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Adolfo ZAVARONI. — In the valley of Ospitale (Modena province), in two sites where there is the greatest concentration of Ligurian inscriptions, the divine name Istios is associated with birds and the god himself is depicted as a bird-headed anthropomorphic…
14,50 €
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Esmaiel Maroufi AQHDAM et al. — Recent survey activities conducted in the Bukan region have led to the discovery of numerous previously unknown archaeological remains…
14,50 €
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Marco CAVALIERI. — The paper provides a brief overview of the Greek ‘colonisation’ of Sicily (mid-eighth to mid-sixth century BC) and of the presence of ceramics attesting to the migration towards the West…
14,50 €
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Éric GAILLEDRAT, Paul FONTAINE. — Thirty years after J. and L. Jehasse’s excavations, new archaeological researches on the Archaic and Hellenistic fortifications of Aleria challenge commonly accepted ideas about them…
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Mattias KARLSSON. — The ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations are seldom linked to the practice of cannibalism (anthropophagy). Nevertheless, there are isolated instances of references to cannibalism in ancient Egyptian…
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Gérard LAMBIN. — A careful rereading of the texts allows us to better understand Plato's idea of the divine and the gods, but also of the Good…
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Annunziata ROSITANI. — Reading passages taken from the wide range of texts that fall into the so-called Mesopotamian “wisdom literature” and “popular literature” makes it possible to present a range of female portraits, seen as mothers, wives, sisters, and young brides…
14,50 €
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Shane M. THOMPSON. — This article reevaluates the hunting passage from Šulgi B, focusing on lines 102-106 which list the athletic attributes of the king…
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Alessio AGOSTINI, Davide D’IMPERIO. — Les abécédaires, soit des documents épigraphiques qui présentent une succession ordonnée de lettres, constituent dans le monde sémitique une catégorie textuelle plutôt composite susceptible de donner lieu à plusieurs interprétations…
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Sydney H. AUFRÈRE. — This article looks at the subject from the angle of the crime at Aphroditopolis, where the goddess Isis is beheaded by her son Horus, and the consequences of this…
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Maria Elena BALZA. — In the 13th century BCE, the city of Emar was controlled by the kings of Karkemiš, who acted as Hittite viceroys in Syria…
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Dominique BRIQUEL. — The famous story of the sacrifice of Isaac by his father Abraham which is related in the book of Genesis offers a case of substitution of an animal victim for a human one…
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Roberto DAN. — Among the numerous Urartian archaeological sites known in the northern area of the Lake Van catchment area, one of the most important is certainly that of Kancıklı…
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Paola DARDANO. — Action nominals are mixed categories: although they have nominal external distribution, their internal syntax is not unlike that of a verb phrase…
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Estelle DEBOUY. — We know little about the atellane, the comedies which staged typical characters (Maccus, Pappus, Bucco and Dossennus) that originated with the Oscians and were in vogue under Sylla…
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Arnaud DELANOY. — Among the old writing systems of the Iberian peninsula, the Levantine system, also used in the south of Gaul, was a means to denote Iberian and Celtiberian…
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Pierre Mbid Hamoudi DIOUF. — This article concerns a category of dreams that have attracted the attention of the Ancients. These were dreams deemed to be "extraordinary", the content of which had a considerable impact on or foretold the dreamer…
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Stéphane FAYE. — This paper aims to show that Plutarch, Saint Basil and Porphyry, in their consolatory epistles, don’t show only their compassion for their addressees. Instead, they give them a cathartic and heuristic power…
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Christophe FLAMENT. — This study is devoted to the techniques and forms of exploitation of mining production in Laurion (Attica) during the 5th and 4th centuries BCE…
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Rita FRANCIA, Marianna POZZA. — This contribution will analyse the Hittite word ḫuntara-, both from the point of view of textual occurrence contexts and from an etymological one…
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Federico GIUSFREDI. — In this paper, I will reassess the merit of the metaphor of the “club” of the Great Kings as a descriptive model of the political and diplomatic dynamics of the Ancient Near East during the Late Bronze Age…
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Jean-Pierre LEVET. — Despite the publication of numerous works on the origins of Indo-European, the scientific community remains generally skeptical about the existence of a Eurasian or Nostratic macrofamily…
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Valentina LIMINA, Marco CAVALIERI. — This brief paper is about an important marble relief from a public but still unknown monument in Roman Volterra…
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Valerio PISANIELLO. — This article proposes a new edition of Muršili II’s highly fragmentary Pestgebet KBo 14.75…
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Claudia POSANI. — This paper is focused on line 468 of the Aeschylean tragedy “Seven against Thebes”…
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Éric RAIMOND. — Some texts let appear some rivals, who reveal a pantheon prior to Olympian Order…
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Jan TAVERNIER. — Dans cette brève lettre je souhaite partager quelques souvenirs des nombreux moments que nous avons déjà vécus ensemble, quand tu étais d’abord mon professeur, et puis mon collègue et ami…
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Marie Claude TREMOUILLE. — We present some examples of deliberative banquets and we suggest seeing one in the Bilingue…
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Jacques VANSCHOONWINKEL. — This article deals with nature in the Aegean world. Indeed, the plant world is very present in the representations of cultic scenes of the Minoan, Cycladic and Mycenaean worlds, whether in the form of floral offerings, by the presence of the tree or by the image of landscapes…
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by Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

