» Ancient languages
Égyptien hiéroglyphique. Exercices d'application

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French (See details)

39,00 €
L'Egyptien dans la tourmente

by Laura Parys. — Book in French. — This work constitutes the first academic monograph dedicated to the concept of isfet (disorder, chaos), based on an in-depth analysis of five major Egyptian literary texts, known as “pessimistic” (Details).

69,00 €
Grammaire élémentaire et pratique du sanskrit classique (3e édition)

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

77,50 €
Egyptien hiéroglyphique (4e éd., augmentée)

by Claude Obsomer. — This book is also available in English : "Hieroglyphic Egyptian. A Practical Grammar of Middle Egyptian"

75,00 €
Le récit du Papyrus Westcar

by Laura Parys. — Book in French. This study deepens the literary analysis and provides a renewed interpretation of this narrative text. It contains a unique hieroglyphic transcription, together with a personal translation and philological comments…  (Details)

38,00 €

by Carl Meissner and Pierre Altenhoven. — Book in French (See Details)

36,00 €
Le récit du Naufragé

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French  (Details)

38,00 €
Leo KENIS. — The Catholic University of Louvain, restored in 1834, provided for a limited number of courses in oriental languages at the Faculty of Theology. From 1836 to 1875, these courses were given by the Dutch theologian Jan-Theodoor Beelen (1807-1884), professor of Sacred Scripture…
14,50 €
Pierre-Maurice BOGAERT. — In the reviving Université catholique de Louvain (1835), the bishops of Belgium appointed to the chair of Biblical exegesis at the Faculty of Theology a Dutch priest, trained in philology according to the German scholarship, Jean-Théodore Beelen (1807-1884). He had to teach Biblical and rabbinic Hebrew, Biblical and talmudic Aramaic, Syriac and Arabic…
14,50 €
Sophie MEUNIER. — The Orientalist section of the Arts and Letters Library of the UCLouvain was built thanks to the work of men and women who dedicated themselves to the University and its community. The history of the creation of its collections is traced here…
14,50 €
Chrestomathie sanskrite

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

89,00 €
Tense, Aspect and Modality in the Sabellic Languages

by Reuben Pitts. — This work examines the grammatical expression of tense, aspect and modality (henceforth TAM) in the Sabellic languages, a group of epigraphically attested Italic languages spoken in the second half of the first millennium B.C.E. (See Details)

43,00 €

by Gilles Courtieu. — In French.

Who doesn't know Ulysses, from the earliest years, as a figure of the most ancient European literature?  Everyone thinks he knows him… (Details)

37,00 €
Abécédaire humoristique d’après les poètes latins

by Estelle Debuy, illustré par Mathieu "la Mine". — In French. Voici une manière ludique et amusante de réviser et de perfectionner son latin. Si certains de ces extraits font sourire, d’autres sembleront d’une étonnante actualité… (Details)

28,00 €
Le texte médical du Papyrus Ebers

by Dr Bernard Lalanne and Gérard Métra . — Book in French. The Ebers Papyrus, the most comprehensive medical document of Ancient Egypt, is now published in full for the first time and shows the hieroglyphic transcription of each plate with its transliteration and translation… (Details)

44,00 €
Hébreu biblique. Grammaire de base

by Agnès Tichit. —  Book in French (See Details)

33,00 €
Sanskrit classique. Cahier d’exercices

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

49,00 €
Grammaire comparée des langues sémitiques

by Jean-Claude Haelewyck. —  Book in French (See Details)

45,00 €
Sénèque l’Ancien
by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details)
32,00 €
Égyptien hiéroglyphique. Série pédagogique

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French (See Details)
 The grammar is available in English : "Hieroglyphic Egyptian. A Practical Grammar of Middle Egyptian" (See Details)

Manuel de critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament

Chr.-B. Amphoux (dir.). — Book in French.

