiciaire et des procédures juridictionnelles jusqu'au Nouvel Empire (1500 avant notre ère)…

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59,00 €
Marta PALLAVIDINI. — In the field of Hittitology, the interconnection between the figure of the king and the institution that he represents has not been studied adequately…
14,50 €
Claudia POSANI. — This paper is aimed at a comparative study of the figurative use of the word(s) for “head” in Greek and Ancient Near Eastern texts…
14,50 €
Andrea Carandini, Romulus et les dema. Naissance, diffusion et ravages d’un produit ethnographique toxique
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The concept of dema is used in ethnography to designate a particular category of primordial beings in paleo-cultivator cultures. Certain Italian scholars have used it in their research on the origins of Rome, specifically when referring to Romulus. We might mention in particular A. Brelich, working in 1960, and, more recently, the archaeologist A. Carandini. The current paper retraces the history of the concept since its first appearance in 1922 up to the present day : how it has evolved over the decades, and how scholars have frequently applied it without sufficient rigour, generating between them a series of false hypotheses and propositions. In the interests of interdisciplinarity, it might be desirable to stray into the field of ethnography, but it is imperative to proceed with method. This requirement has not been respected in research done on the origins of Rome, an area in which the demas of ethnology have absolutely no role to play.
14,50 €
L’anastrophe verbale en grec archaïque. Entre syntaxe et poétique
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Among the most salient features of the Homeric poetic language, separability of preverbs (so-called “tmesis”) and reversibility of prepositions (so-called “anastrophe”) are particularly well documented. The aim of this paper is to investigate a third, less known type, which may be formally described either as “reverse tmesis” or as “verbal anastrophe”, e.g. fugw;n u{po nhlee;~ h\mar “escaping from the merciless day” (F 57). From an accentual point of view, such constructions with [verb + postverb] are regularly parallel to nominal anastrophe [noun + postposition], but both from a syntactical and from a semantical point of view the nature of the postposed verbal particule is ambiguous : it might be seen either as a real postverb, mirrored by a preverbal counterpart, or as an independent adverb, freely added to the verbal form. It can be shown that originally the adverbial analysis is probably the right one, but the type has been reanalized as verbal anastrophe and used consequently as a poetical device inside the Homeric tradition.
14,50 €
Procédés synchroniques dans les textes poétiques des langues sabelliques. Entre tradition indigène et influence de la littérature hellénistique
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Some sepulchral inscriptions in Sabellian language from Paelignian and Marrucinian regions in ancient Italy dating II-I centuries b.Chr. cross poetic structures inherited from very archaic local traditions with various topics belonging to the hellenistic literature.
All this outlines the specific features of such poetic items whose purpose was to show the cultural identity of these local communities in contrast with the widespread Roman influence.
14,50 €
Laurent PINCHARD. — This article tests the thesis of the dominant thinking in textual criticism that harmonisations are a major feature of Codex Bezae…
À propos d’Isis et du cerf : en Occident, aussi !
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J.-L. PODVIN, « À propos d’Isis et du cerf : en Occident, aussi ! »,  Res Antiquae 11 Brussels, 2014, p. 185-188.
14,50 €
Les dispositions internationales des rois hittites trouvées à Ougarit. Décrets ou jugements ? Une proposition de classification
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — The present contribution proposes a classification of the documents issued by the Hittite kings from Šuppiluliuma I to Tutḫaliya IV that have been found in the archives at Ugarit. The new proposal of classification is…
14,50 €
Lo "stipendium" legionario da 75 denari
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by Luigi PEDRONI. — Dans cet article, on présente quelques observations sur le "stipendium" des légionnaires romains au IIIe siècle av. J.-C., basées sur la constatation que ses différentes augmentations in époque tardo-republicaine et l’impériale sont modulés sur la somme de 75 asses. On peut supposer, donc, que le chiffre de 75 avait pris valeur standard à partir du moment où le stipendium…
14,50 €
Ḫakpiš, la prima “Sekundogenitur” di Ḫatti ? Considerazioni sul rapporto giuridico di Ḫattušili con Muwatalli e Urḫi-Teššup/Muršili III sulla base di CTH 81
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — The so-called Apology of Ḫattušili III (CTH 81) is one of the most studied Hittite cuneiform documents, both its “historical” content and its apologetic rhetoric…
14,50 €
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — In this paper, I will analyze the metaphors related to the semantic field of sight that are present in the Hittite state treaties and I will demonstrate their relevance in the political-diplomatic discourse…
14,50 €
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by Anthony PEETERS. — During the Late Antiquity, Roman villas saw an important phase of restructuring and “monumentalisation”. They appeared as luxurious residences standing as the center of a large fundus…
14,50 €
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by Danielle PORTE. — I want to show how, changing one letter when you read or write the name of some locality, you also change everything was established about the very evenements History had for a long time admitted as true realty and always in the same manner described…
14,50 €
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by Danielle PORTE. — As the description of details relative to Alesia (site, ways, battle a.s.a.) don’t fit to the realities offered by the official localisation (Alise sainte-Reine), main of archeologs, university professors and historian incrimine J. Cæsar’s text, which contains mistakes and lies…
14,50 €
À la table des comtes de Hennin-Liétard : le faste des banquets organisés au château de Boussu dès le milieu du XVIe siècle
S. CHALLE, C. ANSIEAU, Cl. DUMORTIER, C. HERCOT, F. PIGIERE, D. WILLEMS. — De opgravingen die sinds 1991 op de site van het kasteel van Boussu zijn gedaan hebben een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid archeologisch materiaal aan het licht gebracht, met name keramiek…
14,50 €
Apports et limites de l’archéologie expérimentale. La reconstitution du fourneau à sel gaulois de Pont-Rémy
G. PRILAUX, C. CHAIDRON, Chr. HOËT-VAN CAUWENBERGHE, A. MASSE. — Als ze met grote zorgvuldigheid wordt toegepast kan de experimentele methode veel toevoegen aan de kennis van de oude productie-activiteiten…
14,50 €
Vestiges de la Grande Guerre au sein d’un vaste programme archéologique français. L’exemple du Canal Seine-Nord Europe
G. PRILAUX, M. TALON. — Tijdens de preventieve opgravingen die werden uitgevoerd voor de bouw van het kanaal Seine - Noord-Europa kwamen talrijke overblijfselen aan het licht…
14,50 €
Des ZAC, des ZAI et des ZAP dans l’Antiquité
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F. VILVORDER, E. WEINKAUF and F. PIGIÈRE, « Des ZAC, des ZAI et des ZAP dans l’Antiquité », in DEMELENNE M. and DOCQUIER G. (dir.), Trésor ? / Trésor ! Archéologie au cœur de l'Europe, Brussels, 2014.
14,50 €
La mythologie ougaritique dans son cadre historique
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Scholarly opinion on the origins of Ugaritic mythology, in particularly the myths having to do with the storm deity Baʿlu, has varied considerably over the eighty some years since the discovery of these tablets. Traditional Mesopotamian sources were cited as parallels early on, then Amorite influence was posited.  Recently, the hypothesis of a Mesopotamian connection has been revived under a new form.  These varied explanations for a Levantine mythology showing similarities with other Near-Eastern mythologies, not to mention Aegean ones, will be passed rapidly in review and the peculiarities of the Ugaritic version will be emphasized.


