» History
Les Šerden et l’Égypte. Des armes et … du grain !
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J. DE VOS, « Les Šerden et l’Égypte. Des armes et … du grain ! », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
La ruralité méconnue des Medjay immigrés en Égypte au Nouvel Empire
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D. MICHAUX-COLOMBOT, « La ruralité méconnue des Medjay immigrés en Égypte au Nouvel Empire », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
The Rise and Decline of the (Contractual) Slave Mode of Production in Central Italy
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M. SILVER, « The Rise and Decline of the (Contractual) Slave Mode of Production in Central Italy », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
La magie du naphte ou Comment disculper Alexandre le Grand de l’accusation d’imbécillité
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G. COURTIEU, « La magie du naphte ou Comment disculper Alexandre le Grand de l’accusation d’imbécillité », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 27-52.
14,50 €
La capture d’Amphissa par Philippe II lors de la quatrième guerre sacrée. À propos d’un stratagème de Polyen (Stratagèmes, IV, 2, 8)
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F.-D. DELTENRE, «  La capture d’Amphissa par Philippe II lors de la quatrième guerre sacrée. À propos d’un stratagème de Polyen (Stratagèmes, IV, 2, 8) », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 91-100.
14,50 €
Ne fame urgeret Italiam. Riflessioni storico-giuridiche sulla costituzione della provincia romana d’Egitto
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R. LATTERINI, « Ne fame urgeret Italiam. Riflessioni storico-giuridiche sulla costituzione della provincia romana d’Egitto », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 145-166.
14,50 €
Deux fragments hittites tardifs et leur intérêt
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R. LEBRUN, « Deux fragments hittites tardifs et leur intérêt », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 167-174.
14,50 €
Dédale a-t-il des traits varuniens ?
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M. MEULDER, « Dédale a-t-il des traits varuniens ? », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 175-184.
14,50 €
À l’origine d’une dialectique nouvelle. L’offrande et le tribut dans la pensée de Judas le Galiléen
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M. GIRARDIN, « À l’origine d’une dialectique nouvelle. L’offrande et le tribut dans la pensée de Judas le Galiléen », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
La place du sacramentum militiae  dans la guerre civile opposant César à Pompée
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M. GUEYE, « La place du sacramentum militiae dans la guerre civile opposant César à Pompée », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
Apama III et IV, reines de Bithynie et princesses de Syrie ? Note de prosopographie séleucide
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T. STASSER, « Apama III et IV, reines de Bithynie et princesses de Syrie ? Note de prosopographie séleucide », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
Judah and Philistia. Two different models of state formation
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by Łukasz NIESIOŁOWSKI-SPANÒ. — This article presents the historical reconstruction of the state-formation process in Philistia and Judah in the Iron Age. The political and social conditions are evaluated to present a coherent model-reconstruction of the process. The multi-factor differences…
14,50 €
Les dispositions internationales des rois hittites trouvées à Ougarit. Décrets ou jugements ? Une proposition de classification
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — The present contribution proposes a classification of the documents issued by the Hittite kings from Šuppiluliuma I to Tutḫaliya IV that have been found in the archives at Ugarit. The new proposal of classification is…
14,50 €
Lo "stipendium" legionario da 75 denari
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by Luigi PEDRONI. — Dans cet article, on présente quelques observations sur le "stipendium" des légionnaires romains au IIIe siècle av. J.-C., basées sur la constatation que ses différentes augmentations in époque tardo-republicaine et l’impériale sont modulés sur la somme de 75 asses. On peut supposer, donc, que le chiffre de 75 avait pris valeur standard à partir du moment où le stipendium…
14,50 €
La violence, le mal et l’agressivité dans la civilisation de l’Égypte pharaonique. Enquêtes dans les corpus funéraires et analyse des vocables et pictogrammes hiéroglyphiques (3000-1580 av. notre ère)
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by Michel-Alain MOMBO. — This research work puts a synoptic look on three words forming a whole in all the phases of Pharaonic Égypt history. Those words are violence, wrong (evil) and aggressiveness…
14,50 €
Ḫakpiš, la prima “Sekundogenitur” di Ḫatti ? Considerazioni sul rapporto giuridico di Ḫattušili con Muwatalli e Urḫi-Teššup/Muršili III sulla base di CTH 81
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — The so-called Apology of Ḫattušili III (CTH 81) is one of the most studied Hittite cuneiform documents, both its “historical” content and its apologetic rhetoric…
14,50 €
Deux reines Ankhnespépy pour Pépy II Neferkarê ?
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by Thierry STASSER. — Ankhnespepy: do we have only one Queen, or two different women ? Opinions of Egyptologists differ here…
14,50 €
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by Christophe FLAMENT. — This study is devoted to the role of the sacred treasury of Athena in the Athenian public finances during the 5th century. Two case studies will be examined: the constructions of the Acropolis and the military campaigns of the Peloponnesian War…
14,50 €
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by Mariama GUEYE. — This article proposes to study the motives which explain the indulgent fate enjoyed by certain cities during the civil wars of Sulla to Caesar…
14,50 €
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — In this paper, I will analyze the metaphors related to the semantic field of sight that are present in the Hittite state treaties and I will demonstrate their relevance in the political-diplomatic discourse…
14,50 €
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by Thierry STASSER. — One document confirms without any doubt the existence of a second Queen Ahhotep…
14,50 €
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by Mariama GUEYE. — This article addresses the critical views that Rome's enemies have made on the Roman fides in international relations at the end of the Republic, coinciding with a certain decadence of the moral values of Roman society…