La guerre de Ramsès II contre les Hittites

by Joseph Sturm and Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French and German (See details). Out of print

Les chevaux du Nouvel Empire égyptien

by Catherine Rommelaere. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

Les campagnes de Sésostris dans Hérodote

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

Stéphanie ANTHONIOZ. — This paper examines the polemic against idolatry in the Hebrew Bible diachronically and comparatively, considering the Mesopotamian sources, re-evaluating them and, what is new, looking at and comparing ancient Greek sources…
14,50 €
Mary R. BACHVAROVA. — The deity Appaluwa is added to the discussion of the origin of the Greek god Apollo alongside the Wilusan city god Appaliuna…
14,50 €
Sana BALDÉ. — This study, constituting a contribution to the political-institutional history of the Greek cities of Asia Minor, analyses the role of the college of archons in the city of Synnada, particularly during the Roman period…
14,50 €
Massimiliano CANUTI. — In this paper is proposed the indefinite pronoun « nobody » like translation of the Etruscan word enan
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Fabrice DE BACKER. — Thanks to the cross-study of different texts describing the royal funeral rituals during the Neo-Assyrian period, the archaeological evidences and the ethnographical comparisons, som different components of the embalming fluid can be identified…
14,50 €
Fabrice DE BACKER. — Although the development of the Assyrian cavalry has often been the subject of much research, it is not the same for the precise identification of the horsemen who escort the Assyrian archers mounted on the bas-reliefs of Assurnasirpal II and of some of his successors…
14,50 €
Clara DE PUTTER. — Harpocrates, the young son of Isis and Osiris (and later Serapis), is one of the most popular deities of Greco-Roman Egypt…
14,50 €
Benjamin DIOUF. — The Greek historian Herodotus left some interesting and well-researched information about Libyan women during classical antiquity…
14,50 €
Paul FONTAINE. — This article aims the ancient fortifications, looking at their monumentalisation and theatricality, using these modern concepts for better understandig of ancient practices…
14,50 €
Mattias KARLSSON. — Relations between Egypt and Mesopotamia were particularly close in the seventh century BCE, when the Neo-Assyrian empire controlled Egypt for about a decade. This period of close relations is partly illuminated by onomastic evidence…
14,50 €
Behrouz KHANMOHAMMADI, Roberto DAN. — This article discusses an important site located in north-western Iran, not far from the border between Iran and Turkey…
14,50 €
Sara LOPEZ. — The ‘Au series’ is a restricted group of six Linear B tablets dated to the Late Bronze Age and found in households located immediately outside the walls surrounding the site of Mycenae. These documents, which bear lists of personnel…
14,50 €
Giuseppe SAMO, Giuliano CARACCIOLO. — The goal of this paper is to offer a model to classify automatically Latin inscriptions on the basis of text-internal criteria…
14,50 €
Zsolt SIMON. — The Ligyes mentioned by Herodotus in Anatolia is one of the forgotten unsolved problems of the ethnolinguistic history of Ancient Anatolia…
14,50 €
Adolfo ZAVARONI. — The inscriptions on the Monte Ribone stone, on the Genoa loom weight and on the stele statues from Bigliolo and Filetto II were considered probably Etruscan, but a careful examination shows that they contain ligatures typical of the Ligurian writing…
14,50 €
Valentin BOYER. — In French. — Majestic and imposing, the Sphinx of Giza exerts a certain fascination on those who contemplate it. His facial expression, his massiveness, his enigmatic silence contribute to this strange mystery that envelops him…