DetailsThe authorsTable of contents

59,00 €
Le commentaire historique des sources littéraires de l'histoire romaine
by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details)
41,00 €
L'Évangile arabe selon saint Luc

by Samir Arbache. — Book in French (Details)

27,00 €
L'évangile de Marc en hébreu

by Agnès Tichit. — Book in French. Une étude qui porte sur la confrontation de deux traductions en hébreu de l’évangile de Marc… (Details)

47,50 €
Ad honorem per ardorem (grammaire)

by Alain Meurant and Anne-Marie Boxus. — Book in French (See details)

Ad honorem per ardorem (exercices)

by Alain Meurant and Anne-Marie Boxus. — Book in French (See details)

35,00 €
Routes et parcours mythiques

Collective. — Proceedings of the "Septième colloque international d'anthropologie du monde indo-européen et de mythologie comparée". Edited by Alain Meurant…

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Identité et altérité culturelles

Collectif. — Book in French (Details)

42,00 €
Dina (Genèse 34)


20,00 €
Le delta et la vallée du Nil

by Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French. The Nile valley has always been famous for its fertility resulting from periodic flooding. It is personified by the God Osiris who fertilizes Isis, the black earth. Dense vegetation then grows on this earth: “the great green”, called “Wadj-wer” in Egyptian… (Details). Out of stock

Dire le droit en Égypte pharaonique

by Alexandra Philip-Stéphan. — Book in French. Analyse de l'appareil judiciaire et des procédures juridictionnelles jusqu'au Nouvel Empire (1500 avant notre ère)…

Details in French
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59,00 €
Procédés synchroniques de la langue poétique en grec et en latin

Alain Blanc & Emmanuel Dupraz (dir.). —  Book in French (See details)

La morphologie akkadienne en tableaux

by Florence Malbran-Labat. —  Book in French (see details)

28,00 €
Pratique de la grammaire akkadienne

by Florence Malbran-Labat. — Book in French (see details)

40,00 €
Le verbe en hébreu biblique

by Agnès Tichit. — Book in French (See details)

56,00 €
Ouadj our (w3d wr)

by Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

Les campagnes de Sésostris dans Hérodote

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

Massimiliano CANUTI. — In this paper is proposed the indefinite pronoun « nobody » like translation of the Etruscan word enan
14,50 €
Sara LOPEZ. — The ‘Au series’ is a restricted group of six Linear B tablets dated to the Late Bronze Age and found in households located immediately outside the walls surrounding the site of Mycenae. These documents, which bear lists of personnel…
14,50 €
Adolfo ZAVARONI. — The inscriptions on the Monte Ribone stone, on the Genoa loom weight and on the stele statues from Bigliolo and Filetto II were considered probably Etruscan, but a careful examination shows that they contain ligatures typical of the Ligurian writing…
14,50 €
Massimiliano CANUTI. — This paper tries to analyse the question of Etruscan interpretability by a epistemological and theoretical point of view…
14,50 €
Arnaud DELANOY. — This article proposes a Semitic-based interpretation for Iberian texts, that remain still obscure to this day. Some older results obtained by the combinatorial method are also reused…
14,50 €
Massimiliano CANUTI. — Interlinguistics and comparative linguistics provide us the tools to demonstrate the external or casual provenience of Indo-European elements in Etruscan…
14,50 €
El Hadji Malick DEME. — In this essay, we propose to study the different varieties of bread contained in the texts of the pyramid of Unas…
14,50 €
Herman MOORS. — In a previous article published in issue XV of this journal, I proposed to read šmn, “oil”, in verse 1: 3b of the Song as šnm, “erected, lifted up”, cognate of šnm in Ugaritic and sanim in Arabic…
14,50 €
Claudia POSANI. — This paper is aimed at a comparative study of the figurative use of the word(s) for “head” in Greek and Ancient Near Eastern texts…
14,50 €
Zsolt SIMON. — Based on the combinatory analysis of some interconnected Carian inscriptions this paper argues that Carian mδa and related forms are not particle chains as generally held…
14,50 €
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