14,50 €
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by Danielle PORTE. — I want to show how, changing one letter when you read or write the name of some locality, you also change everything was established about the very evenements History had for a long time admitted as true realty and always in the same manner described…
14,50 €
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by Danielle PORTE. — As the description of details relative to Alesia (site, ways, battle a.s.a.) don’t fit to the realities offered by the official localisation (Alise sainte-Reine), main of archeologs, university professors and historian incrimine J. Cæsar’s text, which contains mistakes and lies…
14,50 €
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by Zsolt SIMON. — This paper argues that Lygdamis the Cimmerian cannot be identified as Tugdammî due to historical and chronological reasons…
14,50 €
Trois divinités tyriennes dans le récit de I Rois 18
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The Storm-God invokated by the prophets of Baal at I Kings 18 has been identified with Baal Shamīm or Milqart. The dance performed by the prophets, Elijah’s ironic references to some business, travel or sleep of this silent God and the presence of the prophets of Asherah allow us to see in this text a polemic against the three main tyrian deities : Baal Shamīm, Ashtart and Milqart.
14,50 €
Un plastron d’époque néo-assyrienne
F. DE BACKER. — The following study analyses the so-called “irtu” discs worn by some soldiers related to the Neo-Assyrian army as its military personal or its opponents…
14,50 €
Le délit de desertio et de transfugium dans les guerres civiles à Rome sous la République
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In times of civil war, desertion, which is a crime punishable by death, almost looks like a minor offense in the Roman army. Sanctions, usually reserved for deserters and defectors, are very rarely applied during the intestine wars of the Republic. The chiefs of the army, by buying the loyalty of soldiers openly, encourage and orchestrate desertion. In the context of chaos that characterized the conflicts between Romans led to a suspension of normal operation of the army, desertion is used as a political weapon by the military officials and political parties to weaken or eliminate the opponent.
14,50 €
L’archéologie avant la fouille. Le potentiel archéologique du Domaine de Mariemont
M. DEMELENNE, G. DOCQUIER. — In Mariemont zelf (B., Henegouwen, Morlanwelz), werd nog geen enkele opgravingscampagne gedaan. Dankzij de samenwerking tussen een historicus en een archeoloog, archiefdocumenten, cartografische en iconografische documenten is het mogelijk zich de site in zijn diachronische ontwikkeling voor te stellen…
14,50 €
Dendour ou le temple exilé
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Dendour is a tiny but very interesting temple made by emperor Augustus in the Dodekaschenos, in the south of Egypt, next to the frontier with Nubia. Now, it is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York, USA because it was given to the American government as thanks for help in the Aswan project. It is dedicated to two drowned brothers, venerated as “saints” by the local people. The scenes show these young men (but also divinities particularly venerated in Nubia) honorated by Augustus who give them local goodies as gold, incense, ivory…The cartouche of the king are interesting: some contain his name of pharaoh but some only the title Per- aha. The localisation of these cartouches seems to be not free: it could be an expression of political message of Augustus in this area what suffer of many conflicts and  revolts involving Roman Empire and Nubian sovereigns as the queen “Candace”. 
14,50 €
Pepy-ankh Heny le noir de Meir (tombe A2) a-t-il usurpé le titre de vizir ?
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The purpose of this article is to determine if Pepy-ankh Heny-Kem (tomb A2 at Meir) wrongfully took the title of vizier. The different arguments to know if he is a real vizier will be examined. A study of the viziers of the sixth dynasty is presented.  An examination of the family of Pepy-ankh Heny-Kem is also making. We propose a study of all the titles of Pepy-ankh Heny-Kem.
14,50 €
Reines commagéniennes. La place des "basilissai" dans les hiérothésia et Iotapè Philadelphe
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What were the queens’ and princesses’ official functions in the Commagenian kingdom? The goal of this paper is to study their place in Antiochos I Theos’ religious reform (c 69-36 BC) especially on the Nemrud Daǧɩ. In a second section, we study Iotape Philadelphos’ role beside her husband, Antiochos IV Epiphanes (38-72 AD), and her presence in the Commagenian coinage.
14,50 €
Euhemeros von Messene. Ökonomisches Denken in einer “Utopie” der hellenistischen Zeit
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Dans l’Écriture Sacrée de Evhémère le Messinien, conseiller du roi des Macédoniens, Cassandre décrit la situation socio-économique des îles de l’Océan indien, que lui-même a visitées. Les traits caractéristiques de la structure de la société et de l’économie des îles sont la répartition sociale du travail entre la population, l’évaluation positive du manoeuvre, ainsi que la politique économique centralisée et l’économie des incitations à la partie la plus productive de la population. Un passage souligne ce que possèdent les prêtres, lesquels exercent le pouvoir supérieur. Le travail de Evhémère, relevant du genre littéraire politique “mytho-historique” (Staatsroman) des temps hellénistiques, appartient à la catégorie du mirror for princes, qui aboutit à projeter sur le prince la conception de la société idéale.
14,50 €
Néron et le "De clementia" de Sénèque, racine ou rupture ?
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At the same time Seneca is the thinker of the government over which the last prince Julio-claudian reigns, and the thinker of the « new » political designation should thus be given to translate the concepts invented by him for Nero’s reign. The Nero’s tutor has been expressed through three types of discourse – one philosophical, one political and a satirical theatrical work. All of them consist of a continous meditation on power. One book emerges from this polyphonical and political discourse ; the De clementia, founding pillar of both the new princely ideology and the shift to the political action of the concepts embodied in the person of Nero. The De clementia gives the impression of being both consistent with the political values developed by the Ancients, and the thought of a new political era. Then, can we consider the De clementia as a root or, alternatively, as a rupture ?