14,50 €
Pepy-ankh Heny le noir de Meir (tombe A2) a-t-il usurpé le titre de vizir ?
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The purpose of this article is to determine if Pepy-ankh Heny-Kem (tomb A2 at Meir) wrongfully took the title of vizier. The different arguments to know if he is a real vizier will be examined. A study of the viziers of the sixth dynasty is presented.  An examination of the family of Pepy-ankh Heny-Kem is also making. We propose a study of all the titles of Pepy-ankh Heny-Kem.
14,50 €
De la Vallée du Nil au Pays du Fleuve. Réflexions à propos du Naharina
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The aim of this paper is to put in light the historical, political and geographical context of the Late Bronze Age Middle East that led to the apparition of the toponym Naharina in Egyptian Texts. What was the reality behind this term ? Why did it occur so frequently in Egyptian sources despite the non-egyptian etymological origin ? Was it linked to the Hurrian Empire of Mitanni ? These are questions which at some point will need clear answers.


14,50 €
Les métamorphoses animales des divinités dans la Méditerranée antique
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Looking for the authenticity of the sacred one may find out that the first human’s gods could often take the animal form. Since the prehistoric times, human beings worshipped wild animals and represented them in art with care and precision. During the Antiquity, even the most anthropocentric streams of philosophy couldn’t impede the survival of these popular beliefs. Some peoples, like ancient Egyptians, developed a very sophisticated zoomorphic pantheon. Greece and Rome testified a high level of the animal symbolism in mythology and divination. As for the Asia Minor, according to the old traditions, the idea of the wild nature couldn’t be separated there from the perception of the realm of the gods. This paper gives an approach to some historical evidences of god’s metamorphoses into animals and tries to examine the origins of these beliefs in the ancient Mediterranean world. 

14,50 €
À la recherche du passé. Le premier voyage en Asie Mineure de Charles Texier
A. PORTNOFF. — Almost all we know about the journeys in the ancient times comes from the archeological researches undertaken by modern travellers…
14,50 €
Environmental changes in the Jebleh plain (Syria). Geophysical, Geomorphological, Palynological, Archaeological and Historical Research
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Une approche interdisciplinaire a permis de retracer les changements environnementaux de la région de Tell Tweini…
14,50 €
Casius, le mont sacré de la Méditerranée orientale
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Mountains have always been considered as a natural way leading to heaven, as the bridge between human and divine. Some of them received particular attention and were adored as the true deities by the populations living around. Casius provides one of the most outstanding examples of this cult of the mountain in the past. This paper aims to emphasize the sacred character of this mountain by underlining its different aspects. As a border mountain, Casius occupies a site of great strategic importance, close to the Maditerranean Sea coast as the Orontes River’s mouth. Thoughout the Late Bronze Age, the chief deity of Ugarit’s pantheon dwellt on its summit nd, in the same period, Casius appeared to be the highest place of Hurrian mythology. During the classical antiquity, the cult of Zeus Casius confirmed the long continuity of this mountain’s fame in the ancient world.
14,50 €
Éléments d’onomastique hourrito-louvite et la légende étrusque de Tagès
A. PORTNOFF. — The story of Tages is one of the most authentic Etruscan legends. Nevertheless, his name cannot be easily explained by Etruscan…
14,50 €