14,50 €
Evolution of the Scale Armour in the Ancient Near East, Aegean and Egypt. An Overview from the Origins to the Pre-Sargonids
F. DE BACKER. — À première vue, l’armure d’écailles qui était utilisée au Proche-Orient ancien, en Égypte et dans le monde égéen contemporains n’a encore jamais été étudiée ou survolée en tant qu’ensemble…


14,50 €
Mazaca. Un site à “tous égards naturellement impropre à l’habitat”
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I’m interested in Strabo’s description of Mazaca in Cappadocia. The description of this polis, with its wealth of information, is exceeded only by the descriptions of Alexandria and Rome. However, I don’t believe that this presentation is based on what the author would have observed. Strabo certainly uses local sources, perhaps royal cappadocian traditions.


14,50 €
Le cas d'Ewri-Sarruma, fils royal
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Ewri-Sarruma is one of these high-ranking persons of the Syro-anatolian society which is DUMU.LUGAL "royal son" and which we find in the texts of Ougarit, Bogazköy and on the seals of Nişantepe. This article takes back all these documents, the various written forms of the name Ewri-Sarruma as well as an analysis of this person. I also try to date most exactly possible these texts and seals.


14,50 €
Notes relatives à la ville de Landa
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This article on the city of Landa fits into a plan of study concerning several cities of Anatolia, in particular religious centres. It is a question of collecting texts mentioning this city, to give a transliteration with translation and try to place her in Anatolia.


14,50 €
Crudelis tu quoque, mater. Sur un passage problématique du chant de Damon (Virgile, VIIIe Bucolique, v. 47-50)
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The verses 47-50 of the eighth Eclogue are very confusing: they refer to personae whose identity can’t be clearly established (crudelis mater, puer improbus). Besides, their inelegantly emphatic form lets us suppose a textual corruption. Yet, an intertextual approach helps us to shed light on the meaning of the passage: the portrayal of incest in Catullian Carmen 64 (v. 403-406) − which obviously influenced Virgil − is very close to Virgilian verses, and takes place in a similar context: the depiction of crimes induced by Love. Hence our hypothesis that the ‘cruel mother’ (crudelis mater) and the ‘indecent child’ (improbus puer) are mentioned as an anonymous exemplum of incest.


14,50 €
Naharina et Mitanni au IIe millénaire avant J.-C. À propos des maryannou et de la présence hourrite en Égypte
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During the New Egyptian Kingdom, numerous foreigners stayed in Egypt. If some of them came with a lot of diplomatic embassies, the others were captured during military campaigns. Children of foreign kings stayed in the kap’s school of the palace, and princesses are given in marriage to Egyptian king. Among these foreigners, Hurrians and their famous maryannou exercised a very important domination.
14,50 €
De la Vallée du Nil au Pays du Fleuve. Réflexions à propos du Naharina
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The aim of this paper is to put in light the historical, political and geographical context of the Late Bronze Age Middle East that led to the apparition of the toponym Naharina in Egyptian Texts. What was the reality behind this term ? Why did it occur so frequently in Egyptian sources despite the non-egyptian etymological origin ? Was it linked to the Hurrian Empire of Mitanni ? These are questions which at some point will need clear answers.


14,50 €
Le rôle politique des femmes de la dynastie d’Hérode. Hérodiade, Cypros, Bérénice, Salomé
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What were the princesses' official functions in the herodian dynasty ? We propose to analyse the women's place in the herodian propaganda as well as their political role beside the king. An evolution can be highlighted : contrary to Herod the Great, who was a "king without queen", Agrippa I, Agrippa II and Aristobulus decided to show themselves with a queen beside them. From then, monarchy had to be embodied by a royal couple.
14,50 €
Quelques remarques relatives aux pérégrinations des diplomates, au fil des relations égypto-hittites (IIe millénaire avant J.-C.)
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In this paper, the author introduces some aspects concerning relations between Egypt and different states of Asia Minor in the second millenium B.C…
14,50 €
Le voyage de Diodore de Sicile en Égypte, ou le nécessaire recours aux sources de la bibliothèque d’Alexandrie
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In this paper, the author redraws essential stages of the life of Diodorus of Sicily. The trip which this one accomplished in Egypt must exercise important influence for the writing of his work : the Library of History. This sicilian historian could consult sources kept in Alexandria, what allowed him to insert new books (I-VI) dedicating in events previous to the war of Troy.
14,50 €
Cicéron, d’Italie en Cilicie. Conditions, vitesse et impressions de voyage d’un futur gouverneur
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The nomination of Cicero as governor obliged the orator to a long travel from Rome to Cilicia between april and august 51 B.C. Cicero had to organise a long journey to Asia Minor on road and sea, with the obsession to avoid a prorogation in his province…
14,50 €
Les pérégrinations des marchands assyriens en haute Mésopotamie et en Asie Mineure
C. MICHEL. — At the beginning of the IInd millennium BC, inhabitants from the Aššur city-state, on the Tigris river, organized large scale commercial exchange with Anatolia…
14,50 €
Entre temps de mémoire et temps de l’histoire. L’invention romaine de l’âge d’or
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In this contribution, P.-A. Deproost estimates the originality of the Roman interpretation of the races hesiodic myth…
14,50 €
Fragments hittites relatifs à l’Égypte
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In order to continue the publication of hitttite’s fragments relating to Egypt, started since about thirty years in Professor J. Vergote’s honour, this paper presents the reading of some new fragments testifying the toponym Mizri (Egypt)…
14,50 €
I "saecula" etruschi
F. MORA. — Contre l’idée répandue que les siècles étrusques duraient plus de cent ans, on démontre que les siècles longs n’appartiennent qu’à l’annalistique romaine, tandis que les siècles étrusques duraient moins de cent ans…
14,50 €
Tacite et Sima Qian
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Tacitus and Sima Qian (ca. 140-85 BC, author of the Shiji, the Records of the Historian) are eminent representatives of Roman and ancient Chinese historiography…
14,50 €
Fonctions et images de la reine nabatéenne (Ier s. av. J.-C. – Ier s. ap. J.-C.)
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From Obodas III’s reign (30-9 BC), Nabataean kings and queens appeared together on the coins, like the Ptolemies. The queen took the attributes of Isis and Tyche in order to be the benefactress and protector of her people.
14,50 €